ENOUGH! Stopping the Mental Health Stigma.

Gina's Story

October 19, 2022 OnBrand Podcast Studio Season 1 Episode 3

Gina Marek lost her son Jake to suicide in February of 2016. While most of us can’t even begin to fathom the pain she felt, she has managed to make the world a brighter place because of it. 

Gina has personally helped more than 40 families through the grieving process by sending books that helped her through the experience and a heartwarming letter offering to meet for support. In doing so she has unintentionally created a grass-roots support group for families impacted by suicide. She has changed more lives than most of us could ever hope to.

Despite unequivocally securing her place in the good-person club, Gina wasn’t quite finished. 

Her next venture was the creation of the “MyFave5” app that helps compile an easily accessible list of people in your network that you can call for support if the need arises.  

Don’t miss it!

OnBrand Podcast Studios produced this episode. Special thanks to Audio Engineer Alex Winnenberg, Producer Nick Winnenberg, and Marketing Specialist Cori Stokes.