Picking Daisies

Honest, Not Negative

Mary Hendricks Season 2 Episode 10

I love my son, but... I don't really like him right now.

I am admitting this because I have a really good feeling that you understand! Recently I have felt like I'm finally coming up for air and then BAM! Here comes my 3-yearold, testing every last inch of me.

So, what's happening that makes me say all of this? In this episode, I'm sharing:

  • Some behavior issues that I'm struggling to manage
  • Making connections impossible
  • Feeling isolated in this season of motherhood
  • Worrying about traumatizing the kids, but what about us as parents?
  • Figuring out ways to help you help yourself

We as moms need to come together, and own up to the fact that we all have our moments. Being honest through the hard stuff will help us not feel so damn alone. If you know someone who never complains... worry about them. Join me for some honest camaraderie! 

Join Mary everyday for a real look into life with 3 crazy ass kids, surviving, thriving, and whatever the F else you might consider over at www.instagram.com/theverymarylife. Or if you're a Tik Tok fan, find me at https://www.tiktok.com/@theverymarylife. And of course, explore more on Theverymarylife.com

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