Sonoma County : A Community Portrait

SOCO Pod Ep 11 Owner Of Hot Couture Vintage Marta Koehne

Cincinnatus Hibbard Season 1 Episode 11

Comfortably dressed Marta Koehne has stood as a pillar of the Sonoma County fashion scene for 40 years, nearly as long as the vintage business has existed. Most days you can find her in her store Hot Couture Vintage on Rail Road Square where she has collected one of the smartest sets of vintage clothing to be had in the whole North Bay. This despite rapid turn over of her stock and the ever turning fashion and business cycles. Hear how she has survived and thrived as a local small business owner and vintage buyer, about assessing clothing, the modern history of fashion, assessing fashion trends, the transformative power of fashion, the surprisingly tender moments in both buying estate clothing and dressing people,  shop parties, and mentoring and supplying generations of Sonoma County's hippest denizens. Listen and appreciate this true Sonoma County Legend!