College and Career Ready | Transition from High School to College

[Student Pep Talk] The Power of Mentorship 1 + the why w/Sonia Cacique #26

April 23, 2023
College and Career Ready | Transition from High School to College
[Student Pep Talk] The Power of Mentorship 1 + the why w/Sonia Cacique #26
Show Notes Transcript

Have you ever thought about the importance of MENTORSHIP in your personal and professional growth? In this episode of "The Power of Mentorship", we discuss the benefits of having a mentor and how they can help you achieve your goals. From sharing knowledge and experience to providing personal support, a mentor can be a game-changer in your LIFE and CAREER. So, if you haven't already, consider finding a mentor and start your journey towards success. Tune in to the podcast now to learn more about the power of mentorship!
DM @sonia.cacique and share with me what CAREER or path you are most interested in hearing about. And who knows, maybe I can find a special podcast guest just for you!

#mentorship #personaldevelopment #professionalgrowth #success #goals #knowledge #experience #networking #accountability #selfconfidence #careeradvancement #podcast

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"Stay well, be present, and enjoy the journey"

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the College and Career Ready podcast. You go to resource for all things related to preparing our students for success in their college and career journey. My name is Sonia Casique and I will be your host and guide on this exciting journey towards a bright future. Our mission is simple to empower our parents and students by elevating their confidence and resourcefulness. We believe that you deserve all the tools and support necessary to open the doors to endless possibilities of success and, with our community, you don't have to do this alone.

Speaker 2:

So come with me and let's get started.

Speaker 1:

Happy Monday, my friend. Happy Monday, or whatever day you may be listening to this episode. Thank you so much for being here and joining me. I know there are so many podcasts to choose from, but you being here with me at the College and Career Ready podcast, I know you're saying yes, yes to your future and yes to being the best version of yourself that you've ever dreamed of. So thank you, my friend, for being part of this community. I'm your host, sonia Casique, and in this episode we will be talking about the power of mentorship. This is a two-part episode, and today we will be exploring the importance of mentorship and how it can help us achieve our goals and dreams. On our next episode, we will dive in a little deeper on how to identify a mentor. So make sure you listen to that one in the following week. So, friend, let's get started by exploring the power of mentorship.

Speaker 1:

Mentors can have a major impact in our lives. It's an essential aspect of personal and professional growth. A mentor is someone who provides guidance, support and advice to help you achieve your goals. And, better yet, a mentor is living, breathing proof of what's possible for you too. When we think about successful people, we often forget that the role of mentorship could have played an important role in their own success. Almost every successful person has had a mentor at some point in their life, someone who provided them with the support and guidance that they needed to achieve their own goals. Friend, even today, I have a handful of mentors that I can reach out to at any given time for support and guidance, so I, too, can continue to reach my goals and my objectives, both personal and professional. Think about it, friend If you can come in contact with someone who is successful, why would we not want to learn from them? Why would you want to reinvent the wheel? Most successful people will leave us clues yes, clues to follow in their footsteps of success. And guess what? That one connection may be the one step that you need to take to change the trajectory of your own life. Wow, isn't that amazing? Think about it for a minute. What if your life, your life, can change by the one connection you are making today?

Speaker 1:

Mentorship is not limited to one particular age group either, or profession. It is beneficial for anyone who wants to grow and learn. A mentor can be anyone who has more experience and knowledge in a particular field or area. So let's discuss the benefits of having a mentorship. A mentor has years of experience and knowledge in a particular field. They can share their experience and provide valuable insights on how to navigate through various situations. Mentors can offer advice on what to do, what not to do and how to handle different challenges. Think about the amount of time you can be saving yourself by navigating your career journey together with a mentor, rather than doing it alone.

Speaker 1:

A mentor can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, help you set goals and develop a plan to achieve them. They can provide feedback on your progress and help you improve your skills and knowledge as well. It's also a form of networking. A mentor can introduce you to people in their industry or profession, which can help you expand your own network. Building a network is essential for personal and professional growth, and the mentor can provide valuable connections.

Speaker 1:

Remember what I said earlier, my friend you could be one connection away from a change in your life, in your own life trajectory. A mentor can hold you accountable for your goals and progress. Hey, we all need an accountability partner, right? They can help you stay on track and provide support when you face obstacles. And how about helping you build your confidence? Having a mentor can boost your self-confidence, knowing that you have someone who believes in you and is willing to support you and can help you overcome self-doubt and take risks. I don't know about you, my friend, but I have to work on this constantly. I am my own worst critic and sometimes I need that someone who is speaking words of confidence and truth, especially when I'm in a growth path. Of course you and I are going to experience challenges in our lives. We wouldn't be learning if we didn't experience these moments right. This is part of learning and growing. You have to remind yourself, or be reminded, that the greatest, most successful people failed not once or twice, but multiple times, and that was part of the learning and growing process that they encountered and, consequently, the success they achieved. Imposter syndrome is a real thing and a great mentor can help you with this as well.

Speaker 1:

Mentors can help you with your career advancement. It's another great advantage of having a mentor, because a mentor can provide advice on career advancements, such as how to get promoted or change careers. Oh, I love this so much because sometimes we don't need a mentor just to get into the school of our choice or land at first gig or job that we want, but they can help us continue to grow and move up in our career. Oh, yes to this, my friend, and that is exactly why I currently have mentors in my life today. This podcast could have never been possible without me having mentors in my own life who spoke truth, built confidence and reaffirmed me of what was possible, because I could see what was possible through their own experience.

Speaker 1:

A big shout out to Kisha Getmary from the Empower Her podcast and my dear sweet friend Sarah Villarreal from the socially misguided podcast. They offered me insights of what skills and knowledge were needed for me to start this podcast and they continue to provide truth to my life on how I can continue to grow. And just as Kisha Getmary told me once that finding a mentor is almost like finding living, breathing proof of what's possible, for you too, a mentor can also provide personal growth, such as helping you balance your work and personal life, and also providing advice on how to handle stress and anxiety. Speaking of stress and anxiety, we just had this conversation in our last episode, so make sure you check it out. So, my friend, in conclusion, mentorship is a valuable tool for personal and professional growth. A mentor can provide you with guidance, support, advice that can help you achieve your own goals. And guess what, my friend? You are in for a free gift. That's right, you heard right. A free gift, because the College and Career Ready podcast will be your first resource of free mentorship.

Speaker 1:

If you haven't listened to some of our previous episodes where we spotlight successful people and individuals either working their dream job or a right smack in the midst of it, and are sharing their journey with you, then, sweet friend, you need to go back and listen to some of those amazing episodes. And if you don't even know where to start, send me a DM and I will be more than happy to connect you to some of my top favorite guests. It's like hitting the jackpot with a free mentorship program where you get first-hand, direct access to successful individuals, hearing their true story and their journey. They are sharing their journey with you so you can pick up some of the clues that they leave behind for all of us, so you can reach success on your own, just like they did. I love how our guests are willing to take time out of their busy schedules to share some of their tips and strategies to their success, because they want to see you succeed as well.

Speaker 1:

I hope you found this useful, my friend, and don't forget to connect with me on Instagram at soniacasique that's S-O-N-I-AC-A-C-I-Q-U-E. That's soniacasique and share with me what career or path you're most interested in hearing about and, who knows, maybe I can find a special podcast guest just for you. I'll talk to you on our second half of this two-part episode next week and, in the meantime, stay well, be present and keep dreaming, because together we can accomplish anything. I love you, friend, and I'll talk to you soon, hi friend.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening in. If you enjoyed this episode, you would mean so much to me. If you share it with a friend, share it with them right now or, even better, tag me so I can personally thank you for helping us build our community. I'm so thankful for each and every one of you. Let's keep in touch and I'll talk to you soon. Adios.

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