College and Career Ready with Coach Sonia

Intentional Conversations with Megan Eddinger

October 13, 2022 Episode 9

Today we have Megan Eddinger as our guest speaker. She is a mom of three with her oldest in his first semester of college. Megan shares with us her intentional conversations she has had with her children and how these conversations have given her oldest the opportunity to face challenges, obstacles and ultimately leading the way to his personal and career journey. Do you have a high school senior friend, are you preparing yourself for your child's first year of college, do you have younger ones who you are wanting to learn how to have intentional conversations with? Is your child actively involved in sports and is that something you are considering when coaching him through the college selection process?

Do you have a child who you feel the  traditional education system is not a good fit for his or her learning style and you are wondering how can you encourage them? 

When should you start having intentional conversations with your children? 
Right now friend, no matter what their age is and Megan will encourage you with some great tips!

Remember a few episodes ago, on episode 3 (Community Building) we spoke about intentional conversations with our children's teachers and with 'their' community? Megan shares with us how she reached out to them when she needed extra support to encourage her child.

Are you worried about your child's interest on a contact sport? Oh boy, you have got to hear this story about Megan's oldest wanting to get into wrestling and how all of that played out to him now wrestling at the collegiate level.

Want a great tip on how to help your child manage money, listen in with us as she also gives us a great tip for this, as well.

And lastly, she opens her heart to us and tells us what she wished she would have done differently during her sons last year in high school. 

I tell you, this episode is for every parent no matter what stage your child's in!

You can connect with Megan through her podcast The No BS Mama and you can find her on instagram @theNoBSMama

Thank you for being here with us today friend and for taking your time in rating our podcast today, this will help OUR community to continue to grow! 

Sonia C.

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It is a 5-week Self-Paced Online Course w/ Weekly Virtual Group Sessions; first group session starts July 15th.

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"Stay well, be present, and enjoy the journey"

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