J and J erryday

The Intriguing World of Whale Explosions and Vintage iPhones

August 03, 2023 Jay and Jim Episode 51
The Intriguing World of Whale Explosions and Vintage iPhones
J and J erryday
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J and J erryday
The Intriguing World of Whale Explosions and Vintage iPhones
Aug 03, 2023 Episode 51
Jay and Jim

What happens when you combine a 2007 iPhone, a whale explosion, and a company sending DNA deep into space? You get one heck of a curious conversation, brimming with intriguing facts, weird news, and the odd personal anecdote. Alongside our charismatic guest, Alan, we dive into the strange world of expensive vintage technology, ponder on the rationale behind the bizarre Mountain Dew puppy monkey baby commercial, and even take a moment to acknowledge our J&J Air Day swag contest winners.

Let's journey together through a wide spectrum of peculiar topics, from unsettling commercials to mysterious space burials. Brace yourselves as we plunge into discussions about the infamous graffiti at the Colosseum in Rome, the challenges of reviewing food in real-time, and the dangers of interacting with wild animals like copperheads and banana spiders. With a healthy dose of skepticism and a shared love for the unexplored, we navigate this wild ride one laugh at a time.

In between all the weirdness and wonder, we'll also wander into the realm of personal pet peeves and office banter. You'll hear us banter about the bizarre law stipulating that a pickle must bounce before it's eaten, our co-worker's aversion to the word 'wash', and the tricky business of juggling multiple projects. So, buckle up, tune in, and get ready for a whirlwind discussion that promises to entertain, inform, and intrigue!

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What happens when you combine a 2007 iPhone, a whale explosion, and a company sending DNA deep into space? You get one heck of a curious conversation, brimming with intriguing facts, weird news, and the odd personal anecdote. Alongside our charismatic guest, Alan, we dive into the strange world of expensive vintage technology, ponder on the rationale behind the bizarre Mountain Dew puppy monkey baby commercial, and even take a moment to acknowledge our J&J Air Day swag contest winners.

Let's journey together through a wide spectrum of peculiar topics, from unsettling commercials to mysterious space burials. Brace yourselves as we plunge into discussions about the infamous graffiti at the Colosseum in Rome, the challenges of reviewing food in real-time, and the dangers of interacting with wild animals like copperheads and banana spiders. With a healthy dose of skepticism and a shared love for the unexplored, we navigate this wild ride one laugh at a time.

In between all the weirdness and wonder, we'll also wander into the realm of personal pet peeves and office banter. You'll hear us banter about the bizarre law stipulating that a pickle must bounce before it's eaten, our co-worker's aversion to the word 'wash', and the tricky business of juggling multiple projects. So, buckle up, tune in, and get ready for a whirlwind discussion that promises to entertain, inform, and intrigue!

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Hey everybody. So we don't really have a topic again this week. Been working out well for us so far, so we figured we would just find some interesting news articles and read them, like we always do when we don't have any good concepts. Also today, uh, Allen will be joining us. Hello,A llen,. You got anything good? Do you want to start with, or?


I mean, I could just uh say the first thing that I found, which was about the iPhone.


Yeah, let's hear that one.


That just blows my mind is the first generation iPhone from 2007 sells for $190,372.80. Why? That's what I want. I want to know why I agree.


The thing I really want to know why is why 80 cents? Why was that tacked on them? I don't know, because I feel like that would have been at an auction or something.


It got down to the point where they're counting the change in their pocket to win the bit. Yeah, I guess.


The only thing I can think is it's not like some dude went to you know one of like a, just a random tech store, like going out of business constantly, and they just have the oldest shit in there, you know sitting beside a Walkman or something. It's like for you that price in 80 cents, whatever, because I can't remember the exact number, because it was a big one. Yeah, Because that's the other thing is I kind of expected to be a round number and it's just not.


Yeah, it was definitely weird. I definitely want to pay that much for that phone. Hell, no.


So real quick, before we get too deep into our random bullshit. Oh okay, once again I want to bring up the contest we're having for some J&J Air Day swag. Oh yeah, for our t-shirts. If you want to be one of the five winners, they will win one of our shirts. It'll have the J&J logo on the front the T-shirts, the fucking bill on one of the sleeves and possibly the QR code for direct link to the show's page. Send us an email with your shirt size and a topic for the show and if we select you, you will get in touch with you about how to ship that to you. So far, we've got three entries since last week when I put we started this.


Which means so far, we've got three guaranteed winners. Yes, do you want to just let these people win? Don't you want to steal their thunder?


Yeah, and we had a request from security enforcement of the show Brittany. She has requested one with black shirt with gold as the logo.


I'm sure we can handle that, yes.


Yeah, I already put in the request for it. But yeah, she submitted the request for that when she heard about it.


So for the record, that is going to be an exclusive we will let you pick the shirt color as well, but the logo is going to be white, so bear that in mind. If you pick a light gray color, it's not going to look all that good.


I'm not telling security enforcement. Hey, I know Brittany that she can't have what she requests.


No, no. Security enforcement gets what security enforcement wants, even if she wasn't security enforcement, which she self-claimed that title.


Yeah, well, that's how assertive she is.


She's like I'm security and we're like OK, not worth my ass.


Nope, nope. But yeah, I just wanted to get that back out there. So you know, stay till the end of the show. The end of the show, get the link for the email address and all of that. I just wanted to cover that before I forgot about it. Yeah, and that we did have some entries. So far I have not read any of them. I don't know if you want to read them as they come in for topic ideas, or just wait till we do the drawing. I think we should wait till we do the drawing. Ok, sounds good to me.


Although, you know, feel free to peruse them beforehand. That's fine, but I figure when we do the drawing, we can also bring up which topics were selected, although I don't know if we're going to select based on the topic or if we're just going to do a random draw.


You know that I haven't decided yet either, but either way, even if we don't select you as a winner and you've submitted a topic if it's a topic we feel that we can have some fun with, Chances are we'll use it and we will give you credit for it.


Yeah, yeah. So even if you don't win, you still kind of win. Yeah, you know, because we'll talk about you. And is there any greater joy in this world than knowing that two fat old guys were talking about you on their podcast?


Don't get me started on old.


Thanks for the segue, jim. I know you're depressed. I know you're depressed that Yahoo sent you an email congratulating you on 20 years of using Yahoo email. Yeah, you should be depressed.


Today on my lunch break I did. I got a message from them Congratulations, happy anniversary. I'm like what? And then I open it, as you've been with us for 20 years.


And he immediately aged like the guy that drank from the wrong grail in Raiders of the Law or no. What was that one? The last crusade? Yes, that broke me. For the most of the day, I can imagine If I ever open an email, it just reminds me that I'm ancient. I'm probably just going to turn to dust.


I cannot believe it's been that long. I mean, in our reality it doesn't seem like you know that it's been 20 years since Yahoo and wow. And then you got Alan over here. Who, how old are you? 23. He's 23. Hey, alan, suck it. He was not alive before the internet.


I know it kills me that people that weren't alive before the internet are legally allowed to drive. It's not fair. Yeah, I agree with that Listen here. Embryos Just stop aging.


Oh, ok, that's yeah. I don't. Yeah, don't get me started here, because in the Yahoo motherfuckers OK, I open the email they're like oh, scratch here to see what you win for being with us for 20 years. It was a 50% off coupon for Yahoo plus, I think is what they're calling it. Yeah, 50% off of Yahoo plus. I've been with 20 years. I should get that shit for free, right?


God damn it. All right. Well, I want to talk about homsters. Now, what Homsters?


Homsters yes, ok, is this like humping hipsters?


No, Welcome to Reddit and another. Today I Learned Fucking Reddit. Today I learned that when a hamster egg cell is fertilized with human sperm, a humster is created. Yeah, take a minute, I'll let you it's fine Breathe in. Can you repeat that Sure?


I want to make sure I heard it right.


When a hamster egg cell is fertilized with human sperm, a hamster is created. Now, you will be glad to know, there are not small mutant humanoids running around.


If so, they would be on the J&J Air Day Farm.


They would be. We probably have them riding herd over the potato gremlins.


I could see them being on the backs of the corn raptors. Yes, a little saddles and shit.


No, it's important to know that they they're incapable of splitting into multicellular organisms. They use they. They're created to basically bypass the whole ethics conundrum of using purely human stem cells for research purposes. Okay, because I guess hamster ovum are just they don't fucking cares like, yeah, you can put it in me. So remember guys, don't fuck hamsters, you don't fuck hamsters.


Now I envision them. If this was, they would grow. What were the from Star Wars? The little furry guys, Jaws?


Oh no, the from the EWOX. The EWOX, oh God, that's. What I picture is EWOX. Oh, that's unsettling.


You're welcome. Yes, sir, you said it in my brain. I just went to that fucking commercial about the cars, All the hamsters driving the fucking cars.


Oh God, man, that's worse. Hey, yeah, the first, second year. Let's talk about unsettling commercials, because that one's mildly unsettling. I'll tell you, the most unsettling commercial I think I ever saw, though, was the fucking Mountain Dew puppy monkey, baby Puppy monkey. Yes, and my dad fucking loved that commercial. I'm like you're a sick individual. I defy you and you listeners to come up with a more unsettling commercial.


I can't remember what it looked like. Didn't it have like a pug's face?


Yeah and a diaper, yeah, and it was disturbing. That's all you need is like, because there was an executive at Pepsi who said, okay, I have drank all of the Mountain Dew and apparently somebody poured a bunch of cocaine into it. Here's my concept. The worst parts of babies, puppies and monkeys combined them, throw it into a commercial and tell everybody, like, what's more awesome than a puppy, a monkey or a baby? What if it was all three? First off, there's nothing awesome about babies. I'm sorry. If you have a baby, if you have children in general, I'm sure your baby's the best. Babies suck. We talked about this in the last episode. They're little dictators. They live in your house. They determine who sleeps, when they sleep, what's on TV, whether you have chicken nuggets that are shaped like dinosaurs or just don't eat.


Hey, be careful with them. Dino nuggies I like them.


Well, dino nuggies are good, but I don't want them every meal.


Yeah, I had, I just Googled the puppy, no puppy. That was probably his name Puppy monkey baby, just because I just to refresh my memory of what it looked like it. Yeah, it is terrifying.


It is. It's hideous. I want to. I want to refresh. I'll have nightmares now.


Yeah, good luck. Thanks a lot.


I didn't make you look it up, I just reminded you.


I said thanks a lot to myself, Okay.


Okay, oh, my God, oh, it's a lot worse than I remember.


Yeah, no, it's all of your far too long.


Well, it's got the tail too.


Yeah, it is. It is undeniable proof that God either does not care or is incompetent.


That's a debate for another show.


Oh man, he let a man create that. And what just universe would God allow that?


That is my only question you know, and I'm sure people are trying to blame Satan for it, but I think you would be against it as well.


I'm pretty sure, I'm almost positive, god wasn't too into it either. It's like yeah, god, I should really rethink this free will thing.


So, yeah, I just I went through my news feed and I found some stories that I I thought we could talk about a little bit Okay.




I think we kind of broached on it in one of the other episodes about defacing like monuments and things like that. There have been two within a month who have carved their names into the walls of the Colosseum in Rome.


Oh, yeah, yeah, okay, I was like two facing monuments. I don't, but yeah, I do remember.


We talked a little bit about I think it was Yellowstone and some other something else.


Yeah, the idiot who ran their hand through the acid pool.


Yeah, but yeah, two people in a month, thought it was a good idea to fucking carve their names into the Colosseum.


Personally, I blame the lack of martial law.




I'm not, I'm not for people just running around beating a snot out of someone for no good reason. But I feel like if you are caught doing something like you know, carving your initials into a thousand plus year old monument 2000, I don't know Colosseums were built in BC, as far as I know, so a couple thousand years you should just get your ass kicked, and it shouldn't. It shouldn't be the police, like everybody, should just gangstomp your ass. Oh yeah, I agree.


I agree completely, that is it's like stop ruining things for everyone. People come on.


Yeah, that is you know. And then you get the people who like, they'll go to the national, like parks, and they'll push over the boulders.


Well, actually I read recently they want you to do that if they you find one of those standing stone carers.


Yeah, well, no, I'm talking about. These ones are like just in nature, not the ones that they have. People that have erected in rivers and like the stacking of the stones, like I've seen where they'll push boulders down hills.


Oh yeah, that's the that's or knock over ice.


There was one a few years ago. Where it was in Arizona, there was a rock formation.


Yeah that, I know exactly what you're talking about.


They knocked over, yeah.


It was like this really precariously placed rock. It was kind of amazing, yeah, they're. They weren't even sure how it really got there. To begin with. They suspect erosion, but yeah, and some jackass knocked it over. I don't think it. I don't think he or he or she had done that on purpose. I don't remember if it was a guy or a girl, but they were fucking horsing around like climbing up on it.


Yeah, I was trying to find when it was the coliseum was built, and I'm just Before yesterday. Let's go before yesterday. Yeah, there was one I seen too recently one of the redwood trees in california where they've got a hollow yeah that deep shit drove through it. Yeah, got his car fucking stuck. Two cars too big. Yeah, talking idiots man to that person. Same thing. They should have been made to just stay in their car forever. Yeah, as part of the tree, all right. So what else is everybody else got?


interesting to me. Apparently, texas produces the most renewable energy in the us. Really, you wouldn't think that. No, his ass backwards, as they are half the time. Love you, justin. You're probably not listening to my podcast, this is, but this goes out to my buddy uh, justin from texas. Uh, we worked on a cruise ship together. Hi, justin, haven't seen him in years.


Not to be confused with friend of the show, justin.


Yeah, that's, that's a different guy, but uh, he was cool guy. Uh, I uh tricked him into thinking he'd lost his wallet like seven times, while we were walking around Okay yeah, you've told that story stealing his wallet out of his bag. He'd freak out for a minute and be like well, then you better use my extra. We were all so fucking happy that day, so wonder we made it to the ship?


Is it the state? No, who was it that almost got into a fight with the statue? Was that you? That was me, that was you okay, that was me.


I was ready to kick at Betty Boop statues.


That's what it was.


Gotta learn her lesson. That's all I'm saying.


I agree. What's the most outrageous reason that you think you've ever heard of somebody being fired from their job? For, um, there's nothing to do with their job, but they were fired probably Wearing the wrong shirt to the wrong place. So a Canadian man was fired from his job about a month ago, I think it was, and he was a truck driver, did the fuel tank hauling to and from the gas station, shit like that. He was fired for saving a moose calf from a potential black bear attack.


Okay, messing with the axe of nature.


I don't know. To me from the jobs that I have worked, he was fired because he stopped his truck on an unscheduled break to save the moose?


Yeah, yeah, that sounds more likely. People are fucking asshole.


I'm fired for saving a moose from a black bear. Once again, this brings it back to bears in the news.


God damn you bears. That bear just wanted to drive that truck I.


I could not imagine being fired for saving a moose.


I'd be racing somehow.


I mean, he put himself in danger. By involving himself With, you know, mother nature. He ran the risk of being killed by this black bear as well. Yeah so or the moose, frankly, or the moose. I mean, it was a calf.


Yeah, I would have been, but I would have been more scared of mama finding me Because black bear even playing around mama moose, no, you know killer whales maybe but that's a different story.


Yeah, those guys are assholes.


I came across two news articles. One they found one Uh stranded on the beach and they found treasure in it, in its stomach. I think it's probably just I didn't read the article, but probably what is it called? Amber gris? Amber gris yeah amber gris, that shit they use for Perfumes and all kinds of other crap. And then another one was a video of one exploding.


Yeah, see that one, you did Did not look at, it was later. Yeah, no it uh. It's an interesting watch, let's put it that way, yeah.


I didn't even write those down, but I just you guys remember the story about the whale that washed up on a beach and it died. Instead of just shoving it into the water or anything, they thought it would be a good idea to just use.


TNT. It was a california.






Yeah, said that a chunk went flying almost a mile away and crushed a guy's car and everything. Yeah, I want to know whose idea it was to even think of that in the first place.


Some guy who just really wanted to blow up a whale Well, I had some dynamite. He's like I'm never getting this chance again.


Yeah, there was. I seen a story about this on, I think it was a different podcast. Um, I seen it on one of their videos on youtube a while back, where there was an issue over who because of where it was on the beach which department had jurisdiction, and the buck cap kept getting passed around and somehow it wound up with the department of transportation.


And you know they were like fucking really.


Yeah, I pretty sure it was the department of transportation. They're like uh, it's okay, um.


Fuck you, we're solving it. Yeah, that's pretty much how it happened, yeah.




That's. That sounds like government work to me.


Yeah, it's like no, no other department wanted to deal with removing this whale from the beach, so they're like passing the buck. Wow, you know they regret passing that buck now. Yeah, I imagine um, that's an awkward phone call to your boss, yeah.


For real, especially especially if you're like the park ranger on on site like so, uh, I, uh. They sent it to waste disposal.


They sent it to department of natural resources. They kicked it over to department of transportation.


Well, who took care of it? The other department of transportation took care of it. Well, what's the problem? They use dynamite, sir, like a lot.


Yeah, because to blow a chunk of whale that far to crush a car, that was a shit ton of dynamite.


Well, for one. You know, it's got to be big enough to crush a car, which means how much force is required for that chunk to go flying like that. Yeah, the answer is oh dear god. Hey, here comes more of the whale. Here's an interest to smell.


Oh my god, the smell of rotting Exploded whale.


I imagine everyone in like, probably a two mile radius, was vomiting.


Yeah, okay, anyway, what were you about to say?


Hey, I was gonna try to steer us away from dead rotten whales, uh, with an interesting fact Uh you guys are aware of, like the, uh, the michelin star review thing, for ronchamps, yeah, and chef's first started by michelin tires.


You know which is weird? Well, it's, basically it was a travel guide. Yeah, during world war two, they suspended the guide, you know, for obvious reasons rationing, you know, war effort, that kind of stuff. But, uh, the air force, or well, no, I'm sorry, just the regular, the allied forces in general Requested that they reprint their 1939 guide to france because of how accurate the roads were in their guide. It was the. It was considered the most up-to-date available map.


Hmm, okay, so imagine that you're a big, fat tire man sitting in your Office, because I assume that the michelin man actually runs the michelin tires. I don't understand how real life works. Yeah, and you get a call from I don't know patent or whoever probably not patent, because I think I don't know. But anyway, we'll say, we'll say Ike calls you and he's like hey, I, uh, I need a, I need a map of france. And like, well, I got one of those also, I'm a giant tire man. And he says I got to stop smoking all that weed. And then I remembered that Ike didn't smoke weed, at least as far as I know, and I trailed off because my story was over. These things happen to me.


Um, have you ever thought about one in the powerball? Because it is up to 900 million.


Oh yeah, I can't tell you what I do, because if the on the off chance that my family ever listens, oh yeah, no if you take the lump sum pay out of this, it's 465.1 million dollars is what you would get out of the 900.


You know how much taxes you have to pay on that. It's a bunch 111.6 million just straight off the top to the federal government. That doesn't include anything else 111 million taxes. Those are the kind of problems I want. Yeah right, I'd be saying fuck you, fuck this, fuck everybody and fuck the podcast. No, I'd still do this.


I'd be, happy with this.


I don't look at me like that.


I'm gonna say I'm on the fucking payroll now. You're paying me to hang out with you and you're in the fucking powerball Because I'm gonna pay you to hang out with me.


Okay, that works for me, Shit.


All right, so we're gonna buy that giant ass house that's got the stripper yes floor and like in the basement, something like that. Yeah, it's a weird place to have it, I think, but maybe not. I don't. I don't know much about strip clubs and the, the, the standard placement of where stripper poles should be, versus where it becomes a concern as this man, a psychopath, I mean. Obviously, if it's in the walls, that's a problem.


Anyway, yeah no, in all seriousness, if I, if I want that kind of money, I already know exactly what I would do. Uh, everybody in my family up to you know cousins, aunts and uncles, mom, brother. Oh, that's as far as it goes. But they all get like a million dollars because if they can't settle up their debts with that, then I can't help them any further.


You can only do so much A couple of nieces, a couple of nephews. My parents would get some Anybody else in the family, whether extended family or not, cousins and uncles, whatever, if they want a chunk. Oh, I'm creating a game show like wipe out or something they have to compete.


They just show up and like, oh, you need money. You know the drill run agon.


But then you just go out and sit on your throat Like some fear factor, wipe out type shit.


You said, on your elephant bone throne proceed.


Yeah, oh yeah, you want money. Oh yeah, you run the gauntlet. Watch out for the flamethrowers, or don'ts.


Or no, oh, there comes the machete tornado.


That sounds like a good time.


Yeah, I'm starting to think you don't want your relatives to win this money. Silence Jester yes sir.


And then dance with my bells and then we go do another. Could you imagine the views we would get For the videos of my family competing in this outlandish?


we would have to go to Japan or Korea somewhere to do this, or you just make them sign some waivers.


I don't think there's enough waivers in the world.


Yeah, when you're maliciously attempting to cause bodily harm, I don't think waivers helps. No, waivers are more of a hey, you could get hurt doing this, Not a I'm going to hurt you and you're going to be OK with it. They don't work that way.


Yeah, I would need some really good lawyers those are consent forms which they'll have to sign. Yes, yes, I just you know before we incriminate ourselves.


I'd like to talk about the 1927 Nobel Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, which was given to a man named Julius Wagner Yarig for curing mental illness. They did it by giving patients malaria because they had syphilis and the malaria fevers killed the syphilis. Actually, I knew that.


Why do you know that, Jay? I don't know why.


I know that, but I knew that You're going to say you better not have been attempting your own curers.


No, not this time. I didn't know that who it was, but actually I knew that was a treatment at one point for that, yeah.


And then they just cured the malaria with quinine. So yeah, that's news to me.


It's amazing the amount of information that's just completely pointless and useless that bounce around inside my head. It is. It is astonishing.


Well, yeah, no, I got a bunch of weird random shit like that myself, yeah.


So there's a company based in Texas who for you know a price, of course will send your DNA ashes, you know, your mains, whatever into deep space for burial.


Ha the jokes on all the people that sign up for that. You can't dig in space, Right?


So they are right now. I think they've got like 198 capsules is what they're calling them with people's DNA of some sort in them, that are sending off into space to just orbit around the sun indefinitely.


They're just giving them to the aliens, that way they can be recreated. Yeah, Jean.


Oh, where to go? I had it pulled up here, god damn it. I lost his name. Jean Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, along with a couple of the other castmates, are actually on the first capsule that is going to be sent up for their first.


And when is this going to happen?


Do they have like a date?


or is it still kind of in the?


soon, I guess this. This article came out July 12th.


Now, has there been any testing on this? Because the gravitational pull of the sun could just potentially just pull it in and just vaporize it right then and there Like, yeah, have they actually thought about this?


That's cool, I'll be star dust.


I don't give a fuck yeah, james Dunant doing yeah, scotty Scotty and Michelle Nichols oh, you made me sad because I'd forgotten she died.


Yeah, they are going to be the ones that are going. They've got DNA from several presidents. They got some of Washington's hair Eisenhower, jfk and others they're sending out. That doesn't say when this is happening. This article looks like it came out in July 12th, though presumably soon. But yeah, there is a company that's based in Texas called Celestial something or another. I thought that was kind of interesting, especially for the Star Trek. You know, that's kind of fitting.


Yeah, that's, it's pretty interesting. Well, jim took it away from the whale, which took it away from the beaches, but I'm going to bring it back to the beach. Ok, did you know that today there was a message in a bottle that was found in Massachusetts and it was dated for September 30th of 2004. I couldn't really find anything that was stated on this message, but it was a student that found it, supposedly, and they were just walking around on the beach having a good old time and found a bottle from 2004. It had a nice message, oh, interesting.


I just thought it was kind of neat. Yeah, no, it is.


I kind of wish we knew.


We don't hear about messages in a bottle anymore.


No, I kind of wish, we kind of wish, the article said what the message was, because it wouldn't have been fucking hilarious if you just opened it up and it said you're a dildo or something. God damn it.


The only thing I can find is that it says that the message included an address for the reply. That's all it really has.


Well then, they wouldn't want to give that out because, like let's be honest how many people would just show up at some poor bastard's house? And he probably wasn't even the one that threw it in the water. He probably moved away years ago.


Right June 22nd, michigan boat captain finds message in a bottle as well. On January 7th of this year, message in a bottle, reunited with the original owner 37 years later. Wow, oh, there's been a few stories about that this year, huh.


That's the. That's the first one that I've heard about in a long time.


Well, if we want to talk about beaches and the ocean, there was a sailor and his dog that were adrift at sea for nearly three months. They found them just recently here in the South Pacific. A couple of things amazed me by that. As Jim pointed out before we started, he didn't eat the dog and the dog didn't eat him.


Yeah, it genuinely surprises me, because I don't care how loyal a dog is or how much you love that dog, three months at sea, they had to have been. They had to have had something that was allowing them to catch food.


Yeah, it says they survived on raw fish and rainwater. I'm going to say what the article probably didn't say is there were seven other people on that boat before, yeah, before they failed them.


That would be my dog. What are all their shoes? Nothing.


Fuck you.


They were floating. I don't know, they're my dog's two toys.


Yeah, that surprised me. Yeah, you know that after that long, you know there was something.


Well, I mean, I'd be real with you. I don't know if I could eat a dog. I could go. I mean, I probably fuck it up and get part of the liver and die from. True, you can't eat dog liver no, you cannot. Can't eat bear liver either no, no no, too much. Don't eat those things, alan, they'll kill you.


What vitamin or I think it's a but I won't swear to it.


Yeah, they are just chock a block full of that shit to the point where it's a lethal dosage type of thing.


Just like it could kill you if you eat an octopus, but yet we still eat them If you chew it. Maybe it's a squid, I can't remember what certain types like you can swallow it whole, but you can't chew it because it will kill you because of the incisors inside, but yet we ingest it. So how does that make sense?


So washed up on an Australian beach.


I was the cylinder. Yeah, I was just getting ready to put that one up. I'll go ahead and talk about it then I you probably have a better page than me, I just have a picture of it.


And what do you better tell me about it, because now I'm interested it was found today is what I have.


I don't think this thing is right, because apparently everything was found today.


So today was an important day for shit.


Was it found today Is this is my say, the article was nine hours ago.


I'll be down. I thought my source of information was just fucked up.


It's what. It's what the bottle was in.


Yeah, it says. Officials in Australia Australia, god damn are trying to identify a mysterious cylinder that washed up on a beach. They have no clue what it's from. They think it might be from a foreign space launch vehicle, but no one knows for sure just yet what all does. What all do you have on it?


So the object? Yeah, they found it on Green Head Beach. The cylinder was two and a half meters wide and two and a half to three meters long and, yeah, they believe it might be a fuel cylinder from a Indian rocket and it could contain toxic materials. So don't look, it Got it. Yeah, they originally thought it might be part of like a airplane, a Boeing 737 or something that went down, that washed up, but maybe it was part of that.


Sub it kind of looks like it's a piece from a sub.


Yeah, I mean it's a round cylinder, I mean it's yeah, yeah, I have a picture of it.


I showed him.


I've got.


Oh, you showed him, yeah, the website pulled up.


Did you guys hear about that earthquake near Alaska? It was like 7.2 magnitude. There was actually a brief tsunami warning for Anchorage and other surrounding areas there in Alaska. That was just here, I think last week, last Saturday.


Luckily it happened before Keon and Brittany left.


Yeah, I don't think they're near or can't remember where they're going, actually, if it's near Anchorage or not. Yeah, I'm not sure I need to get in touch with them because I do want to do a series where they document their trip and maybe do call in on a couple episodes.


I'd be cool, I made videos and things like that.


I honestly forgot that you guys had a friend named Keon, and so when you said that I went to Keon Reeves, I was like what, yeah, don't you?


know, we know him. You guys know how big the largest prime number that's been discovered so far is.


I do not.


I don't know if you can wrap your head around this, because this is just the digits in it. It has 24,862,048 digits in it.


What Now? What is the purpose in knowing this so prime?


numbers have a specific use in mathematics and computation. That's such a big. You can make a shit ton of money by discovering a prime number, really. Yeah, that's why they're out that far in fucking number land looking for them, because I can't remember. Somebody explained it to me once, or I read it in an article. But they use prime numbers for algorithms of some kind or something, and it has to be a prime number or it just won't fucking work.


And so every time somebody finds a new one they base. It's basically like staking a claim, like an old timey gold rush type shit Like they're going to make a shit ton of money. I'm looking at it for having found it because they can like, because, especially when you get 28 million digits at that point, unless you fucking know exactly what you're talking about with it, nobody's going to fucking find that. So you basically can sell the rights to that number to whoever it could, which is a weird thing, but true.


Newly discovered prime number could fill up 9000 pages.


Yeah, it's a biggie, we call him.


Biggie Prime, Biggie Prime and that number you said, what was it? 24 million eight hundred and sixty two thousand and forty eight digits. Yep, that's when written in the base 10. Oh shit, really. Yeah, that's when written in base 10.


So how much, when not, I don't know the way to fucking many.


So the hair. I will show you the way it's written. I know this is an arresting podcast, yeah listen to the way he's writing it guys.


Listen, listen and be amazed. I don't know how you would. Oh man, fucking ridiculous. Jesus H Christ.


Yeah, it's, it's a weird. Look it up, you'll, you'll, you'll see it. There's images of it.


Yeah, you know or don't, because Jesus Christ.


That is OK. The computer was found via a computer volunteered by Patrick LaRouche of the great internet, marcinine Prime Search, or GIMPS for short.


Of course. Did you guys know that there was a truck in Florida that caught fire that was hauling a shit ton of bananas? No, I bet that smelled different. Yeah, just thought you guys might want to know that it just caught fire on the highway. No one. No one really knows why, yet that I'm aware of, but something interesting.


OK, I think I might have a winner though. Ok, I want to tell you about the Civil Cooperation.


Bureau, the Civil Cooperation Bureau, yeah, the CCB, yeah Civil.


Cooperation Bureau Sounds like it's probably a pretty upstanding group, you know, helping out the community.


Yeah, OK.


Part of apartheid South Africa. So immediately you know that's not fucking the case. Let me tell you a little bit about them. They were accused of murders. They also bombed a kindergarten, harassed a dissident by pointing an RPG at him while forcing him to drink moonshine, and tried to bewitch Desmond Tutu, which, for those of you that don't know, was a South, I want to say one of the first black South African presidents, if I, if I'm remembering correctly, by hanging a baboon fetus in his home.


Nobel Prize winner, South African Bishop Bishop. Ok, yeah.


I knew he. I knew he had some sort of prominent.


Yeah, he was an. He was a anti apartheid and human rights activist.


Well, anybody who's halfway sensible anti apartheid.


He was the Archbishop of Cape Town from 86 to 96. It was the first black African to hold the position.


Yeah, it's some wild shit. Like to me, I think the craziest thing is the whole hanging of baboon fetus in his home. Yeah, yeah. Like, obviously the other shit is horrible bombing a kindergarten, threatening a dude with an RPG, which I don't know how point blank that was, but it couldn't have been all that smart.


But no but that's standard bloodthirsty, psychopath shit. And then there's oh, we got him now. We hung up baboon fetus in his home. Just wait, soon He'll be mesmerized and do all of our bidding. And there's the one guy who's not jack shit crazy, just kind of wants powers, Like I'm sorry you did what. So yeah, like I said, might be the winner, for it was a government sponsored death squad. Oh yeah, I'm sorry I didn't mention that. Did I get a government sponsored? Like I said?


apartheid. It was operated under the authority of the defense minister.


I mean all you have to say is apartheid?


Wow, that is fucking. Well, I'm saying yeah, I mean that sounds like something a dictator taught would do. And if you didn't get that reference, go back and listen to the last episode, because you're missing out.


Yeah, yeah, I'm missing out so much.


Shut up, Jim.


Try to drive listeners To suicide, Because this is not pleasant shit. Oh oh, no, Tater tots. Oh yeah, no, you should totally check out dictator toss. It's going to be great.


The last episode was amazing. Yes, yeah, we've got some stuff to work on and we got to get writing on some scripts and everything else.


Oh, this makes me sad. Apparently, intel was originally going to be called more noise after two of its co-founders, but the name was rejected because it sounded too similar to more noise. But nowadays it'd be like more noise, you know, because we can't say nice correctly anymore, we can't have nice things, we have to have noise things. That makes me sad. How great would it be if I, if somebody, was like so what kind of processor you got in there? More noise.


Reminds me of my stepson always saying finath For five nights at Friday.


Yeah, and I assume, because you said stepson, so I'm assuming you're not allowed to just slap him until he stops.


Yeah, sorry, not for that.


Yeah, it's a mess Ugh.


I don't know why it pisses me off so much, but it's just Because it's wrong. Yeah, it's not abbreviated, it's just.


Yeah Well, it's amazing how some people are just triggered by certain words.


Yeah, people don't like moist.


Yeah, yeah, that is true, or uh, worse.


Oh yeah, she doesn't listen, so yeah, One of our co-workers hates the word wash, so periodically we will just freaking, go to town on it Worse yeah, instead of saying washing correct.


Oh, okay, okay, yeah, so I talk about.


Well, I don't understand why you got to be so hateful on my grandma. She done washed her clothes down by the creek all the time. One time she even saw the bald eagle down there, and she just gets so mad.


She's also the same one that we did the the pick to pack a pickle peppers with. Yeah Uh, she offered me a pickle today on lunch.


Oh yeah.


I almost started it again, but I'm like no, Did she at least pack?


them herself. I believe she did. Yeah, even if it wasn't fresh picked, at least it was packed.


Yeah, she at least picked it out of the jar.


She's a picky pickle pickle. Picky pickle packer.


Yeah Well, speaking of pickles, did you know that there's a state where your pickle has to bounce before you can eat it?


To be classified as a pickle.




Yes, it's going to have a bounce to it.


Otherwise it's just a gherkin Yep Mitten for nothing but gherkin, oh no.


I just decided to break that one up, but you said pick one, and so it came to my head like instantly.


It's one of them.


Random facts, that's stuck in your head. Yeah, we have a bunch of a bunch of those stupid laws from different states stuck in our head.


That's all right.


We're going to do a whole episode on that one time. I don't think we ever did.


There's a really stupid law here in Ohio. Did you know it was illegal to hunt whales in Ohio?


Well, there goes my weekend On.




Let that sink in, Ah you know it was a Connecticut law, connecticut Yep, I'm stating that a true pickle must bounce.


I knew it was something about a pickle bouncing.


I pickle bounces all the time.


My pickle hasn't bounced in a while.


What do you say? These things?


make me sad, jack. So you know we've talked before that my filter does not work and I say some things that are somewhat inappropriate and most people might find a little disturbing. We were having a conversation I was having a conversation at the one of the convenience stores and I've known the one cashier for years and we were talking that you know she's about to get a divorce and the other woman that was working there and talking about she might be getting a divorce too, and then somebody else. They know I'm like, oh, I ain't got to worry about that, my wife's dead. The conversation just just screeched to a halt.


Don't you love saying something that causes a conversation? You can almost hear the squeal of tires.


Yeah, yeah, it took a good 30 seconds before anybody said anything and they were like I was an expectant, matt.


And if I'd have been there I'd have just popped her up from behind you and gone. Then you don't know him all that well. I was, because I was expecting it sooner.


Yeah, the conversation did, it just stopped. It got dead silent and I'm like oh okay.


Tyler's opening line for a standout.


I don't remember what it was.


Somebody brought his mom with him. Just a dramatic pause and just spotlight points to an something like that. I can't remember what it was.


I don't remember what it was.


There's a lot more to it. It made it funny, but it's funny that people don't. They react to that weird when you bring it up the way you do. It has nothing to do with them, but yet they're still devastated by it.


It's nothing.


You're open about it?


It's not that they're devastated by it, it's they're just like they weren't expecting some of the weird shit that comes out of my mouth.


You got a lot of field over there, yeah, and it happens a lot.


I'm surprised I haven't done it at work yet to be fired, to be honest.


I'll be honest. I'm there. Are days I walk it in that building like how the hell have they not caught on and fired both of us?


Yeah, yeah, we do. I mean I know they've heard some of the stuff we talk about on our breaks and before and after work, how we have not been called in to just have a discussion with us about it.


Don't fuck with those guys. Just let them do what they're doing. Don't fuck with them.


I mean yeah, we live a weird life, we do, but I enjoy it. And so another little thing for our listeners. You know we do have the other podge. We have a podcast now filmed in ADHD Just a movie review podcast with me, jim Skyler, ted and Jesse. So make sure you guys check that out because it's pretty good. We have some great conversations about movies we watch every, every time we do when it's a different movie.




And we will have another podcast coming soon as well, with Jim.


Skyler and our friend Hamburger Matt, which I have agreed not to call him on that show.


That's why I don't call him Hamburger Matt.


Well, for the purposes of making sure everybody recognizes who I'm talking about as I introduce it, but the show is going to be about food in general. It's going to be called a consuming conversation, the first episode we're expecting to get ready to upload.


It'll probably be something next week.


Within the next week or two at most, and we're going to be discussing the differences between a cookout and a barbecue.


Oh, is that what the first episode is going to be about?


Okay, we're going to do cookouts versus barbecues and we'll probably break into, like what you should expect at a cookout versus a barbecue, what would be weird to see it either one that kind of stuff.


Yeah, okay. Yeah, I'm looking forward to that as well.


Yeah, I expect we'll have you on at least once or twice as a guest because you also know food.


Say what I need to get into y'all's podcast, my podcast people. They don't like me no more. They don't want to do podcasts with me.


Yeah, three Bros, one Brain Cell kind of took a hiatus.


I keep bringing it up, but Is it?


Jay, it's probably Jay, isn't it?


He's probably like fuck you guys. I hate you both.


It is the one I was tired of being the one brain cell. So that is coming, a couple other ideas that I've been bouncing around as well. When to get started? I'm really looking forward to the consuming conversation, though I think that'll be fun, yeah, especially if we can go do like on site reviews of some places.


That might be difficult depending, because I imagine for one, nobody's going to want to listen to us eat in real time as we're reviewing.




But I do expect, with any luck, to be able to maybe interview people who own smaller restaurants and try their food. Give our take on what we've been.


So my thought the way I envisioned doing those was we'd come in, do a little bit, do the open, talk about the place, do the interview, go over the menu, get her order Pause, eat and then come back and review. Oh yeah and shit. After this way nobody has to listen to us chewing everything.


But if you want to listen to me chew, go back and listen to Horrible Holiday Feast.


Oh yeah, that one yeah, or just go to the Jane J Iridae OF page.


That's just Jay Slurpin' Scatty, and by God, will it get your engine revved?


Yeah, but yeah, that is another thing that I'm looking forward to, and hopefully we'll get some more going as well. I know we've got some stuff we've got to do for this show as well. We've been kind of slacking on some of our stuff.


Well, it's getting to the point now where we've got so many irons in the fire. We kind of need to determine which ones are actually Worth our time to get. You know, pull back out and start doing something with. Yeah, either that or quit our jobs, which y'all ain't paying us yet.


So not yet.


We love you, but I ain't seen any envelopes show up with just fat stacks of cash. Say and do what you're doing well.


I mean, technically, they can't sing cash in the mail, so that's why you won't see one like that.


Hell, the hell. They can't. I got enough birthday cars as a kid.


Yeah, I mean, they could always ship it via UPS, fedex I actually tried that one.


I can't remember what it was for. I tried to pay something in cash and I sent it through the mail and it got returned back to me because my, our Mailman was a good friend of ours and I didn't know that you wasn't supposed to how old were you at the time?


16, okay, he's gonna say like 22. I was gonna come across the table.


It was the first time I can't. I think it was a my car insurance or something and it was like the first time I've ever done it.


Because you know you can't send like birthday cards with like a 20 in yeah. Yeah but yeah, if you just stuff a bunch of cash With a pay to Nationwide, here you go. Yeah, that's gonna fucking be it. But shipping cash to us no problem or just leave it under the rock beside the Helmet statue by the courthouse in downtown Zanesville. I don't want them knowing where you live, jay. Well, yeah, I understand that, but also stay away from that rock, you assholes. That's our money.


Now everybody knows. If you want to know where to leave the money, email us.


Everyone gets their own specific dead drop. Exactly, it's reverse geo-caching.


Look, the outset of a PO box for Christ's.


We're really bad at this business.


See netflix. Pick up one of our ideas. We're bad at negotiating business deals.


We'll probably pay you to make dictator tots.


But you're paying us for carney you yeah, carney, use non-negotiable.


I expect at least a fiver, at least per episode. See Business. Wheels are spinning.


Man, I don't know.


Look, it's getting late. My brain is getting less functional. I haven't eaten.


Yeah, I got the rumblies in the tumblies. I am losing my goddamn mind.


I'm gonna remind you of, uh, I'm gonna remind you of school, real quick, back when you guys are in school and you went to Gym class make a skill load again.


fuck off, alan, yeah.


Well, you ever had to do push-ups.


No, they tried to make me do those.


I couldn't do those okay, well, try doing this one, this guy. I completed a Genesis world record as an Australian man by doing 3,249 push-ups in one hour. What the fuck? I can't even do like 50 in an hour.


No no, we need to break this down.


Yep, give me a minute pulling up the calculator. How many?


did he do in the hour? 3,249 push-ups in one hour 3,249 divided by.


Divide that by 60 to start 54.15 that's a minute. Now divide that by 60 again.


No, it should have been times by 60. God damn it, Jim. Because it's 0.9 per second.


Yeah, roughly one, a second God damn like, and that's a. That's a pace I could see Potentially doing for the first three seconds. Yeah it'll be real honest, there was a time where I might have been able to do that pace.


I wonder if I can get a video of this 10 seconds yeah, that's that's, that's, but and you know he had to start slowing down towards the end I don't care how strong you are, how good you are at push-ups which means he was probably doing two to three like fucking jackhammering, like it looked like he was making love to the ground and really, really.


I wonder, is it one of those things where, because of health and safety concerns, they made him stop every so often to check him and then he'd go back into them and they stopped and started, restarted the?


time here. Here he goes. I found a video of it.


I'm not sitting here for the full hour. I will.


Not to watch some guy do push-ups I have, uh, I haven't muted, so God damn, yeah, that's he's fucking going, just keeps going to God damn Look at them fucking calf. So he gives the gym a lot. He must work out.


So he's doing some, he's doing some and then he's stopping.


Doing some and then he's stopping, so it's not but I think he might be warming up here or something You're saying. I got.


I seen the timer running in the background.


Well, it'll be fair, he's doing way more than one a second, yeah he is so if he's stopping, I I guess you know if he's given his body a break every few seconds. That doable, but god damn, that's insane either.


Yeah, at this point in my life I'd be lucky if I could do one in an hour.


Yeah, no man, if I fell on your, if I fell on your floor, right this second, it's like Jim, you're gonna have to do a push-up to get up. I'd be like, well, jay. I live here now you better call an ambulance or a hearse or something, because this is where I die, because if I can't roll over and kind of turtle my way Up, I'm fucked, probably get a hernia in the process.


No, yeah, pull several muscles. Yeah, not walk right for a week.


Yeah, those one of the other articles I found and decided to bring that one up and I didn't think about looking up the video until I got like I want to know how fast that actually was.


That was really fucking quick, that's ridiculous yeah.


And now that I'm even more depressed that I'm so fat and out of shape, we're gonna end this.


I can't do it either.


Yeah, let's, let's just go ahead and go cry.


I mean, I could talk about this 15 foot python that uh got lost in Los Angeles.


Oh, he didn't get lost. People lost track of a. They lost track of it, but they did find it near the home of its home.


So it has been found. Jay, I'm not nearby baby.


So don't worry, jim, it has been found, You're safe.


I'm not afraid. No, 15 foot snake man, I'll whoop the shit out of a five foot alligator with a two by four, you think I?


gave a shit about a python. Oh man, my boss is terrified of snakes.


I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't want to like fuck one, but I don't, I'm not afraid of them. Oh, this guy, you, you have a.


You can have a worm snake in your hand. He could be looking right at it and he'll scream like a little girl and take off running. I don't know if you know what a worm snake is, but I'm assuming it's a small snake. It's very, it's very similar to a worm.


Same color or everything. Are you sure it's not just a worm?


They claim that it's not.


That's what it last time you that's a really good question.


This is something I found.


I am looking up.


Okay, well, it's yeah look, you just like a worm, I mean, I mean my friend, they can get up to about 13 inches long and they're brown and kind of do look like earthworms, just be fear.


Okay well, but yeah, snakes don't bother me. My friends, when I was in Louisiana they had a little corn snake, kind of pink and white, looked like kind of like candy can. I can't remember what they Named it, but when they bought it I was with them at the Uh at the pet store and I was holding it while they were talking to the Reptile expert there, which was like a 15 year old kid. They just read a shit ton about snakes but whatever, he knew more than they did at the time.


So it was like well, you know picky's brain and I just felt this a little tickle on my finger and I looked down and his corn snake has Extended his jaw and it just has my, the tip of my pinky. And I looked down and I look over at the kid. I'm like, hey, is he trying to eat me? And the kid the kid was like freaked out because he thought I was gonna freak out. I'm like kind of tickles a little bit. I looked down at the snake. I'm like, hey, dummy, that's not one of your little pinky mice, that's just a human pinky. And they bought that snake in me.


That's fucking amazing.


Yeah, so I don't like again. I'm not wandering through the woods looking for snakes to pick up because a Salmonella, um, you know I not afraid of them, but I also do think you know you should just leave them alone. Let them do this bag.


I was allowed to uh play with snakes around the farm or anything, because the last time I tried to keep a snake I uh I don't remember how old I was, but I vaguely remember it I had a copper head.


Why am I not surprised? Not even a little bit, am I surprised?


I knew where this story was going as soon as he started to tell it.


Yeah, another note my dad and my grandpa were already terrified of snakes. My dad is now allergic to him but, uh, he got bit by a rattlesnake and the venom fucked with his insides and now he's a or shit. I said he was allergic to a snake. I didn't mean to say that he's allergic to bees because of the rattlesnake, really and yeah, that's interesting he wasn't allergic to him at all and he got bit by a rattlesnake. He was wearing, uh, a venom proof chaps and the snake kept biting him, lost most of the venom inside the chaps, but it got one strike just above him, and so now he's allergic to every single bee, except for a sweat bee, of course, because you know you know, a sweat bee next time.


I'm actually staying, yeah, but uh yeah, I had a fucking copper head that I wanted to keep as a pet and they want to let me. Can you believe that I can? Yes, yes, alan.


I, I don't know how I'm alive.


I've been bit by snakes, I've been bit by spiders and shit. I used to have this, uh, banana spider used to sleep outside my window. I can't remember what I named it, but I had it for years and I'm guessing a bird or something Just finally came through and just picked it up, all right.


All right, yeah, see you all later. Peace out, have a good one. You thought I forgot, didn't you? Well, I kind of did, but Jim reminded me, so, uh, fuck you, bill.

Discussion on News Articles and Contest
Unsettling Commercials and Monument Defacing
Whale Explosions and Curious Facts
Mysterious Space Burials and Strange Discoveries
Rambling Conversation About Various Topics
Anticipating Food Reviews and Work Priorities
Snake and Spider Encounters