ENOUGH! Stopping the Mental Health Stigma.

Tori's Story

Cincinnati Mental Health Collaborative Season 1 Episode 1

For the first installment of ENOUGH! - we are honored to help Tori Morrison share her story with the world.

Tori lost her son, Ben, to suicide in March of 2021.  Those left behind after such a traumatic event are frequently racked with intense guilt and shame. Tori, however, decided she wasn't going to let these emotions control her. Covering up what happened or simply remaining silent was not an option for her.

Instead she is using her heartbreaking experiences to help erode the stigma that surrounds those affected by mental health issues and suicide.

Help support the Ben Morrison fund here.

OnBrand Podcast Studios produced this episode. Special thanks to Audio Engineer Alex Winnenberg, Producer Nick Winnenberg, and Marketing Specialist Cori Stokes.