17. YOU are the Talent: Advocate for Yourself and Take Questions Seriously

November 09, 2022 Sheridan Sharp

Thriller author Maggie Giles takes a seat with host Sheridan Sharp to talk about her experience with the query/publishing process, including an almost-signed book deal that SHE turned down. Get a greater understanding of the power in your gut instinct and the importance of getting your book deal questions answered when the time comes. 

Learn about what it’s like writing with Aphantasia (the inability to form mental images of objects that are not present), the learning benefits from the query process, and being true to what you love.


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Beyond the Pear Blossoms by Shawna Rodrigues
Sheridan’s Goodreads

 About Maggie Giles

Maggie Giles is a Canadian author who is usually daydreaming about fictional characters. Always looking for a new creative outlet, Maggie dove into writing a novel headfirst. She has been a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association since 2014 where she works as their Social Media Director. She also has an irrational obsession with Shawn Spencer. The Things We Lost is her first novel. Her sophomore novel, Twisted, will be out September 19, 2023.