Picking Daisies

Be Your Breast Friend

Mary Hendricks Season 2 Episode 11

Let’s talk boobs! Like, really get to know them. And trust me, you’ll want to grab a pen to take some notes because this episode is FULL of valuable information - not just for women, but men too! Anyone and everyone who has breast tissue, you need to listen up. 

Dr. Robyn Roth, also known as The Boobie Doc, is here to answer a lot of your questions, and makes some recommendations to consider when advocating for your own health.

The "bRest" breast convo you’ll hear:

  • Why you should know your lifetime risk
  • Genetic screening: where to get it, and how to gain free or discounted access
  • When and how to do a self breast exam
  • What happens if you do need further attention or testing for breast cancer
  • How to arm yourself with the right questions so you are empowered in your healthcare options

In this episode, we also discuss a very important deadline involving YOUR input on what breast health recommendations should be in the US. You can find the form to submit for that here: https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/uspstf/breast-cancer-screening-draft-recommendation

Dr. Roth is a board certified radiologist that specializes in breasts, raising awareness in an educational and approachable way. You can find her on Instagram @theBoobieDocs and listen to her podcast, “The Boobie Docs: The Girlfriend’s Guide to Breast Cancer, Breast Health and Beyond.” 

Join Mary everyday for a real look into life with 3 crazy ass kids, surviving, thriving, and whatever the F else you might consider over at www.instagram.com/theverymarylife. Or if you're a Tik Tok fan, find me at https://www.tiktok.com/@theverymarylife. And of course, explore more on Theverymarylife.com

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