The Sabbath at Midnight
Sabbath at midnight explores the questions sought after regarding apparitions, enigmatic encounters unexplained creature encounters that seem to glitch in and out of our reality and fade back to their reality. We will track down the myths of the ancient world from the first peoples to the ancient Sumerians, Native American oral traditions, the Olmecs, Inca, Aztecs, and so forth join Lionel Tavares and Dominic Leonel on their journey investigating the timeless ancient history of giants in the near east and America. We will investigate the rebel sons of God, and how their incursion changed the world. Other topics covered are the UFO phenomenon, the pilots, alien abductions, night terrors, hauntings, Bigfoot, the Dogman, the thunderbird, and many more topics that are not taught, but answers people yearn learn about.
The Sabbath at Midnight
Episode #9 Lilith the Screech owl with Vicki Joy Anderson
This episode involves the Screech Owl, Lilith," of the Bible, and how these entities may tie into the Mexican creature La Lechuza. Furthermore, the Screech Owl has similarities to the Mothman. Lilith is also associated with Ennana, Astarte, Aphrodite and the Queen of heaven.
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IG: sabbathatmidnight
Ig: el_leon323
Ig: patronpapi213
Ig: liongod760
Tik tok: Thesabbathatmidnight
If you have any supernatural stories to tell. Email me Lionel - “‘Sabbathatmidnighyt@gmail.com”
Yes there is a Y In nighyt.
Website - https://alteno-fc-management-llc.square.site/
Instagram - altenofightclub