Picking Daisies

Learning to live past the fear with Krissy Lanier

Mary Hendricks Season 1 Episode 6

This one is a story about HOPE.

I'm talking to Krissy Lanier, mom of 3, who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 9. A diagnosis that is so much more than the "drink your juice, Shelby" we know from Steel Magnolias.   Krissy decided at a very young age to not have kids via pregnancy, and instead adopted two beautiful babies to call her own. Spoiler alert: her journey in motherhood does not end there. 

Here's a glimpse of what we dive into:

  • Dealing with medical trauma, and the impact it can have on your life
  • Toying with feelings of joy, amidst upset and isolation
  • The adoption journey
  • A surprise pregnancy 

Krissy Lanier joins me as a "Real Life Mom," part of a series of guests I bring on each month who don't necessarily have a social media presence for the public. Krissy's debut book will be available on Amazon on June 20th.  You can pre-order here.  

Join Mary everyday for a real look into life with 3 crazy ass kids, surviving, thriving, and whatever the F else you might consider over at www.instagram.com/theverymarylife. Or if you're a Tik Tok fan, find me at https://www.tiktok.com/@theverymarylife. And of course, explore more on Theverymarylife.com

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