Game On: Chapter 15 - Oh, So You're a Lesbian Then?
The Game Changers
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The Game Changers
Game On: Chapter 15 - Oh, So You're a Lesbian Then?
Apr 18, 2023 Season 13 Episode 15
Sue Anstiss

‘I hate the word homophobia. It’s not a phobia. You’re not scared. You’re an arsehole’. Morgan Freeman, 2012

Sport can be an incredibly inclusive space, welcoming women whatever their sexuality – and in many cases providing a haven for a young woman, potentially normalising her identity in a way she may not have experienced elsewhere.

And yet sadly, society’s perception of LGBTQ+ women can also be the very thing that drives girls away from sport, with National Governing Bodies historically choosing to downplay the high percentage of queer women in their national sides.

In this important chapter of my book ‘Game On – The Unstoppable Rise of Women’s Sport’, I explore the history of LGBTQ+ women in sport and its impact on participation, and how a more inclusive society today sees high profile gay athletes like Megan Rapinoe no longer penalised by sponsors in the way Billie Jean-King and Martina Navratilova were in the past. 

I talk to Kate Richardson-Walsh and Casey Stoney about the issues of stereotyping in women’s sport, and consider how tough it can be to explore the subject of transwomen’s inclusion in sport with the constant vitriol surrounding any discussion of the topic. 

Thank you to Sport England for supporting The Game Changers podcast through a National Lottery grant.


Thank you to Sport England who support The Game Changers Podcast with a National Lottery award.

Find out more about The Game Changers podcast here:

Hosted by Sue Anstiss
Produced by Sam Walker, What Goes On Media

A Fearless Women production