We Really Need To Talk

A Geriatrician Talks Health Care Decisions

Ithaca College Gerontology Institute Season 1 Episode 3

Dr. Thomas Caprio, who specializes in geriatric medicine, hospice, and palliative care at the University of Rochester Medical Center, discusses life-sustaining treatments in the case of a serious illness and at the end of life.  He talks about the importance of the healthcare proxy and how that person can work with the healthcare team to respect the patient's wishes around care. He’ll also touch on medical jargon and how it’s okay to ask your doctor to explain the situation in terms you can understand. 




We Really Need to Talk is funded by the Finger Lakes Geriatrics Education Center at the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute. Editing and production support provided by Dr. Becky Lane and Jay Williamson at the Center for Creative Technology at Ithaca College.

Web: www.ithaca.edu/gerontology-institute
Email us icgi@ithaca.edu