The Real Ones Reserved Podcast


Episode 31

Date: 10 January 2023

Name of Podcast: The Real Ones Reserved Podcast

Episode title and number: You're A Good Person (Episode 31).

 Summary of episode: On today’s show I discuss the importance of why it's critical to view yourself the right way. Hope you all enjoy! And i hope it helps you have a better day!

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Good morning it's  your host MDEE The veteran of the real ones reserved podcast and I got a great show lined up for y'all today man hopefully it does something for me does something for you spirit leaves you feeling motivated and enlightenment so again this is the real ones reserved podcast where we're optimistic but realistic over here okay optimistic but realistic so before we get started man I need you to like subscribe share the show so we could help other people we could get other people apart of our tribe and that's what it's about all just trying to walk through life and help each other you know what I'm saying so without further ado let's get it popping I hear somebody ponder empty why is it important to understand or talk about your being a good person or you're a good person I think that uh it's important to feed yourself that statement you're a good person because there is enough shame there's enough guilt there's enough hate to go around people feed themselves the wrong things all the time you know both physically and mentally so I think this important to feed your spirit the right type of food or say the correct positive information affirmations about yourself now we all need some work I'm not saying don't acknowledge that you need to seek self-improvement but what I'm saying is touch yourself a little bit of slack myself included because you know we have all done things that we're ashamed of in life you know we've had situations where we're wrong and you know we choose to ignore you know the basic facts about the situation just because you know we want to look past that I'm not saying in those cases you should say hey I'm a dead person no you need to we all need to work on ourselves and work on just the right perspective or having multiple perspectives in certain situations I also think that if we're not teaching ourselves these positive affirmations it allows us to be open to developing some type of insecurity you know it's very easy to become insecure of oneself especially when everyone's advertising happy they are how good they look or you know what they have it's very easy to fall into insecurity or feeling like you don't measure up with the rest of society or with the rest of society is doing or which you should have for your particular age range or whatever don't lose focus on the fact that you're a good person in the midst of all of this stuff that's trying to take your attention away from yourself there are so many different outlets and sources of media to keep you distracted but I think the most important thing is to not lose yourself in the midst of all the chaos or you know all the negativity just focus on yourself and focus on you're a good person because if you're anything like me I'm like super hard for myself I know that and my loved ones know that and you know those close to me they pretty much tell me what I'm telling you like hey give yourself a break touch yourself some slack it's not you don't have to go 1000 mph per day just to feel accomplished so you know I try to remember that and you know implement that in my life and make the necessary changes it's also important to know that you're a good person because other people will guilt trip you to death or they'll try to they'll say hey you didn't do this or hey you're such a bad person because it is or you're a liar or you're whatever because they have insecurities within themselves or they're doing something wrong themselves that's why you need to stay locked in on what you have going on and know that you're a good person again I'm not saying be delusional but be factual be factual in your approach and be real with yourself as far as how did I contribute or what did I do to be called this or whatever you can be a good person and still make mistakes which we all do which everyone is flawed but we're not going to focus on the negative we want to focus on the positive because there's so much negative that could be dwelled upon but no if you want to be a happy person if you want to be a confident person you need to focus on the fact that you're a good person and I don't know about you guys but I know if I thought about how bad I was every day or about all the shameful things that I've done in life would be in a bad mental state I would not feel good about myself I wouldn't feel good about my future or where I'm going to be in the afterlife or whatever you want to call it that's why I just try to keep it moving each day man and just try to wake up and put my best foot forward you know like I always tell my kids life is hard enough you can't be against yourself also you know if you waking up with a negative mindset I'm so ugly I'm not handsome or I'm not smart I'm thinking these things about yourself you already had a deficit you already um hurt yourself you know and I know I started talking a little bit about you know features but it all starts with the idea of or the positive mindset of being a good person once you look at yourself in that type of way you'll start looking at yourself more positive you know with your looks and you know how you feel about yourself mentally you know that's why it's important to get off to a good start each day not just uh blah blah blah blah yeah your whole day is going to be just like that blah blah blah blah no you need to wake up with the mindset of hay I have another opportunity to be amongst the living and living do my very best today you know and that starts shaping your day like I did a training a couple years ago and it was with Penn State I believe because he instructors were from and we had some training where we talked about thinking traps all those negative thoughts those are thinking traps you know it's like why are you thinking that way about yourself that's very negative so you have to get your mind up to speed your mind in the positive direction daily can't wake up or get the day started thinking look at me like no you need to wake up like man I'm brace wouldn't be here they have a positive mindset and be like hey I deserve to be here I'm a good person wrapping up today's show I hope you all learned something man I hope this episode really did something for you because I know there is enough people out there that feel just swamped with guilt and regret and all these things that could just eat away at you so I hope this message helped you on today continue to tune into the real ones reserve podcast where we're optimistic but realistic and you know I'm on all y'all to have a great day man and as always it's your boy the veteran so who you think yah better than.