Kansas QB

Snow Creek

Juhl Media LLC Season 2 Episode 8

Quarterbacking and snow skiing may not be directly related, but both QBs have fond memories of skiing at Snow Creek - a snow skiing area that is a mere stone's throw from the Kansas/Missouri border. Also in the episode, the QBs wort through DarthTedd's show idea suggestions such as: who would have been a better fill-in for the 49ers in the NFC championship game, Steve or Tyler?

Broken news article: https://www.atchisonglobenow.com/news/snow-creek-is-open-for-business/article_48b8ebce-879b-11ed-af02-3b34904e3e0b.html

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00:00:00:23 - 00:00:21:42
Our aim by pay attention as podcast at all they can. They've got our character pretty well nailed down and they will not be surprised to discover that while I did not take immediately the snow skiing because why in the world would I strap two skis to my feet and then go straight down the hill that I took me a while to warm up the snow skiing.

00:00:21:43 - 00:00:36:58
You, on the other hand, were immediately already like, ready to go. And I remember you from an early age, like, I'm over there hanging on to that icy tow rope, you know, getting hand cramps, trying to be pulled up, that tiny little bunny hill. And I look over and there you go. It's like a streak down the mountain.

00:00:37:03 - 00:01:15:21
Did you know how to stop? I don't know. But you are going fast. Tips down, baby tips. Then. Welcome to Kansas QB, a podcast about growing up in rural Kansas hosted by two former high school quarterbacks. And now here are your manly hosts, Steve Jewel and Tyler Martin. I muted myself on the air. This is not not my day.

00:01:15:28 - 00:01:35:00
It's not my day to time. You know what? We're going to start from there. Growing up in the car fields of the sun, Father's Day, we were inseparable brothers from different mothers who also happened to be sisters. Our moms, not us. Decades later, he's in Iowa. I'm in Missouri. But we'll always have Kansas and we'll always be the QB that evokes.

00:01:35:02 - 00:01:57:59
Welcome to the show. I'm Steve Hayes. Tyler And today's episode is entitled Snow Creek. Hey, Tyler. Did you notice that? Number one, I didn't hit record the first time we recorded this. And then number two, I left the mute button on When I Ihad, I did notice because we're starting over. Oh, my goodness. Oh, man. Not my day.

00:01:58:06 - 00:02:26:41
Not my day. Hey, good. It was not your day. But yesterday it was the Tuesday. What happened with the Chiefs? Oh, you didn't see. Oh, they won the Super Bowl. I saw. Yeah. Yeah. Go, Chiefs. Yeah. Goat cheese. Sorry, wife. Happy life. Yeah, This was. This was three the Chiefs won three days ago. For people listening to this podcast, but we're recording this on Monday.

00:02:26:41 - 00:02:46:40
So yesterday was a happy time in the Martin household. Mm hmm. It was good. It was good. Uh huh. Now is happy time in the jewel household as well? Of course, myself and my children, we're all four year fans, but Jayla put on a Chiefs jersey, Bethany put Jetson and the Chiefs, you know, shirt. And then, of course, she's a big fan.

00:02:46:40 - 00:03:05:34
So we were all cheering for Jackson to cheer for the Chiefs. Just because he's mad at the Eagles. He feels like they cheated by hurting Brock Purdy and then Josh Johnson, you know, So. So he was all about the Chiefs. I watched him for the Chiefs because I wanted Bethany to be happy. She felt robbed in 2019 when the Chiefs won and beat the 40 Niners and all of us were like, depressed.

00:03:05:51 - 00:03:20:42
And she felt like, here, this great thing happened and nobody cared. Like we were all mad and sad and Jackson's in tears and she wants to celebrate, but she feels bad. She's like, I felt like I was robbed. The celebration. And I said she should've gotten to your mom's house to watch the game because you knew this was going to happen.

00:03:20:58 - 00:03:40:02
But anyway, so we're happy for, you know, this time around. So, you know, yay. Chiefs go Chiefs. No, it was yeah, it was fun. We had some people out to the house. All of our coaches came out and their families, the ones that have families and their children, came out so that our kids had people to play with.

00:03:40:02 - 00:03:56:25
Case had a buddy out. Matty had a friend over. Our old neighbors came out. Of course, Mom and dad were out here, so it was a good time and good food, played some games, introduce other people to tornado wrecks for the first time, which was awesome. And I think they played ticket to ride for a while and then we played some other stuff.

00:03:56:25 - 00:04:24:58
So it was it was a good time. We had fun. Did you get some did you some tornado wrecks level sponsors for the for the broadcast package? We did. We did not but yeah, but but Julie. Julie. Julie. Maybe jumping on board. Whoa. Hey, Julie, What's up? Jump up our ticket to ride right here. I know that when our wrecks, we're gonna talk to Tornado Alley here in a bit, but before we get there, which, by the way, are your kids just spoiled now?

00:04:25:00 - 00:04:45:55
I mean, my kids are Royals fans and for their fans and Q fans, you know, So we're Hasbro. Okay. You won the national championship. The Royals though only Jackson remembers the Royals winning and even he was like, you know, two years old, you know. But still, the royals recently have won and now the Chiefs are just what you know, it's a good time to be a fan in this part of the country.

00:04:46:43 - 00:05:07:42
It is. And I try to impress upon my kids it's not always like this, but they don't know that. It's always there's the teams that they cheer for have been successful pretty much every year. Now the Royals not so much lately, but Maddie's had a couple of Jayhawk national championships. She's had Royals World Series victories. She's had the Chiefs win twice.

00:05:08:07 - 00:05:32:26
We're always pretty good in football, so she's gotten the trips to try to win national championships with Grandview. It's been it's been a fun ride. But yes, it definitely a spoiled ride for these guys. And the the amount of time that we spent growing up lamenting, at least myself, you had the Niners when you were little going through and they were always good.

00:05:32:27 - 00:05:59:00
The Dolphins were always disappointing. The royals were not that great. I was just becoming a Chiefs fan by proxy as we were down there with the family stuff. So these kids though, it's incredible. Yeah. And I will say we did at least have the early nineties and they weren't winning minutes but but even those teams like back then when baseball was structured differently, they would have been in the playoffs.

00:05:59:00 - 00:06:14:38
But but they just couldn't get to the pennant because of, you know, the way they only took four back in the day. So so but George Brett, Frank White, I mean, we didn't get to watch them when we were really little. You know, Dani, Math MATTHEWS and Paul split our calling those games. Yeah, there was a little there, but they didn't ever win at all.

00:06:14:40 - 00:06:34:01
Yeah, no, but at least we had we had we had players to cheer for and we had those 90 series players of people coming into Coffman Mm were awesome. That was you kind of based on who you were going to go see on? Is it going to be Griffey? Are we going to see Cal Ripken? Are we going to see as a bit of a golden age?

00:06:34:03 - 00:06:55:25
Because I guess everybody feels that way when they're kids and are collecting baseball cards? You know, I, I mean, I don't know who would be the equivalent today. You know, who Cal Ripken Jr would be. But, you know, they're they're I'm sure. Well, we went and watched the Angels play the Royals this summer. It was Casey's, I think, second first game that he remembers, at least.

00:06:55:25 - 00:07:17:06
But we went down again, shout out to to Todd Card and people back home hooked up with some tickets to go to the games. So we went down. I took Matty in case and we were down with the afternoon down there and it was the Angels. So we saw Shohei and Tommy now. Ohtani Yeah, and trout like, yeah.

00:07:17:13 - 00:07:37:16
So Trout didn't play that guy, but. Shohei But, but Shohei homered. So it was like he pitched in home. Don't know this, but this is one of the greatest baseball players, definitely of your lifetime. The short life that probably of all time, when it's all said and done, he's going to be in the list of Hall of Famers.

00:07:37:30 - 00:08:04:43
And you saw him Homer That was pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. Spoiled. Spoiled. And before we go to our second thing, I did want to ask, though, since I mentioned my four niner fandom, is there anyone in Iowa jumping ship and cheering for the Niners? Now think still Brock and everybody Yeah no it's it's got to be cool because he was a fan favorite I mean he started for four years at Iowa State and we are I mean we're in the capital city Iowa's on the eastern side of the state.

00:08:04:43 - 00:08:21:49
Ames is right up the road from us. So there's it's a truly a split spot we're at. But again, we're in a rural community and kind of like where we grew up. Most people were K-State fans. Most people are Iowa State fans or a lot of them anyways. Up here were just around us. But no, it's been cool.

00:08:21:58 - 00:08:43:53
I know that's what there was more Brock Purdy Christmas Presents jerseys underneath the tree this year. Judging by what I what I pick kids up now. So I was like, yeah, that was a lot of fun. Secondly, before we get into the main topic for today, we have some suggestions for shows from our main man, Darth Ted, Mike Hubble.

00:08:44:07 - 00:09:01:31
And since we mentioned some of the ones that our friend Matt had to share with us on and Patriot earlier, I don't want to mention these through our Patreon portal. If you're a fan of the show, it's a part of the show. Get a little chat that goes on in there and you know, some of our, you know, supporters have contacted us through there.

00:09:01:31 - 00:09:29:41
And here's some suggestions that Mike had for future shows. So we'll just run through these really quickly. First one for nerds need a quarterback. Who would they who would make a better NFL quarterback the fill in for the fanatics Steve or Tyler? Definitely not me right now like I am one misstep away from knee replacement so okay that's I wouldn't be much better now with the way my back is feeling I'm lifting through it.

00:09:29:41 - 00:09:44:22
I'm working it out through it. But right now I'm thinking, Man, I got to lose £20 if I want to ever get this backpack the way it's supposed to be. I think he probably meant like dating back to our playing days, in which case I say, Well, probably the Division two football player. There's also a track athlete. You know, you could run, you could run the ball.

00:09:44:22 - 00:10:11:49
I mean, you had what you are a44 guy, right? That's a long time ago. Yeah. So, you know, at least least I could set the Trey Lance stuff for you. So. So what? We'll just say that episode you in? Yeah. Moving to number two, he said first cars full story about cars the price how we got them That would be a fun especially with you with with Old Yeller and kind of how that came about because that was an interesting car.

00:10:12:21 - 00:10:38:28
Yeah, I was I was excited that that would be the best story just because of what we did to that for decades, that 84 LCD, that was just a hideous color of yellow like it was. It was bad, but we we made it a converted. We just cut the top cuts top off Ron Schultz and my dad cut it off and it wasn't the safest ride, obviously, beyond that.

00:10:38:28 - 00:10:53:52
But then we painted it and I mean, it was fun. It was very smart, but it was fun. I remember it. I don't remember what you did, but I always wondered what was going to happen to that, that the part at the top, like the fabric on top, is falling off. You know, this is going to get hit in the head.

00:10:53:52 - 00:11:12:11
When you got in the back. Not a problem. If you cut the top off, not a problem. You kind of write off. Yeah, I'm going to save mine. Just to let you know, I have one security question left on my bank account so you can't guess how to get in there. Number three, with the amount of sports and coaching seriously both have, how do you truly develop a player?

00:11:12:23 - 00:11:40:46
How can you translate successful practice habits into productivity in the games? Yeah, like that's a good topic and I would gladly have this conversation with anybody just so that I can learn the secrets to that. The if you figure out how to develop a player, truly develop players well, and then make it translate into games, stop coaching, go write a book and make millions of dollars.

00:11:40:49 - 00:11:59:13
And because that is a that's a great, great question and it's a great thing to talk about, it's hard to do. I mean, maybe a little easier to do it one on one, but as a team move, yeah, that's a lot of moving parts there. And I and I like I was telling you earlier, I trying to be a baseball coach, which that's fine.

00:11:59:13 - 00:12:13:13
I'm not a I'm not an idiot. I'm a competent baseball coach. I've been doing it for years, but I want to pass on to somebody else. And I was like, okay, this is my first year actually coaching kid pitch. I'm like, Okay, now I got to manage pitcher pitchers. I want to teach them proper technique so they don't hurt their arms.

00:12:13:13 - 00:12:32:23
You know, you know how to build arm strength. Got to play everybody, you know, everywhere but at the same time try to be competitive. You know, you're just you know, there's a lot there's a lot to that. Obviously, I want to develop our kids more than I want to win games. So. Yeah, yeah. So that's that's a current topic for me, for you as well, because you're actually a professional coach.

00:12:33:05 - 00:12:55:30
The fourth one is that was Midway versus Jake's all star eight man football teams. Who wins? I mean, at first glance you think it well, midway obviously because they you know we won one state championship it appeared in four you know midway There's eight in appeared in nine, Right. Or ten. Yeah. So you ordered dates back, boys? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:12:55:35 - 00:13:19:04
More players, obviously. The depth. Yeah. Yeah. There's going to be a lot more depth. I don't think it'll be close. Yeah. If you get like a top 30 and it may not be close even your top eight. But you know we did have some players play Division one football and, and we've had some, you know some and some do players and so I think yeah we could make it a game but you know you go back to our listeners of Midway named and yeah they'll be a tough team for any high school to beat.

00:13:20:02 - 00:13:43:17
Yeah I'm I'm just hoping that I can get on the field. I mean I don't know what position I'm going to have to get moved to, but I mean I'm not playing quarterback for that squad of Todds involved. Yeah, we get crowded pretty fast. Maggie got well, I got our argument. Do you know you and I. Yeah. You know, maybe our most value to both is might be that oh waterboy and ball by position that we played for so long.

00:13:43:17 - 00:14:06:37
Anyway that's absolutely we have that one down pat. I can I can get you some cold water boy. Yeah I can spill it all over my pants but I'm wearing slick pants. I'm. I'm going to feel it. That's maybe that's the day that we bet is gone. Well, Tyler, as always, you can find the audio version of Kansas QB on nearly every podcasting platform on the planet and the video version on the Dual Media LLC YouTube channel.

00:14:08:07 - 00:14:30:39
You just don't know what to say. You're tired. I was just you had written this and I have I have chiefs written down for every break that we have. So. So what did the chiefs do? What they wanted. That's super. They won this. They did win the Super Bowl, didn't they? My goodness. Well, broken news is brought to you today by our friend Matt Mike Hubble Kaman of Midway, my man Jonah, and of course, Mark and Nancy, two of my favorites.

00:14:31:02 - 00:14:45:02
If you'd like to be a friend of the show, head on over to Debbie Debbie David patron dot com forward slash Kansas QB. And of course we would love for you to subscribe to Jewel Media LLC YouTube channel. Don't forget the LLC you'll end up somewhere you don't want to be. Well, maybe you wouldn't be there. I don't know.

00:14:45:04 - 00:15:11:47
She seems nice as well as download the show on your favorite podcasting platform. Tyler, are you ready for some breaking news? Let's let's let's let's let's. Broken news. Well if it ain't broke it ain't news. Breaking news is for tri hearts and we no longer have the stamina for that kind of effort. So we take stories that have already been broken and share them with the folks at home.

00:15:12:14 - 00:15:33:23
Have you heard about this, Tyler? According to an article that appeared in the Atchison Globe, I'll get us stay in Kansas. Snow Creek is open for business despite the warm weather. Now this does apply to right now because it is warm right now in Saint Joe, Missouri. So it's fantastic. But this article is dated December 29 of 2022.

00:15:33:23 - 00:15:57:09
So the point is no creek is open. You remember Snow Creek? Oh, that was it was a place that we didn't go frequently is not the right word because we definitely did not go there frequently. Couldn't afford that. No. But of the activities that we were not capable of doing on our own by ourselves, at our houses or manufactured.

00:15:57:34 - 00:16:23:13
Snow Creek was the one that I looked forward to the most. As a quick question before I finished this article here, Tyler, I didn't ask head times. I'm just one know your first gut reaction? Snow Creek, Sycamore Springs that I I'm going to only get one. You get one, I get one then I'm going with Sycamore Springs just because that was in the summer and it had a pool and we spent a lot more time with their level.

00:16:23:24 - 00:16:45:34
Now what do I like to do? More miniature golf or. Or go skiing? Definitely skiing. Yeah. So really, Sycamore Springs is cheating. They're the full package. Yeah. Snow creature, stop First the one thing. Yeah. Okay. All right, good. Yes. So, according to this article entitled Snow Creek is Open for Business. Well done, Atchison Globe. It says that the ski area can even make fake snow.

00:16:45:54 - 00:17:09:30
Listen to this. Snow Creek has over 60 snowmaking machines with the capacity to pump 3000 gallons of water per minute, covering 100% of their drain in as little as 72 hours as long as the temperatures stay below freezing, they'll be able to predict snow. Tyler That's how they're able to do it in such warm weather. Yeah, as long as it stays below freezing, that's fine.

00:17:09:30 - 00:17:32:18
When when we were they had snowmaking capabilities, but not like cover 100% of their training. They definitely amp that up. So up here where we're at and I know we're talking about Snow Creek, but there is a snow hill about 20 miles, not even 20 miles, maybe maybe 20 miles from us. That is used by central Iowa quite frequently.

00:17:32:34 - 00:17:51:29
There's another one just by the fairgrounds on the east side of the Moyne that is closed currently. But they're undergoing stuff and both of them have snowmaking capabilities, especially Seven Oaks up here. So it's it's a good time. It's a good time. The good times. But you you would think as Flatlanders get much chance to ski but yet here is Snow Creek.

00:17:51:29 - 00:18:13:45
Now, also according to Snow Creek's website, Snow Creek is the last ski area heading east to West until you hit the mountains. So they think of themselves as the gateway to the west. You got to get Colorado to get more. It's a gateway to the Rockies. Yeah, okay, I'll I'll buy it. I don't know. I'm trying to think of where there would actually be bluffs.

00:18:14:56 - 00:18:45:23
I mean, I'm not going to spend a lot of time thinking I'm sure they're correct. But yes, I mean, it came from their website. But yeah, how about that? Well done, Snow Creek. Let's get into our next segment. The things we remember when we're getting older, we've already forgotten more than we ever knew. But some memories still cling to our brain parts like my hands to the ski poles that I neither needed nor used, but somehow could not do without.

00:18:45:23 - 00:19:07:03
When skiing at snow Creek. This list includes memories from our time growing up in Kansas. Let's see just how we can remember. And the Broken News segment. We learned that despite the stereotype of pancake flat topography, there is a ski resort area, a mere stone's throw away from the Kansas, Missouri border. Tyler, have you ever been to Snow Creek?

00:19:07:03 - 00:19:36:59
You've already answered that question, but give us some more. I'm sure. I think the first time that we went to Snow Creek, I was five. Maybe that seems I think it was five. We were young. We weren't. And I from that from the first time that we went, this was something that I knew I would like to be doing for the rest of my life, Like not obviously on a day to day basis, but I had more fun and continue to have fun doing that.

00:19:37:24 - 00:20:09:04
Going growing up through junior high and high school and into college and then now it's it's gravity doing the work, man. And that's our aim. But that's pay attention this podcast at all. They kind of got our character pretty well nailed down and they will not be surprised to discover that while I did not take immediately the snow skiing because why in the world would I strap two skis to my feet and then go straight down the hill that I took me while the warm up the snow skiing?

00:20:09:04 - 00:20:24:17
You, on the other hand, were immediately already like ready to go. And I remember you from an early age, like I'm over there hanging on to that icy tow rope, you know, getting hand cramps, trying to be pulled up, that tiny little bunny hill. And I look over and there you go. It's like a streak down the mountain.

00:20:24:24 - 00:20:45:12
Did you know how to stop? I don't know. But you are going fast. Tips down, maybe tips down. Sounds about right. From what I recall. I remember, you know, probably one of my earliest memories is getting the ski lessons. And and when we were little, it seemed like every time we went, we got the ski lessons. It didn't matter if we'd gotten them the year before.

00:20:45:12 - 00:21:09:15
We just got them again, you know? And. And what did they teach you at the ski lessons? They really only taught you one thing. Snow plow. Snow pizza. You make the pizza and you just have no fun going down the hill. I mean, that's what it's like the way you ski properly as a child. If you just get in this little wedge shape and you go super slow and it's a little bit tiring because you're fighting the mountain, you're fighting gravity.

00:21:09:26 - 00:21:27:19
And I thought, this is not that fun. So what I would do is I would snow plow down the first part of the bunny hill and then I'd open her up. Once I an elevation of about 32 feet, then I'd really point them downhill. And I zoomed past, you know, the grandma was like, Hey, look at this young buck sprinting down this hill.

00:21:28:31 - 00:22:01:07
I think I had to do this the ski lessons once. I don't think I did. The first time we went, I think it was at night like when we were really little. And I don't know if it was a St Luke's thing, St Joseph's, St Luke's. St John's said it meant the game was right exactly as I thought about different thing like, like, like economy trip, maybe that seems like it could have been cause I think like, Winchesters were there, and I think that there are some, there's definitely people there that anyway, okay, I didn't do it.

00:22:01:07 - 00:22:17:31
Yeah my, my first memory of my that maybe that first memory this we've been a little older but it was like was a youth of some kind. You then maybe it was with Saint John's or I don't know or maybe it was something school related that we just had like, you know, a bunch of kids jump on. But it was a youth night trip as a school trip.

00:22:17:34 - 00:22:35:00
I know they had a bunch of churches there because I'll never forget it. I'm out there, you know, and we're just kind of left on our own, like we just scattered around the hill, you know? And our parents all fared well. They got to come funnel back through the, you know, this part of the ski area in the lodge anyway.

00:22:35:08 - 00:22:49:54
So let them go. And I remember at one point I was trying to stay close to Kevin, and Kevin was more adventurous than me and he was going a little faster than I was, you know, And so I tried to stay as close to them as I could. And at one point I lost him. And I remember just kind of sitting there, kind of looking around.

00:22:49:54 - 00:23:06:10
I was like, okay, what do I know? Where are they and where should I go next? And it was dark at this point. It was a night event. And this, I assume youth leader skis up to me. It's like, Hey, do you know Jesus? Like, Yeah, I know Jesus. And I'm like, ignoring him. Like, I'm looking around like.

00:23:06:26 - 00:23:22:55
Like, where's Kevin? I need to find Kevin is like, Oh, are you, are you safe? And this is evangelism at its best. For those of you who are into this kind of thing, he's a saw, you say, Yeah, I would say my whole life. And I'm like, I'm I'm looking. I'm really just ignoring. I mean, and first of all, I wasn't that social as a kid.

00:23:22:55 - 00:23:40:30
Any way towards adults. Towards kids. Yeah, but not adults. It's unlike Kevin and this guy. It's like, Well, can you remember when you became See, kind of looking back, I was like, No, I can't remember what I did say. I'm like, every good Midwestern child. I prayed the prayer 8000 times because I don't want to go to hell.

00:23:40:50 - 00:23:58:13
And and I remember like, well, if you don't remember the time that you were saved then and you kind of look at me, I was like, I was like, Oh, that's Kevin. Thanks. Yeah, I skeet off, but I don't know why that one sticks in. I maybe because I'm a Bible teacher now and stuff like that. I see kids how not to evangelize.

00:23:58:13 - 00:24:16:47
I don't know. But that one I know that's like it but there was there was a lot of church group there. Tyler had. That's what makes me think. I don't know like we did a lot of stuff with, with, with the rushes with and where it rushes in and the Roberts went to church in Troy, so it made me, Oh yeah, egged on with that.

00:24:16:56 - 00:24:36:55
That might have been one of their. Yeah, it definitely was that the same trip where Kevin banged his head? Yes. Yes. So that's one of my big memories was we had, you know, I've tried to close Kevin. I can't find it. Right. I lose him again and he would be going down the hill like Detroit, down, like you said, go 100 miles an hour.

00:24:37:08 - 00:25:02:23
And he I guess the story I heard later, he just got slipped out. There's hard ice. Which kind of the downside, you know, being, you know, this part of the world, you don't always have the fluffiest snow and it's kind of on the green diamond or the green square, whatever is green circle circles where whatever was at, where it divided, you could go right, You could go left while he was trying to turn and he couldn't turn, and he slipped and hit his head on on a patch of ice.

00:25:02:47 - 00:25:17:49
And so I didn't see any of this. And I just look, I couldn't find I was getting little worried for him because, you know, he and I got stuck together and later I see him through the window. He's been checked out by the medics in the ski lodge. And apparently he kept saying the same thing over and over again.

00:25:18:16 - 00:25:34:54
Did remember what it was, what it was, because he was saying he kept saying, oh, man, what time is it? Yeah. It's like over and over it because he's having so much fun. He didn't want to leave and he knew that it was it. It's like an all night lock in. But we weren't staying till five in the morning, you know?

00:25:34:54 - 00:25:55:04
So there was going to be like a 1:00 we're going home or something. And so, yeah, he was he was worried that he had missed all of the skiing, which he did after obviously. And it was funny is, is funny. I mean, performance is probably the wrong word, looking back kind of funny, when I had the worst concussion that I had in high school, the all, you know, don't remember anything, get in the ambulance and drive to the hospital.

00:25:55:04 - 00:26:12:17
Concussion apparently when I was on the sideline standing next to your mother, I kept saying it's like, wait, are we winning? What's the score? And then somebody would tell me. I was like, Oh, man, I thought, we're going to be good this year. Of course, we went to the state semifinal that year, so we were pretty good. But but but I kept saying we were like, Yeah, oh man, I thought we.

00:26:12:30 - 00:26:31:33
So I guess, you know, brothers think like, Oh, man, what's the score I'm in? What time is it? But, you know, yeah, that was, that was classic because he says I think we went back up we went back up one more time to the top, like me, you and like my dad was with us. And that was when us like, okay, something's wrong.

00:26:31:33 - 00:26:53:44
Yeah, well, how hard did you hit your head? Yes, Right. And you? He survived. He's fine. He's great. He's smart guy, Smart guy, Done great. He it didn't it's not stopped him from from being successful with his brain. Nothing permanent. You can go skiing and it's fine. Even if you hit your head. No. Now, it could be the first concussion I had.

00:26:53:44 - 00:27:15:02
Skiing was in Colorado. And that one that was and things have not been the same since the concussion started adding up. Okay. Well, okay, Here's a question for you then, since you've experienced that. Yeah, not not on the concussion front. That's when you get away from that. I want my kids friends. If they listen, I get to play football when they're in high school.

00:27:15:51 - 00:27:40:53
But Colorado snow Creek, I compare the two are pretty much the same. I get the same level of skiing. No, it's not so much like if if you enjoy skiing and you go to Colorado to ski it, you can't go back seriously to Snow Creek or seven Oaks or Sleepy Hollow of the stuff up here. You just can't do it.

00:27:40:53 - 00:28:01:05
It's just the sheer magnitude, the sheer like just from a beauty aspect of I'm getting on the gondola and it's going to be a ten minute ride to the top and we're going fairly quick. But just the creation and the mountains and just everything out there is like, yeah, what was I doing it? What was I doing in western, western Missouri?

00:28:01:05 - 00:28:26:45
Yeah, yeah. Western Missouri have been western exact. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. So no, it's and that was I don't know. Have you ever been skiing in Colorado? I never have. No, no, I've only been. I live in Colorado twice and both times I was in summer. Now I will say I did go back as an adult. There's no good because when I was a kid, you know, we went like years, decades without going.

00:28:26:45 - 00:28:45:33
And I was not an AM Bitner. I was not I was kind of like Zoolander. I could only go, you know, to the right. I could not go left. That was an issue for me. And so I would go right, fall over, get up, go left, turn right, fall over. Cause I remember that. Yeah, That's how you go down the mountain that were on my butt.

00:28:45:33 - 00:29:04:34
And so when I went back, I was like, Guys, I can't turn left. I'll do is I'll be fine. Like, we went back as adults, three of us couples went, and I was like, I don't know. I'm just not good at skiing. And then I realized like, Oh wait, I have grown up and matured since then. I've lifted weights, you know, and triathlons and CrossFit and ran.

00:29:04:34 - 00:29:19:58
And I was in a lot better shape. And you had Tyler skiing at Snow Greek was a lot of fun. I could go right? I bet it was. I is a blast. It's like, Man, why don't we do this more often? Well, then we had kids and we don't go anymore, So that's exact well, so let's just, just talk about snow Krieg.

00:29:20:36 - 00:29:45:35
Tyson and I went more often than you did. Obviously, but it was something that we could go, you get the all night pass and skin lights and we would go down and we started. I never I never got into snowboarding because we didn't ski often enough. I didn't want to take the time to fall for a whole night or two nights or however long it took to get through that first learning curve.

00:29:45:35 - 00:30:00:52
And then you're able to start learning how to do it like, No, I'm not wasting my time and I don't want to be sore. But we started skiing on like the like the snow skates, like they were like free because of walking. I'm holding my hands up to show you how. Yeah, I've seen those. Yeah. Basically, like tiny skis.

00:30:00:52 - 00:30:16:16
And you could kind of spin and do stuff. And they were easy. You didn't go as fast, but we did that. And then my dad took us out to Colorado a few times. I think. Brandon with us too. I know me and Tyson. I thought Brianna went with us, too, because Brandon skied. We would go through junior high and high school.

00:30:16:16 - 00:30:36:44
We would go. We go as a family. I took Stef well, when I was in college, I went with Tyson and the Thompson boys with Kevin and Eric. We went skiing in Colorado on spring break one time, and then I took Stef after we were married and it was her first time skiing period and we were in Colorado.

00:30:37:29 - 00:30:56:12
And that was, I would suggest, maybe taking a lesson or two before you go to the top of the mountain with me and friends of mine. It was she had fun. It took her a couple of days to really get good at it. But the first trip down the mountain, it was like she hit a landmine and there was a yard sale.

00:30:56:14 - 00:31:14:22
It sees flying, pulls fly. It was unreal. And I was mad at my friend for taking us down like, Dude, she's nervous. And you went and you went to Black Diamond. Well, you know, and that's a good cautionary tale because the one two sport athlete, if she takes a couple of days to get used, that they maybe start at Snow Creek, I guess that's what we're saying.

00:31:14:22 - 00:31:32:47
Tyler, start a Snow creek. And that is that is going to be, I think, coming up very soon, either next year or hopefully next year, that she wants to take the kids to Colorado at Christmas time to go see it. So hopefully we'll get that. Yeah, we'll get that ironed out. That would be a yeah. So they can they can start a yard sale.

00:31:33:46 - 00:31:51:51
Well that does it for the things that we remember as we reached 1030 in the all night ski locking of life. We were just thrilled that we remembered something Kansas could be is a production of the Jewel Media podcasting network. And before we go, we want to thank Tracy of Tracy Lynley voiceovers for the way to professional audio.

00:31:51:51 - 00:32:14:51
And of course, I would like to thank Tyler for clearing time in his busy schedule to talk about Snow Creek. Yeah, and even if we can't be the quarterback for the Chiefs, we still have until 2026 to get ready for Milan so we could go back and ski. Yeah, yeah, we're going to do that. Well, that's enough of that for Tyler. I'm Steve, wishing you big fun in your small

00:32:14:51 - 00:32:29:09

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