College and Career Ready with Coach Sonia

31. [Student Pep Talk] The Journey Begins: Unleashing Your Potential and Embracing the Extraordinary

Sonia Cacique Episode 31

Join me, your host, as we embark on a transformative journey together.
 So, whether you're a high school senior, college-goer, or young professional, this podcast is tailor-made for you. It's time to unlock your full potential and make your dreams a reality! 

In this episode we will share why and how you can learn from each of our amazing guest speakers whether they look like you or not, I bet you will learn something about yourself and your potential in every episode.

Hit that follow button to join our thriving community of aspiring achievers. Don't miss out on the motivation, inspiration, and tactical guidance that the College & Career Ready Podcast has to offer.

Remember, the sky is not the limit—it's just the beginning! 

The College & Career Ready Podcast - Empowering Students to Soar 

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"Stay well, be present, and enjoy the journey"

Speaker 1:

Welcome. Welcome to the College and Career Ready podcast. I'm your host, sonia Casique. I'm so, so excited because our community of students is growing exponentially and I'm super pumped for this growth. If there are any new listeners that are tuning in for the first time, welcome. I'm so happy and excited that you are sharing part of your time with us Now for our new listeners. I also want to let you know that this is the best time to hop into this podcast, because we're going to have a juicy conversation today, giving you an overall big picture of what our podcast is about. It should give you the feel of you and I having a coffee at our favorite coffee house or hangout spot and just really encouraging each other to chase after our dreams, whatever they may be. So if this is your very first episode, you came in perfect timing, because today I really want to share with you what you can expect from this podcast.

Speaker 1:

The podcast is designed exclusively for students like you, who's ready to unlock your true potential and embark on a remarkable journey of growth, motivation and accomplishment. I'm thrilled to have you here with me as we embark on this incredible adventure together. Every single week, we'll bring you a lineup of extraordinary guests, captivating interviews and personal episodes crafted to provide you with the necessary tools and insights to achieve your career and life goals. Our solo episodes will be filled with pep talks and tactical, step-by-step actions, all aimed at empowering you to reach your career and life goals. As a student, we understand that it can often feel overwhelming to navigate through the various challenges and uncertainties, but do not fear. This podcast will be a constant source of inspiration and motivation, offering you the tools and insights that you need to unleash your full potential. Honestly, my friend, I wanted to share with you why our guest interviews are so powerful, regardless of what career you are pursuing. I know some of you love and totally vibe with our guest interviews, which, honestly, are my favorite too. Our podcast is filled with renowned industry experts to extraordinary individuals who have paved their own paths. They share their unique stories, lessons learned and invaluable advice.

Speaker 1:

I have personally been impacted by each and every one of our guest interviews. I always walk out inspired with something new that I learned or that I want to work on, or simply walk out inspired to keep on going on my own career journey. We all need that talk of encouragement. We all need someone whispering words of encouragement, especially on those very tough days or days that you simply just feel I don't know black. You know what I mean. I don't know about you, but I'm not always at 100% my best, every minute, every hour, every day of the week. I mean, are you kidding me? I have learned to give myself and others so much grace after I hear from so many other podcast mentors in my life that I listen to and I walk out knowing that those black days are normal, but they too shall pass and I will continue on my journey to success.

Speaker 1:

Without a doubt, the beauty of a podcast, my friend, is that you can be part of a community that will walk the journey with you. Each and every time you tune in, I am faithful to you my community that I serve, and I have others that are faithful to me because I am their community that they serve, and this is why I'm so passionate about what I do. So let me bring this full circle to you, my friend Whether you are a senior in high school, a first year college or a recent grad, you don't know what you don't know, right. So imagine learning one small tip or strategy each week you tune in. What if, each week that one tip, suggestion or insight got you not one, but two or three steps closer to your goal. So let me share something with you. I have learned over the years to be very resourceful, to learn from those who have walked before me, because why would I want to reinvent the wheel right, especially when I've come across such invaluable people with experiences that I wanna learn from? Why would I want to take a hundred steps to get to my goal when I can take half the amount of steps by learning from others or simply walking alongside them? You are not alone, my friend, and you should not be doing anything alone if there is a community that is right here to support you. Let me give you a more precise example. So this podcast that you're listening to, it would have never come to life without two very important people, and I could have never learned from them if I would have never stopped and reached out to them for their support.

Speaker 1:

I have been thinking about this podcast for a couple of years. I would get this vibe or this sense that this is what I need to be doing, but then, of course, I would get afraid and I would have doubt, and all of that would cause me to just think it's not the right time right. And it wasn't until one day I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw a friend that I had not connected with in some time and she had mentioned that she was about to launch her podcast and funny story she actually lived in the same area of town that I did. So I reached out to her and I said can we meet for coffee? Can we meet for breakfast or lunch? I would love to know about your podcast. And that was the very first step to make this podcast a reality. She was more than willing to sit down and meet with me and, of course, she connected me or told me about the one person that she took a course with and who really helped her step by step along the way to make it happen for herself. And, without a doubt, I connected with her too. Her name is Keisha and actually she is the podcast host of the Empower Her Podcast, someone that I've connected with. She's been my mentor, I went through her training for podcasting and actually in the next couple of months, in September, I will be meeting her personally in one of her live conventions.

Speaker 1:

So I say all of this because I did not create this alone. I had to surround myself with a support group, with people who were one step or a hundred steps ahead of me, and I was going to walk this journey and they were going to be there right alongside with me. Let me give you another example. Remember my personal story that I shared with you on episode number 28? If you haven't listened to it, I will add it to my show notes so you can listen to it. But in that episode, I expressed and shared with you my journey with anxiety, especially separation anxiety, something that I did not overcome until later in my adult life. And if I would have learned what I learned with one of my guests, kelsey Elsinger, I think I would have overcome this way much quicker and maybe things would have looked a lot different for me.

Speaker 1:

If you have not listened to that episode, it's episode number 16, Home Away From Home New Traditions and Home Sickness, with Keisha Ellingson. Such a great conversation. Especially for all of you who are already away from home or are planning to be away from home for college, it's a must listen to. So I say all of this I share all of my personal experience with you to tell you that you will learn from each of our guests, regardless of what career you are pursuing. Hey, who knows, maybe they might spark an interest or something in you that you may have never thought of before. That's also how this podcast is a great way for you to explore various career options, job opportunities and career paths.

Speaker 1:

This podcast has evolved, honestly, thanks to the many conversations I have had here as well. Yes, the guests that I have invited to our podcast to serve and encourage you have had an unprecedented impact in my own life as well, something I would have not learned, gained nor taken the risk to try if it wasn't for them and the other podcasters that I love and follow. There is no reason why we should do anything alone, my friend. We are meant to live in community, and by me helping you, you help someone else, and it's a ripple effect that continues on and on. Which, by the way, speaking of ripple effect and how you can continue to help grow this community, it's by sharing this podcast, my friend.

Speaker 1:

The more we spread the word, the most access I will have to amazing guest speakers to bring to you. So all you have to do is screenshot your favorite episode and share it on your Instagram stories and tag me so I can personally thank you. You can also tag your friends on a post that's encouraging and motivating in our Instagram page, which is at Sonia Casique, and that's S-O-N-I-AC-A-C-I-Q-U-E, or you can also text and send them a link directly to the episode that you feel is perfect for that special friend. And that is how we can continue to support each other. I love bringing to you living, breathing proof of what's possible for you. So, friend, don't miss listening to our guest interviews, regardless of their background, because I promise you will still walk away with something for yourself your own journey, personal and career goals. You won't see what is possible for you until you see it or hear about it in someone else. That is just how our brain works. Our brain looks for other patterns, previous histories or experiences that you have encountered, heard or seen. So, with our hand-selected guests on our podcast, they are all here to do one thing share their journey or experience to help you. So, five, ten, twenty years down the line, you don't say I wished I would have known. And let me just say this this is the College and Career-Any Podcast. So all of our messages that we share on our podcast is to motivate you in your personal journey. Whether you're graduating from high school, going into college, your first year into college, or going from college into the workforce, this podcast is to help you in your own personal journey. So one more reminder Listen to our guest interviews, my friend. They are here to motivate and encourage you in your own personal journey.

Speaker 1:

I have learned a wealth of knowledge from the people I have personally encountered, but also from the ones I have heard about through a variety of podcasts that I listen to. A lot of the ones that have been very inspirational to me has been because they look, act or think like me, have the same background as I did. But, quite honestly, I also have learned so much from people that I've encountered that are a lot more different than me, have a different career than I do and have a different background than I do, and I still feel that I connect with them and I have some amazing takeaways from each and every one of them. So, again, I have learned a ton from those who didn't look like me, didn't have the same career goal as me, same background, or didn't even live close to me, but you know what they all did have An inspiration to help and encourage others. They all were darn open and honest, but also captivating and encouraging for my own personal growth, and that is what you get here in the College and Career Ready podcast. Okay, so those are our guest interviews.

Speaker 1:

So, bringing this back full circle about what our podcast offers, we also have solo episodes just like this one, short and sweet, but with nothing less than an authentic conversation and perspective. In our solo episodes, I'll be right here with you, delivering you heartfelt pep talks and offering practical strategies so you can conquer any obstacles that comes your way. We'll dive into topics like setting meaningful goals, developing crucial skills, maintaining a healthy work-life balance and so much more. Together, we'll build a roadmap to success, one episode at a time. So, whether you're a high school student exploring your career options, a college student striving for excellence, or a young professional taking the first steps in the real world, this podcast is for you, who we believe in your potential, and we're here to guide and uplift you every step of the way.

Speaker 1:

So I say all of this, my friend, to say thank you for listening in, for tuning in and get ready to embrace your dreams, unleash your passion and make your mark on the world. The College and Career Ready podcast is your trusted companion, offering unwavering support and motivation as you navigate the exciting twists and turns of your journey. Hey, and don't forget to have your parents tune in on those special episodes that you love the most. Or if you're a parent listening in, then I highly recommend you ring your child on board, because this is a journey for all of us to walk together. So get ready for an incredible season of growth, inspirational and success. Thank you for joining us on the College and Career Ready podcast and I can't wait for you to tune in next week because we will be having another epic guest speaker. Remember, your dreams are within reach and together we can make them a reality. Until then, keep dreaming, keep striving and keep believing in yourself. I love you, friend. I'll talk to you soon.

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