The Carmela Ciliberti Show

Celebrate Labor Day - Mitts off Government!

Carmela Ciliberti Season 2022 Episode 4

Dear Representative Lawrence and Senator Comitta,

In celebration of Labor Day, I write to remind you that the labor of a person’s body, the work of their hands, is their property alone.  While I consent to the funding of basic state government services, I do not consent to the funding of excesses (renovating a local theater.)  Nor do I consent to the use of Federal funds for state government services as it has a deleterious effect on our state sovereignty.

It is time that you and your fellow legislators remember your proper role and duty to the people of the commonwealth.  Our labor is not to be confiscated for your agenda.

Carmela Ciliberti


John Locke on Property 

Student Loan Tax Break

Alternative Fuel Vehicle Subsidies

Federal Funding of School Snacks

State Funding of Theater,-Comitta-Announce-$2-Million-for-Oxford-Theater-

Oxford School District Auditorium