The Real Ones Reserved Podcast


MDEE The Veteran Episode 22

In today's episode, I discuss why everyone should dream their biggest dream. This life that we live isn't forever, We only have a moment to do what we love. Let us cherish it and really get after what we want to be doing in life. Be passionate, steadfast and strong while chasing your biggest dream. Hope you all enjoy this episode!!

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Speaker 1:

Coming up on the Real Ones Reserve podcast, we'll be talking about Dream, Your biggest dream. You don't wanna miss this one, baby. Let's go. Whoa. Now it's your Boyd veteran, and welcome to the Ones Reserve. We talk about real things that need to talked about. Disclaimer, Im not a licensed psychologist. The, Hey, what's happening, everybody? It's your hosts, MD, the veteran, and welcome to the Real Ones Reserved podcast where we talk about mental health, inspiration and motivation. The Real ones Reserved podcast does this by providing relatable content to let you all know that you're not alone in the fight. So before we get into it today, I just wanna wish everyone a great day. Hope you're having a great day, or had a great day. Wherever you are in the world, um, dream your biggest dream. So I hear somebody pondering, Hmm, md why are we having to dream our biggest dream? Simple. We only got one life. Do you wanna have a mediocre life? Do you want to have a life of not accomplishing anything? Do you not wanna create a legacy? That's why you should dream your biggest dream. We only got one shot at this thing. Ain't no coming back. Ain't no, uh, mulligan or spa or none of that. You gotta dream your biggest dream and walk towards your biggest dream. Now these are just a couple ideas of dreams that you could have. Maybe you have a passion towards people, or music, or winning or cooking or some type of art or financial freedom. Now that's just an introduction to each of these things. They could dive much deeper. So for people, let's say you wanna be a policeman, you wanna be a surgeon, a judge, a lawyer, a pastor, something of that sort where you deal with people on the regular, you know, and you just love that type of thing. You love interacting with people. You love serving people, or you love encouraging people. And we need plenty people like that in this world. You know, selfless, people willing to take care of others. People that even take care of others better than themselves at times. Now, I'm not saying that's healthy habit, but if you love serving people, if you love ha uh, helping people, then that's a great passion to have. Now, I know that was a lot of people, I just named<laugh>, but I just wanted to give you guys, you know, a bigger scope on what I'm talking about. I wanted you guys to see how each subject you could drill down even further and further into them, uh, regarding your passion or your dreams. Now, not to insult anybody's intelligence, but what if you don't have a dream or know what a dream is, or, um, just don't feel like you're good at anything. I would challenge you to pay attention to yourself. Notice those things you get excited about. Whatever you get excited about, that's your talent, that's your dream. And if you're anything like me, it's okay to have multiple dreams. I have multiple, I have so many things I dream about or want to accomplish in this life that I'm not gonna be fulfilled until I accomplish them. Now, I know people who know me or my family, they probably like Bun md, Malcolm, Man, you've accomplished a lot already. True. I, I have, but I'm not done yet. You know, I still have my mindset on accomplishing those dreams that I have. Like, man, I love telling this story about trying to become a war off saying a United States army. I remember submitting my packet, doing all the paperwork. Anybody tell you, it is a tedious process. You're like filling out paperwork for weeks. Feels like it. Um, and they just very particular how they want everything done, you know? And I submitted my packet the first time I got it kicked back. I didn't get selected. I submitted it the second time. I didn't get selected, but I submitted it the third time and I got selected. And I tell you guys this story because I knew what I wanted and I just kept going. Regardless. I had dreams of being a Warren officer years way before that. I would just love how they conducted business. I love the professional attitude, the positive attitude that, you know, the, the cohort exemplified. I loved everything about it. So, um, it was a challenge, but I was not gonna let anything take me away from accomplishing that dream. Now, I used that story to springboard into these other topics that I want to talk to you about, uh, along the way, different things I experienced, you know, trying to get there. And whatever you do in their life, it's always gonna be a process. You know, I see people give up on things after the first try. I'm like, Dude, you know where we would be if everyone gave up the first time they tried something, they had to dream. They biggest dream. They had to follow through on what they dreamed about. Now, along the way, I remember people trying to make me feel like I was unqualified, but I kept chasing my dream regardless of what I saw. Um, regardless of how I felt, I kept walking towards and moving towards, um, what I saw in store for myself in store, for my future, in store, for my family. And as I stated previously, this thing is a process. Okay? And you better get ready to be alone in a lot of situations. You better be self-motivated, you better be consistent. You better be, uh, not easily distracted because so many things are going to come against you during the process. You have to see that end state. You have to be attached to that dream. You have to be obsessed with that dream. You can't let anything distract you, right? So don't depend on support. Don't, uh, depend on friends. You are going to have to get to where you're going sometimes all by yourself, all by my said. Yep. Just like that. All by yourself. And that's okay. You're strong enough, you're conditioned enough to get to where you're going. You know, I'm sure many other experiences in life have shaped you to walk through current challenges. And please get ready for the unexpected ops. How the young kids say Ops, That's all you gonna get is ops. They gonna come against you. They gonna say you don't know what you're doing. They gonna say you're in qualified. They gonna say you don't belong. They gonna say, I'm better than you. They're gonna say, I could do that too. They're gonna make you feel like nothing is special about you and you shouldn't be striving towards that goal. But you better dream your biggest dream. You better lock in because so many things are gonna try to get you off course. You better be focused day in and day out. Understand why you doing it. Understand why you chasing your dream. Who wants to live a regret? Regret is a painful killer. How many people you hear each week saying, Oh man, I should have woulda, coulda. I almost that don't count, man, the saint almost made it to the Super Bowl almost, man, I don't even know why I brought that memory up. That's still painful for me. But y'all get what I'm saying. I almost, we almost chase your dreams. Chase your biggest dreams. Don't give up for anybody. Now, just to talk about these ops for a little while, these ops can be camouflage very good. They can be family members. Ooh, my goodness, they could be close friends. Oh my goodness. Or they could be just somebody watching you from afar. Oh my goodness, can y'all believe that? That's ridiculous. And you know why they are ops, Are they haters on you? Because they don't have the courage to chase their dreams. Hmm hmm. They don't have it. They don't have the courage. They don't have the tenacity. They don't have the strength, they don't have the personal courage. Man, anybody feel that right now? They don't have the courage, but they want to hate on somebody that does. I tell you what, I have so much respect for people that put themselves out there. That's an extremely hard thing to do. You open yourself up to criticism, you open yourself up to, uh, people trying to make fun of you, which is stupid. Like, I just don't understand that myself. But I just have so much respect for people that are grinding, who are trying to grind out their vision, who are trying to live out their dreams, who are trying to be obedient to their dreams, who are investing in themselves, who are investing in their future. Excuse me. And you dream chasers. Get ready for the fake congratulations, uh, girl, I know you was gonna do it. Congratulations. Oh, bro, man, I knew you was gonna do it, MD I got all your seat days. I got all your podcasts. Get ready for the fake congrats guys. Get ready for the, Oh, I know such and such. They, they was my best friend coming up 20 years ago. Oh, I know that person. They used to live right there. They ain't about nothing. Like get ready for the fake congrats in the people that knew you once upon a time and they're still holding onto memories way back when. Also, you're gonna need to look out for those crabs in the barrel. They see you reaching for the sky, trying to climb up, trying to rise up, and they gonna grab you by whatever they could grab you by. They gonna grab you by your, your coattail. They gonna grab you by your jeans. They gonna grab you by your t-shirt. They gonna say, Come here. Why are you trying to leave and better yourself? Why are you trying to chase your gr your dreams? Don't you see us comfortable in this bucket? You don't wanna be in the bucket. You don't wanna be in somebody's crab boil,<laugh>. You don't wanna be, uh, mediocre. You don't wanna just be satisfactory. It's more to life than just being bare minimum. That is so weak. And it's sad that people live their whole lives and they don't dream of accomplishing anything. They don't dream of their kids accomplishing anything. That's very sad. Take a moment and think about that. Y'all, How many people do you know that have died and they didn't accomplish anything besides graduating from high school? Life is much bigger than that. Life is much broader than that. I mean, I barely could sleep at night because I wanna accomplish so much stuff. I'm afraid to run out of time. That's crazy to me that you guys can sleep so comfortably at night without chasing you dreams. Like you're not making the most of your life. You're not making the most of your opportunity. Now, I get that some people are, uh, are bound to their situations at this time. You know, let's say you're a single parent and you, you just don't have the time or the money to chase your dreams. I get that. I get that, you know, but at some point, them kids gonna get out the house and you could chase whatever dream you want. Then, you know, I was one of them that had to take care of my responsibilities. Now I get to chase my dream, you know, And I don't mind being the age that I am trying to chase my dreams. I'm just getting started. I'm still a young man and I've had a previous career, you know? So don't let anybody dictate when you could stop chasing your dream or put age limitations on your dream if you're 45, 50 years old and want to get back into school. So what? Do your thing, chase your dreams. Don't listen to what people have to say, because at the end of the day, when you don't accomplish what you dreamed about, excuse me, it's gonna be just you and your thoughts, and they're gonna eat you up. They're gonna eat you up when you run out of time. That's why you better do as much as you can, as fast as you can. And don't get, uh, complacent, Oh, I did so much yesterday. I don't have to do anything today. Uh, wrong aint wrong. You have to keep chipping away at your dreams. You're responsible for making these things happen. If you don't invest and put time into your craft or whatever you're trying to accomplish, that's on you, you gotta grind it out. So you better go your butt to school. You better go your butt to work. You better put those hours wherever you need to. If your dream is to be a physical fitness instructor or, um, trainer, or whatever you wanna call it, you need to put in that word. You need to make sacrifices. And sacrificing ain't always easy. And here's a very bold statement. You won't get to where you feel you need to be without sacrificing. You won't get to where you need to be without sacrificing. It's very hard to find the time. But you have to, you have to make time to work on your craft, to do research, to do all the things necessary to get you there. And let's be real. If you one of those people that's lazy, unwilling to work, it's not going to happen. You have to be, like I said, self-motivated. You need to be ready to work on this thing every day, like every day. Just like somebody that comes to your house every day,<laugh>. And you gotta be willing to work on this thing in a huge point that I honestly almost miss, is the reason why I'm telling you guys, you have to be passionate about your dreams is that's the thing that's gonna save you when you don't feel like doing it. Your passion will help you to power through those challenges along the way. So if your dreams have your passion, uh, incorporate it in them and it makes it easier for you. Like, for example, my passion is helping people. So I love doing this podcast. It's nothing for me to do this podcast, okay? Um, I love music, right? And I try to help people through my music as well. And that's another outlet for me. So I don't get tired of either one of these things, you know? So you could see me working for hours and hours at a time, but I'm good to go. You know? So hopefully if you don't have a clue of what you're passionate about, I want you guys to start brainstorming and just seeing what you like, you know, what do you feel energized by, um, when you think of it. Then once you discover whatever that is, just chase it, chase your dreams, Give it all you got. See what happens. I think you look stupid if you don't try. You're just showing people how much power they have over you. If you're too afraid to give your own self a shot and listen to what everybody else gotta say, then you're tripping big time. Like you're tripping. Big time. Wrapping up today's episode or the Real Ones Reserve podcast, I hope you guys all learn something. I hope you enjoyed this podcast on today. Um, and I hope it hit home for you. I hope it did something for you. Uh, just a quick recap. We talked about why it's important to dream your biggest dream, some of the things you're gonna face, the test, the trials, and all the things that you're gonna need to make it to the next level. Again, guys, I want to thank y'all for tuning into the Real Ones Reserve. And again, it's your host, your boy, md. The veteran is the veteran. So who you.