Sonoma County : A Community Portrait

SOCO Pod Ep 14 Owner Of Made Local Marketplace And The Made In North Bay Production Label Willow Fish Peterson

Cincinnatus Hibbard Season 1 Episode 14

Santa Rosa retailer Made Local Marketplace stands as a model for Sonoma County ... and for every county and city across US wishing to support and grow small businesses. This store is to be admired, studied, and duplicated.

It is, simply, a marketplace and showroom for all the goods we make here. Across its art, craft, jewelry, food, clothing, and garden departments Owner Willow Fish Peterson has gathered and organized 150 local small business producers presenting some of the best of what we have to ourselves and the world. It is a place to shop and it is a place to learn 150 local stories and local passions. It is a place for locals and tourists to discover what we do and what our strengths are, the aesthetic that groups us - the culture that we share. It is a place to learn who we are and feel proud.

Importantly, Made Local Market Place is a successful business model, one that has successfully incubated a number of best-in-class local brands as they grow from the crafts-fair to the factory and from one product to a diversified product line. It has loyal and passionate customers and acts as a showroom for business investors.

Willow, the owner of the “Made in the North Bay” production label, lays all of this out with seriousness and charm, and in her generosity has offered to consult on the establishment of parallel stores in our five adjacent counties.

Listen and be inspired! Willow and this store were an inspiration for this show!