Picking Daisies

The Postpartum Panel

Mary Hendricks Season 1 Episode 39

Did you know that 1 in 5 women will experience maternal mental health conditions during pregnancy or the first year of postpartum? And 75% of those women will go untreated? As someone who has dealt personally with PPA and PPD, the topic of maternal mental health has always been near and dear to my heart. And when it comes to postpartum care, that topic alone can be discussed for hours. Because there is so much that needs to happen in that arena to help mothers. A simple 6 week post visit just doesn't cut it.

Today I am joined by not just one but 5 other women to help me speak on these issues and experiences. Katie Sproul, Jordan Bradford, Emily Dickt, Britt Hanlon, and Jessica Meninger. Each brings something so amazing to the table and shares in a way that any listen can relate. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Postpartum health care
  • The Village disappearing
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Self harm
  • Mom rage

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