The Real Ones Reserved Podcast


August 25, 2022 MDEE The Veteran Episode 11

On today's episode of the show I talk about being tough as nails and using it to push through whatever challenges you may be facing in your life.

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On today's episode or the real ones reserve podcast. We talk about being tough as nails. You don't wanna miss this episode. Let's go baby.  Whoa. Now it's your boy MDEE The veteran, and welcome to the real ones reserved podcast where we talk about real things that need to be talked about. Disclaimer, I am not a licensed psychologist, therapist, psychiatrist, counselor or any type of behavioral health expert. These are only my  thoughts, and ideas. With that being  said if you care to  listen, do so with an open mind, let's go.

yo what's happening everybody. Good morning to y'all welcome to the real ones reserve podcast with your. MDEE  The  veteran where we talk about self-awareness and inspirational things over here. So let's get into it on today's episode, we're gonna be talking about being toughest nails. So I know somebody's pondering.

Hmm. Why do I have to be tough as nails? Or why are we talking about being tough as nails? So let's talk about the characteristics of a nail real quick. I'm not the top expert in nails or screws or anything like that, but I know they're made of metal for the most part. And they come in all shapes in sizes.

Uh, they have a tip at the end. Uh, they're typically flat on the top and they're pretty strong. It's sharp. Right. It's designed to drive through objects. It's designed to. Get to its destination. Uh, and the top of it is a flat head. Now, if you've been around for more than a day, you know, life ain't always fair.

Life is going to keep giving you more and more and more and hammering on top of that nail. It doesn't care if you're at your destination or what you got going. It's just gonna keep hammering, but that nail is designed to take a beaten. We all are designed to take a beaten. We all are toughest nails. You have to realize that we are a resilient bunch.

We could just keep taking things as a society and we just keep coming back. So these nail. Get driven in by some type of force, whether it's a hammer or sledge hammer or, um, a butter knife or whatever you wanna, , whatever you wanna use, they get driven into whatever object that they're supposed to be driven into.

So whatever that tool is that's being used is powerful. It's powerful enough to. That nail to its destination that drive whatever that force is, is powerful enough to press through whatever object or whatever type of material that you're trying to get that nail through. So as it relates to people or as this message relates to people, We all have some type of force, some type of drive that is applying pressure to us, pressing us.

That's allowing us to power through whatever object, whatever challenge that we are facing. Now, I want to take this time and talk about a late actor, um, that just inspired so many people while he was here on earth. And that is Mr. Chadwick Boseman. And I bring him up because that man was toughest nails. He completed a number of films while he was very sick with cancer.

And I can't necessarily say I could have did that, but when I think about him, I'm trying to play with the ideas of what his force might have. What his driving force may have been the fans, his family, um, his legacy. What was that driving force for him to allow him to push through so many difficulties that he must have faced with his health, his relationships.

And I can imagine so many other things, you know, but. R I P to Mr. Boseman, uh, definitely a lot of love there loved his movies, but, uh, I brought him up to talk about just his resiliency and that he was just tough. He was tough going through all of those things and, you know, still finding the time to film movies and.

So I mentioned the drive talking about Mr. Bolman. So let me dive a little deeper into that. Uh, term the drive can be a number of things. The, the drive can be your wife, your kids, your will to succeed, doubters haters, your health, your money, your fitness, whatever. Honestly guys, I'm that person that I will do the most.

for people that doubt me, people that think I can accomplish something just because they think it's a lot or it's out of their league. I will do the most to prove them wrong. That's always been me. Um, I mean, I don't know. I've always been pretty competitive and it's just in my nature. Wanna prove people wrong, prove to myself that I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to.

And it feels great. It feels great to accomplish things that people think you can accomplish. So that's one of my driving forces. Now through that whole process, you have to be tough as nails because life is going to. Challenges are going to get in the way, um, just a number of things to try to throw you off track and you have to be focused.

You have to be locked in. You have to be tough as nails and your force has to be strong enough to get you to the end, to push you to your goal or whatever you're trying to accomplish. That's why that force is extremely important to push you and push you and drive you to the point to where you have the energy, the motivation, and the dedication to get it done.

That's a recipe, that's commitment, that's consistency. All these things you'll need along the way. And you have to be extremely strong. You have to be strong minded, strong willed. You have to. In the mental space to get to your destination. Also, you have your loved ones watching. You got your haters, watching, you got your daughters, watching.

You got everybody watching what you're doing. I know a lot of people who have pushed through the pain day in and day out, dealing with circumstances out of their control. You know, their health has took a. Their relationships have took a hit, but they remain toughest nails. Those type folks inspire me to be toughest nails.

And I hope that I can inspire them to be toughest nails. I mean, I love getting people pumped up. I love talking to my friends that get me pumped up. It's just a wonderful feeling, um, to have these type of people in your. So wrapping up today's show, we talked about being tough as nails, uh, the characteristics of the nail, the type of force that drives the nail.

And I hope that you guys all learn something on today. I hope I didn't overcomplicate things and I hope this is enough fuel for you on. And that's always, it's your boy, the veteran. So who you think you're better than.