The Real Ones Reserved Podcast


MDEE The Veteran Episode 24

In today's episode, We discuss what it means to trust your gut and the importance of doing so. Some people don't realize the power of a strong gut feeling, In all situations take a moment to see exactly what your gut is telling you. 


Definition of gut. (n.d.). Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-trusted online dictionary.

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Speaker 1:

Coming up on the Real Ones Reserve podcast, we'll be talking about trusting your gut. You don the one, Miss this one baby. Let's go. Whoa. Now it's your boy MD, the veteran, and welcome to the Real Ones Reserve podcast. We talk about real things that need to be talked about. Disclaimer, I'm not a licensed psychologist, therapists, psychiatrist, counselor type, behavioral health expert. These only thoughts, ideas. That being said, if you listen, do so with a open mind. Let's, What's up everybody, It's your boy, your host, md, the veteran, and welcome back to the Real Ones Reserve podcast. Yeah, I'm extremely excited to have you all back on this wonderful Friday. I hope you guys are doing great. Hope y'all had a great week. Uh, I hope y'all had a blessed, productive week. You know what I'm saying? If you're joining us for the first time, this podcast is about mental health and it's meant to be inspiring and motivating to you all. We do this by providing relatable content to let you all know that you aren't alone in the fight. Also, we definitely gonna keep it real. That's why this is the Real Ones Reserve podcast. And we gonna be optimistic, but realistic, always, we're gonna be optimistic, but realistic. So without further ado, let's get into today's topic. I hear somebody pondering, Hmm, md why do we need to trust our gut? Trusting our gut to me is like Spider-Man, trusting his spy sense is that overall feeling you get about something. It's like, you know, when you nervous and your, your stomach start hurting and stuff like that, that's your brain preparing your body for some bad news, some exciting news. Um, it could go either way, you know what I'm saying? Your body already knows what's coming. Your brain already knows what's coming. So it is preparing your body for, you know, whatever type of shock that it's going to get, whether it's a good shock or bad shock. So let's look at the word gut. All right? I understand that there are many nouns, adjectives and verbs, other word gut, but I want pay special attention to one non relat to the topic at hand. So let's look at the word gut. So Miriam Webster has the first definition of gut, the, uh, the now gut, the basic, visceral, emotional or instinctual part of a person. That's a very good, uh, definition,<laugh>. So what I want to do now is utilize the word gut as the root word for a few different expressions we're going to talk about. So check it out. How many times have you said the statement, something told me to do this or that something? What do you think? That was your gut instinct. Some people call it intuition, I believe it could be called either, but it's associated with your, your gut or that visceral feeling of, you know, knowing that that knowing on the inside. Now, not to get too technical and take you guys for a long ride off subject, but the primal brain is also responsible for this too, technically, because different parts of that section of the brain are, uh, responsible for survival and drive and instinct. But I'm just throwing that out there. Those things shift down to the gut, like I kind of mentioned earlier, but I just wanted to throw that out there. Or how many times have you felt a certain way about a situation and learn later on that your gut reaction was appropriate for that scenario? Like, for example, you take a test, you think, or you feel that you made a good grade that could go one of two ways. You could be, uh, spot on or you could be way off. I believe that your body initially told you you should already know if you did well, that's your gut reaction. Or if you didn't do well, your gut reaction. No, I know some of y'all are proudly wondering, is your gut always right? I'd say no. Um, we ain't robots. Of course, we all make mistakes. Um, but from a learning standpoint, we've all been wrong before. Matter of fact, I don't know anyone that doesn't have some type of regret or, um, some type of belief that they know they jack something up. But at the end of the day, I would much rather trust my own gut. I would much rather trust my own internal systems because they're mine. So they analyze my situation better than anybody who I trust or may entrust to talk about things with or get advice from. I'm not saying be a know it all, but you shouldn't rely on people more than you rely on your own systems, your own, uh, survivability, your own perception, your own trust. You need to trust yourself, trust your gut more than anyone else because no one, I mean, no one has this thing fully figured out. Call life, not even myself. I'm striving and working to gain a better understanding each day. Learn to trust your gut. Learn to trust yourself because if you don't, you're dependent on others. You're dependent on other people's gut. Think about how crazy that sounds. You're dependent on everyone else's gut besides your own, your own instincts. You don't trust your own instincts. Learn to trust your own instincts. And I'm not saying that you won't ever mess up, but you would feel a whole lot better messing up from your own, uh, thought process or problem solving skills, uh, than to go with someone else's ideas and them fail you. And you're like, I should have did this. Exactly. That's what you should have done. And I get it guys. Sometimes there's very complex problems. Uh, you seem overwhelmed by certain situations. If you feel the need, yeah, talk to someone, get help, you know, we always need help. But what I'm saying is for the less complex things, trust your gut. If you're completely out to lunch and don't get it, that's when you ask for help. If you have certain feelings about friends or family or you know, you just have a sense of them not being good for you, trust your gut. If you feel like you don't need something from the store and you're just stuck, trust your gut. If you're not getting a drift of what I'm saying by now, I'm just trying to plainly say trust yourself. Trust yourself in every situation. Trust those feelings, those emotions that you feel and deal with the results. I know too many that get stuck and they can't make decisions they overwhelmed with, you know, the complexity of the problems. Or some people just are overthinkers. I get that. You need to try to simplify things and you need to go with how you feel. Just make a decision and live with the results. But don't get stuck. Wrapping up today's show. I hope you guys learn something, man. Um, today was a short one. Um, I don't wanna take up all you guys time. I know it's Friday. I know y'all wanna go party a I'm gonna go party too. So<laugh> also, I just want to thank you guys again for, uh, tuning into the show. Make sure you like, subscribe, comment, do all of that stuff. Make sure you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, you name it. Follow your boy, MD the veteran. And as always, it's the veteran. So who you think you better than.