We get to the actual exodus in this episode, wherein the Israelites exit Egypt. But first they need to fake out Pharaoh so God can kill more Egyptians.
Much like the Ever Given, God parts the Suez Canal and causes a serious mess for international trade. Oh yeah, and needlessly kills people. But it’s fine, because it’s so people know that God has glory.
The Israelites arrive in the wilderness, get thirsty, and completely forget everything that has happened. To keep them from running back to the Egyptians, God tells Moses throw a piece of wood into a pool of “bitter water” to purify it. And it works!
A while later, the Israelites get hungry and completely forget everything that has happened. To keep them from running back to the Egyptians, God gives them quail and powdered sweet bread. And it works!
A while later, the Israelites get thirsty again and completely forget everything that has happened. To keep them from running back to the Egyptians, God has Moses crack open rock with a wooden staff and makes water gush out. And for a time, the people stopped bitching about the conditions of their freedom.
Speaking of freedom, God starts defining how these former slaves should own slaves. How they can trick short term slaves into becoming long term slaves. And how hard God says you should beat your slaves. Oh, and don’t permit a sorceress to live.
Also, we cover the Ten Commandments. How long should I make these posts? Is anyone reading them? Am I venting into the void? None of these questions and more are answered in this weeks episode.
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