New Swingers Podcast

31- How To Bring Up The Idea Of "Swinging" To Your Spouse or Partner (+ June Reveals Her Filthy New Sex Fantasy!) 😱

• John & June

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You want to mention the swinger lifestyle to your spouse or partner, but you may be afraid of how they'll respond if you bring it up, right? You love them, but you also don't want to live the rest of your life devoid of who you are. So what do you do? How do you bring up the swinging lifestyle to your spouse or partner? In today's episode of the New Swingers Podcast, we surveyed approx. 30 real people from the swinger lifestyle who are in our swinger social media groups and we asked them how they initially brought up swinging to their spouse or partner and what happened. Click play right now to hear ALL of their varieties of answers so you can feel more confident and know how to bring up the subject of swinging to your lover and explore sexually with them even more!





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Speaker 1 (00:00:01):
God, I feel like in my mouth I feel something. I just ate salad and I feel something in my mouth. So I'm like, <laugh>, welcome back to the New Swingers podcast. I'm John.

Speaker 2 (00:00:14):
I'm June.

Speaker 1 (00:00:16):
We just ate lunch and now we're like, I have food in my teeth or something. And I'm like,

Speaker 2 (00:00:21):

Speaker 1 (00:00:22):
Anyway. Anyway, today we're going to be talking about how to bring up swinging to your partner or your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever you want to call <affirmative>.

A lot of times one of the people in the relationship either has done swinging or wants to explore it, but they don't know how to bring it up to their partner or spouse because, well, what would the reaction be? Yeah. Will they get mad? Would they say, am I not good enough? Or Why would you want to do that? Or, that's wrong. There's so much risk if you don't know really what they would say. And so a lot of times we've had people ask us like, well, how can we bring this up to our how can I bring this up to my partner? And one of, we actually got an email from somebody who we had, we had answered to her question in previous episode, and she just very casually said, Hey, you know what? It would be really great if you did an episode how other people actually mentioned the topic of swinging to their partners. And so what we did is we went on some social media sites that were part of in the groups, and we just asked the simple question. And that simple question was, where is that? It was, how did you initially bring up the idea of swinging to your spouse or partner? And we probably have what, 30, 35 answers. Yeah,

Speaker 2 (00:01:57):
There's quite a few.

Speaker 1 (00:01:58):
And they're just in the comments section, but people mention all these different ways that they brought it up. And so we wanted to bring that to you today just as a way to give you an idea if you're trying to bring it up, but you're just not sure how and how other people have done it. A very wide variety of people from all over the world actually. But first we have a couple emails. Okay. Couple short ones in June. Take it away.

Speaker 2 (00:02:28):
Yes, sir. Actually, yes. Daddy

Speaker 1 (00:02:32):
<laugh>. I'm not really her dad. Just for the record,

Speaker 2 (00:02:35):

Speaker 1 (00:02:35):
Because that'd be gross.

Speaker 2 (00:02:38):

Speaker 1 (00:02:38):
Unless you're, Nope, not even then. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

Speaker 2 (00:02:43):
Okay. This one says, I just wanted to say hi and thank you for your podcast starting started listening to it this morning. I'm really finding them helpful as my hubby and I are going towards swinging he has done and he's done it in the past. And your podcast is helpful as I'm nervous, although excited. Thank you again from Australia. Well, thank you for listening all the way from Australia. That's awesome.

Speaker 1 (00:03:11):
Yeah, it's funny, sometimes you don't, not that you don't realize what you forget how wide of a reach you can have with what you do.

Speaker 2 (00:03:20):

Speaker 1 (00:03:22):
Most of our listeners are in North America, but we love that. That's awesome. Now we have actually a question on this one and June and June has not read this, so she has no idea.

Speaker 2 (00:03:33):
Oh, okay.

Speaker 1 (00:03:34):
Yeah, it's going to be a real genuine answer. It's going to be honest.

Speaker 2 (00:03:39):
<laugh>. Okay. Hi, John and June, loving your podcast. You are so auth authentic and helpful. My hus,

Speaker 1 (00:03:46):
No, we try to be,

Speaker 2 (00:03:49):
We just be ourselves on here. Honestly, this is us all the time. So how we're acting on here is how we are all the time. So, so my husband and I live in a medium sized college town. We are prominent professionals, healthcare and legal. We have far too many patients and clients to feel comfortable meeting up with anyone local or even regional. We are getting more and more serious about trying something new. We are married 10 years and have a great sex life, but wanting to dial it up in this situation. Do you recommend we try to meet people coming into town to visit or we travel? There are no swinger clubs in our area. It feels more pressured if you arrange to meet someone visiting. And what if we don't feel a connection in person, et cetera? Any advice would be great. Would love to meet you if ever out west or we travel south. Thank you. Okay.

Speaker 1 (00:04:48):
So they're prominent in their community in legal and medical, so they don't want to show up at a swinger's party with patients or clients are theirs and going, Hey, we know each other. You helped me divorce my ex, or you're my doctor, or whatever they are. So that's completely understandable.

Speaker 2 (00:05:10):
Definitely. And you're

Speaker 1 (00:05:11):
Smart for looking at that.

Speaker 2 (00:05:13):

Speaker 1 (00:05:14):
Now they said, would you recommend we try to meet people coming into town to visit or should we travel? I mean, I think the answer is yes. Yeah. I mean, for me, we don't like to meet people in the lifestyle that live in the same small town we do. We like to go a good half hour plus out. That's just us personally. I, I don't want to run into, I say one of my kids' school teachers. Well, unless he's hot. But even then that could,

Speaker 2 (00:05:51):
Even then, that's odd.

Speaker 1 (00:05:51):
That could be odd. Hey, why is he little Billy getting a B? Why is he not getting an A? Why is he or little Johnny, why is he always into, you? Ever notice that in stories little Johnny, the bad kid is always, his name is always little Johnny. Yes. And I knew a kid growing up when I was five or six. His name was Johnny. And that kid used to kill birds. He would throw rocks. Oh my gosh. At that bird nest in trees. Yeah. I mean, he had a really screwed up home life, but

Speaker 2 (00:06:19):
Yeah. Well that didn't help. I'm sure.

Speaker 1 (00:06:21):
I just realized I knew little Johnny. Wow. Yeah, that was random.

Speaker 2 (00:06:25):
And then I had a Johnny friend growing up, well, not growing up, but I met him when I was in my teens and he's he's still a good friend of mine today. So he wasn't a bad Johnny though. So they're not all bad. If your name is Johnny, you're probably not bad <laugh>. Not all Johnny's are bad,

Speaker 1 (00:06:40):
But if they call you little Johnny and they're telling a story about when you're a kid, it's probably a bad story.

Speaker 2 (00:06:45):
<laugh>. True.

Speaker 1 (00:06:47):
So this person says in this situation oh well yeah. We already said like, well, do we travel or meet people? And one thing they said that I would challenge or I would expand on this thought is they said, it feels more pressured if you arrange to meet someone who's visiting. Because what if we don't feel a connection in person? Well, what I would say to that is, if you're arranging to meet and they're coming in town, just arrange to meet for drinks.

And if you feel a connection, great. It'll go from there. Usually organically. It kind of does. And if you don't feel a connection, oh man, I just got a call from my kids. Or you know, can have an excuse. I'm not saying to lie, but I am <laugh> has to not hurt someone's feelings. Have a couple things you can say that are, I would say will always be truthful, but have an out where if you get there, they don't look anything like the pictures online. Maybe you should tell 'em what you think if that's the case because they lied to you. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:08:02):
Yeah. I don't know. I think just go with the intention of meeting for drinks. And if you don't feel a connection, I mean, I don't know, in my opinion it's like, why can't you just be honest, be like, Hey, it was so great to meet you. I would love to be friends with you. But I don't really see this going any further than just being friends. I don't know. In my mind, I would just rather be honest instead of now I would have an out for if they're like to, he said, if they don't look anything they <laugh> were supposed to look like. But I don't know, I think if you just don't feel a connection, I think just being honest and open about it, Hey, I would love to meet up again, just to hang out for drinks, to be friends. But I don't really see anything going beyond being friends. I think just being honest would, I don't know. Or

Speaker 1 (00:08:53):
You could say with some people, you might just say something, we like to get to know people a little more before we do something if we end up playing or I mean, if you preface it with that before you meet, it'd be less awkward in the moment because it's like, well, some people we need to get to know more. It just depends. I mean, that would be me. I mean, because if you set it up as, Hey, we're just getting drinks it doesn't mean we play right immediately afterwards. It doesn't mean we don't, but I said, you can also have an out

Speaker 2 (00:09:36):
Y And I think just setting the expectation ahead of time is best. Hey, we're going to meet for drinks, and hey, if we click and hit it off really well, maybe things can go further. But if not, we can still be friends. I mean, maybe even preface it that way before you meet.

Speaker 1 (00:09:53):
I mean, we have friends in the lifestyle we've never actually played with who are really good friends for us, and we make better friends and have a very enjoyable friendship even though we're not really, we don't do anything else with them. And there's totally nothing wrong with that. Mm-hmm. M yeah,

Speaker 2 (00:10:15):
No. Cause I, one the big, for me, a big thing for me was I just wanted to make friends who think the way we do, and there's no judgments of how we are. They just love you for who you are. And for me, that's huge. Okay. If I get to play, okay, that's an added bonus. But my whole, one of mine personally was like, I want to make friends that I know me for me, the real me, not the friends I have that know me all these years in the religious background I grew up in, know. Now these, these friends that I've made in the lifestyle know me better, I feel like. And we're closer than a lot of friends that know me for years.

Speaker 1 (00:11:01):
Yeah, that's totally true.

Speaker 2 (00:11:02):

Speaker 1 (00:11:05):
It cuts through a lot of fact when people can just be who they are around each other.

Any advice would be great. We'd love to meet you forever out west. We'd travel south. Absolutely. We'd love meeting people. Yeah. We've met a number of you who listened to the podcast that locally reached out to us. We're local and well, we hung out. So that definitely happens. So we hope that was helpful for you. There's also, I mean, resorts you can go to or hotel takeovers in different cities. There's a lot of options. I don't see any disadvantage to traveling and I don't see any disadvantage for someone coming into town, like we said, as long. I mean, if you preface it properly, we already talked about mm-hmm. A little bit. I think that clears up a lot of confusion. I mean, I don't know if we've, we've ever met up with somebody just to, with the intent we're going to play tonight. Now I say that, but we have with the unicorn.

But that was already Predis discussed. We saw her pictures, she saw ours. We had chatted up quite a bit on one of the sites messaging. And so we had discussed a lot already. And when she showed up as a beautiful black woman and not a 48 year old white guy who's 900 pounds, like, oh, that's her. Yeah. But even then we were like, it was still, well, hey, if we hit it off and everything, everyone feels comfortable, then we will. We'll decide to get a hotel room down the road or something. And which we did. And that was a great experience. She was awesome. Yeah. An awesome person. Yeah. I mean, great person, beautiful lady. Yeah. I mean, you think, well, at the end of dinner, is everyone sitting there twiddling their thumbs? Who's going to say it? I just looked at her and said, well, we've had a great time getting to know ya.

Would you like to hang out more? There's a hotel down the road. And she's like, yeah, let's do it. So I I didn't make it weird. We didn't make it weird. No, I've found that just saying what you're thinking and being clear with people in lifestyle, don't beat around the bush. Just be clear. It's so appreciated and everyone knows what's going on and there's less margin for error or confusion or frustration or misleading in any way. Yeah. Just be clear. Yeah. I mean, we played with a beautiful Asian lady last week, and <laugh>, one thing, I really think I said this maybe in the last podcast, but one thing I really appreciated about her was the fact that I just asked her, what are you hoping to do here tonight at the Swinger Club? Did you come here with any intention or what do you enjoy? What are you hoping to maybe get into tonight? And she says, group sex. And then I said, okay. And then she says, do you group sex? And I said, yeah, we like group sex. And I said, do you want to go play and have group sex right now? And she goes, yeah, let's go. So that's called clarity. Yeah. You know, have not because he asked not so, yeah. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 3 (00:14:26):
Guys, have you found it difficult to get and keep an erection while at lifestyle events? If so, you're not alone. And it's common. The new environment and the distractions can contribute to a lack of erection due to performance anxiety at the very moment you need it the most. I personally ran into this issue early on in the lifestyle and it was super frustrating, but don't worry, there's a solution. If you use our link in the show notes and use the coupon code new n e w at checkout, you'll get $30 off your order of FDA-approved ed medication from Shameless Care. So you can get hard and stay hard in the moments that matter most don't question your manhood or feel like less of a man ever again. Just click the link in the show notes right now to get $30 off before the promotion ends so you can get back in the game and blow your sex partner's mind. Click the link right now and simply use the coupon code new n e w at checkout

Speaker 1 (00:15:17):
Now onto today's episode. Content, how to bring up swinging to your partner or spouse, whoever you're with. And again, a lot of people are afraid to do that. How do I do it? So we surveyed again in these social media groups and asked people. Now some of these, I may have screenshot it twice. I'm reading these off my phone, so if we repeat it, we apologize. But these are men and women of various ages, ethnicities from different locations. So this comes from a wide variety of people in the lifestyle. So June, I'm going to pipe down and I'm going to have you start reading some.

Speaker 2 (00:15:59):
Okay. The first one says, we actually downloaded an app that asks yes or no questions, and some were pertaining to the lifestyle and we realized we had the same interests. Interests.

Speaker 1 (00:16:12):
That's good. Yeah,

Speaker 2 (00:16:13):
It's really good.

Speaker 1 (00:16:14):
There's like that if you haven't been to it, we don't get anything from this. There's no commission or anything, but what was it? BDSM test? Yeah, BDSM And you can both take it and it'll tell you what you are categorized. We learned things about ourselves that affirmed things that we knew and some things we didn't, but when we read our results also we realized, oh, we have some of these things in common, or we click and align these ways that we didn't know to explore before. So that's a real thing. Yeah, I would really, that's really good. Encourage you to check out that site BDSM It doesn't mean you're into bdsm, it just tells you what you're into and you can align, look at yours and look at your partners and you can talk about it. It makes for great discussions. Oh

Speaker 2 (00:17:04):
Yeah, definitely. We've done all kinds of quizzes over the years, and especially even more recently, just to kind of know how we are more. Yeah. So I think that's always important to even yearly or even every six months, do redo some of those quizzes again to see if anything's changed. Oh,

Speaker 1 (00:17:23):
Yours flipped completely upside down. Yours said vanilla for three years.

Speaker 2 (00:17:27):
I got so mad. I was like vanilla. I'm not vanilla. Am I

Speaker 1 (00:17:31):
<laugh>? And I'm like the opposite of vanilla. I'm unlike varieties a spice of life. Do everything before you die. Pretty much. Almost everything. So now, yeah, this last time we took it, your results were

Speaker 2 (00:17:43):

Speaker 1 (00:17:44):
Huge all over the place. And I'm going, hell yeah. This woman is a real human. Finally.

Speaker 2 (00:17:50):
Submissive. Kinky. Yeah. Let's see. The next one says I met my boyfriend via s sls, so it was kind of in the cards.

Speaker 1 (00:18:02):
Yeah. SLS is a swinger lifestyle website where you can meet people, links in our description, show notes for all that too. In fact, go get the swing easy pdf. It's free. There's a link to it in the show notes. It's it's like a two page free pdf, and it's got numerous sources there that are free where you can, it's three or four of the easiest places to meet other like-minded swinger couples in the next 24 hours. Guaranteed you can get on there. Start for free doesn't have to cost to anything. You can start for free and never pay a nickel, but you can see and message and connect with other people who are in the lifestyle that live near you. So go check out that. Just go to the show notes where it says Swing easy, meet other couples or something like that. And just click it. Yeah, it's free.

Speaker 2 (00:18:54):
This one says, I invited her to a swinger's club with the guarantee that nothing had to happen. Just wanted her to see what it was like.

Speaker 1 (00:19:01):
Okay. So he was willing to bring it up, but he put no pressure on her. Hey, let's just go and see what happens. See what it's like. We don't have to do anything. Let's just be a fly on the wall.

Speaker 2 (00:19:14):
Yeah. Well, I remember the first time we went to the Swinger's Club, that's what we did. We just sat there and we just observed everything.

Speaker 1 (00:19:21):
Yeah, I like that because it's very no pressure because people don't, don't know what to expect. Going to a swinger's club. We met a couple last night. It was their very first time and their first time was like ours. They're like, we didn't know what the hell to expect, but they were like, this place is great. People are so laid back. It's safe. It's nice. Yeah. They were like, they just loved it.

Speaker 2 (00:19:45):
This one says Met current partner on swinger page. Okay.

Speaker 1 (00:19:50):
Well that makes it easy. Yeah. You're both on a swinger website. Yeah. And you met Nice.

Speaker 2 (00:19:56):
Oh no, this one says we were kind of tricked into it. We'll share a story with y'all later. Wow.

Speaker 1 (00:20:01):
Trip. Well, hopefully it's not horrible. Kind of. Maybe you're like, yeah, I don't know. Sarcastic, tricked, or

Speaker 2 (00:20:07):
I don't know. Some of these texts are kind of,

Speaker 1 (00:20:10):
Yeah, there's no context.

Speaker 2 (00:20:15):
This one says couple's massage. Huh?

Speaker 1 (00:20:20):
And then I think I responded, you mentioned it during the massage. I don't, I'm not sure. Huh? If we were getting a couple's massage and I brought up a swinger's, going to a swinger's club, that would mean I, I'm trying to think how this unfolded. You both have people rubbing oil, all of your naked bodies massaging you, and it's like me going, Hey Jim, let's go to a swinger's club. Maybe it's because I'm not having to look at you because my face is in that little round pillow thing, or there's other people in the room. No, no. They know too. I don't know. I would be very curious to hear the story of

Speaker 2 (00:21:03):
Yeah, that's interesting.

Speaker 1 (00:21:04):
Getting a couple of massage and bringing it up there.

Speaker 2 (00:21:08):
This one says, just bring it up. Let's try this exclusive club out. But make sure you mention we just, we're just going to check it out

Speaker 1 (00:21:18):
And they, they just said, just bring it up. That's easier for some than others.

Speaker 2 (00:21:26):

Speaker 1 (00:21:27):
I mean, yeah. You don't know how, if you know your spouse, if they're insecure or if they're very easily offended, that might be some terrible advice because they're going to get into the whole, what am I not good enough? Or why would you want to do that?

Speaker 2 (00:21:44):
Well, that's why it comes down to knowing you're a partner and And that's why I'm, when we read, some of these may work for you, and some of them may not be the best option for you,

Speaker 1 (00:21:57):
But that's why I like that BDSM and some others because those, that's let's like, Hey, let's take this fun quiz and see what it says. We're into it. And then you start discussing it. And that that's a very non-threatening way that a third party outside source can facilitate discussion. That can lead you to going, well, hey, this says you're an exhibitionist. You like being watched or you like to watch, you're a voyeur. Or maybe you both are. And you go, well, man, we both like to be a watcher. We both like to watch, or we both being watched and watching what, Hey, I don't know if you're opposed to it, but there's a swinger's club and people go there and do it, and we could watch them. And if we ever wanted to, we could get involved or only down the road if we wanted to be watched. Other people are the, so you see how that test, those results led to conversation without anyone directly having to bring it up except for as a mere suggestion?

Speaker 2 (00:23:04):
Or you want multiple people?

Speaker 1 (00:23:06):
Yeah. Oh yeah. Or you want multiple people like, oh, you want a 19 person gang bang. Okay, well, yeah, I had no judgment.

Speaker 2 (00:23:16):
Okay, so this one says explained that I've been in the lifestyle with my ex was in a truth about my last moment. We'd already been to a strip club together. Just asked if she'd ever been interested. Been in this lifestyle with her now for 11 years and 20 years total for me. Okay.

Speaker 1 (00:23:35):
Wow. That really worked out for them.

Speaker 2 (00:23:40):
This person said she had a girlfriend for many years before he met. Okay. So you knew she was already into girls before we ever went out. I told her I wasn't very well endowed and she would be welcome to sleep with other men. Let's see. Go hang out with just about any couple in the lifestyle and they'll definitely swap stories. Lol.

Speaker 1 (00:24:05):
Yeah. True. Yeah. Is that one we already read right there?

Speaker 2 (00:24:14):

Speaker 1 (00:24:15):
Okay. Is there more?

Speaker 2 (00:24:18):
There's more to it. It says, this is the one that said, I invited her to Swinger's Club with a guarantee that nothing had to happen. Just wanted her to see what it was like.

Speaker 1 (00:24:24):
Oh, these are responses to

Speaker 2 (00:24:25):
It. And then response. Somebody said, well, tell us how it went. And then the other person, the guy said it went well. She loved the environment and the people and have been going back ever since. Awesome. Yeah. That's cool. Sounds

Speaker 1 (00:24:38):
Like us.

Speaker 2 (00:24:41):
I'm pretty sure Margaritas were involved, took 20 years into our marriage to realize we were both actually into it.

Speaker 1 (00:24:47):
Wow, cool. That they realize that. But man, I think 20 years, because I mean, we're coming up here in a couple years to the 20 year mark, and it's taken us this long. Yeah. I mean, think I may have told you before we look back and go, I think I said, imagine if we didn't known this about ourselves 15 years ago, how much better we'd know each other and communicate. We've always been good at that. We've always gotten along well and communicated very well, but it's been even better since the lifestyle. Oh my

Speaker 2 (00:25:30):
Gosh. Everything can keep our hands off each other

Speaker 1 (00:25:33):

Speaker 2 (00:25:33):
We were just talking about that yesterday or we're just constantly, I mean, we've always been touchy feely all over each other anyway, but I just feel like since the lifestyle, I feel like it's been a lot more, I mean, you agree. It's been a lot more touchy feely.

Speaker 1 (00:25:52):

Speaker 2 (00:25:53):
Fucking a lot more often.

Speaker 1 (00:25:55):
And we were already doing it three or four times a week on average before the last

Speaker 2 (00:25:59):
Time me actually saying the word fuck

Speaker 1 (00:26:02):
And you saying the word fuck. Yeah. I think back on just lost time with that. Now you can't regret it because you just weren't there. It's not who you were. But then you feel fortunate. Thank God we found this when we did, and we got to a point where we could even talk about it and let alone explore and enjoy it together.

Speaker 2 (00:26:20):
Yeah. From the day we decided to date exclusively told her it was part of who I am, and if she wanted me, she would have to come along.

Speaker 1 (00:26:32):
Well, there's clarity. It's probably one big reason it worked because she realized, well, if I'm going to be with him, this is who he is. If not, he's, well, go find somebody else. All respect and happiness to you. Yeah. I love the clarity in that because most, so many people beat on the bush and yeah, there's just clarity, people clarity.

Speaker 2 (00:26:57):
Well, I think for me, it's more of like, oh my gosh, I've found a new kink, a new fantasy, and I'm like, it scares the shit out of me. And now I'm going to tell my partner about this because I have a new fantasy now, and it still kind of makes me, I'm nervous.

Speaker 1 (00:27:21):
I think any woman would be with that fantasy and everybody listening is going, what is it for the love of God?

Speaker 2 (00:27:28):
I know he posted a picture of me and my face was covered on one of our social media sites and said, she just told me a new fantasy. And then I got all kinds of comments of, what is it? What is it?

Speaker 1 (00:27:42):
Yeah. Well, you can reveal it whenever you're comfortable at some point. Only if you want to and if you don't, we'll keep 'em guessing. And if they meet us, they might find out.

Speaker 2 (00:27:54):
Think about it. I may or may not dispose of it. We'll see. Disclose, disclose what I say. Dispose. Dispose.

Speaker 1 (00:28:00):
Going to get rid of it. Good luck getting rid of it. Ooh, there's interesting. That's interesting. How would you dispose of a kink you have? How would you get rid of it if you have a kink you wouldn't want to. Anyway, that's another boring episode for another day that I don't think actually would go anywhere because everyone's like, why the fuck would you get rid of it? Why don't you go enjoy it?

Speaker 2 (00:28:20):
Exactly. Okay, I'll just say it. I want a gang bang with guys. Ow. <laugh>. I never thought I would ever say that. Ever, ever, ever.

Speaker 1 (00:28:30):
And she wants me to be one of the guys.

Speaker 2 (00:28:32):
Well, yeah.

Speaker 1 (00:28:33):
Which is nice. I like to

Speaker 2 (00:28:34):
Participate. I always want him to be involved in anything I ever do. So yeah, he's definitely would have to be one of the guys for sure. And I even told him I wanted to do it blindfolded,

Speaker 1 (00:28:47):
Which that's actually from a guy's perspective, that's another level of sexy. And then if you want to take it even further, maybe you're tied up or something, or who knows? You can go

Speaker 2 (00:29:00):
Direct. Maybe not for my first time, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (00:29:03):
But now I don't want to get off. I don't want to get off track. Sorry. But yeah. Well just What

Speaker 2 (00:29:09):
Were you going to say? <laugh>? You can't leave them. Leave. Leave him. Leave them hanging.

Speaker 1 (00:29:15):
Well, I was going to say, what's with the blindfold? Why the blindfold? Because I know blindfolded woman, while you're having sex with her, there's a kink to that. You're in control, but why would you want to be blindfolded? Is there another reason with the blindfold?

Speaker 2 (00:29:36):
I think for me, it's kind of like, because I am nervous about it, but I do want to try it. I think for the first time, I think being blindfolded kind of makes me where I can't get in my head. I can't know who's coming at me,

Speaker 1 (00:29:53):
Who's touching you.

Speaker 2 (00:29:54):
Yeah. Here right now. Yeah. I think it's kind of a way to protect me from letting fear control me, and I refuse to have that because it happened for too long in my life. So I feel like it's a way to, I guess, I don't know what I'm trying to say. I guess doing the blindfold will make me stay out of my head, I think.

Speaker 1 (00:30:17):
Yeah. Because then you're, I wonder whose dick is in my mouth right now, or whose dick is in my hand or whose dick is in me. And plus, you're in a moment of pleasure and of present action, things happening, actual things, which that right there, whenever you're in the present moment of an action taking place, most fear goes away. Unless it's a scary, traumatic or deadly experience, your mind, mind in that moment is focusing on what's actually happening. Not an imagined worst case scenario or fear. So that makes sense.

Speaker 2 (00:30:53):
Yeah. So I think that's why I'm still trying to figure it out. Cause it's brand fucking new. So

Speaker 1 (00:30:59):
I'll tell you, if I walked in into a room with similar dudes and now I was one of the guys and I saw a beautiful lady there waiting and she's blindfolded. Fuck. That is so sexy. Like, oh my God. That's funny. You're welcome.

Speaker 2 (00:31:15):

Speaker 1 (00:31:15):
I mean, even if it wasn't you, it was another lady. Yeah. Just, I don't know what, wow. I think it's, it comes off as kinky, I think. Yeah. Anyway, I digress.

Speaker 2 (00:31:29):
<laugh>. Okay so the next one says, I said, wouldn't it be fun to have two mouths working on this right now to my current partner? That's what my ex said to me, and poof. I never went back to the vanilla world.

Speaker 1 (00:31:45):
I don't know how I could ever be vanilla again. Sexually, to me it's like, why the fuck would you do that? Why go back? It would be so, so much more boring.

Speaker 2 (00:32:00):
Yeah. I think for me, I sometimes think I'll, I'll be like, okay, well, I want to still make sure that we fuck each other and that we still come first. So I have to remind myself, well, yeah, of course we always do. Oh

Speaker 1 (00:32:16):
Yeah, you and I, what is she saying is June, you and I and what we are together in our sex life and our relationship, we are always priority first. Yes. This is extra and that it doesn't overshadow

Speaker 2 (00:32:28):
Us and it

Speaker 1 (00:32:28):
Always stays that way. Yeah. The lifestyle never overshadows us or something.

Speaker 2 (00:32:31):
Yes. Okay. And so sometimes I like to, I'll bring it up and we talk about it and I just want to make, just checking in, just making sure that, and so that's kind of a way that we kind of just check in with each other too. Let's see. When we start today, I tell them up front that I want to be non-monogamous,

Speaker 1 (00:32:53):
To which they probably reply. What does that mean? Yeah, because I've heard so many people go, what is that? A lot of people actually don't know what that term means. Monogamy obviously being two people, exclusive to each other and non-monogamous meaning more

Speaker 2 (00:33:14):
No discussion really. It occurred. We just told each other that we were by. Okay.

Speaker 1 (00:33:20):
So yeah, they just straight out told each other how they were and said, okay.

Speaker 2 (00:33:27):
I met my boyfriend of Via S sls, so it wasn't, it was kind of in the cards. That may have been, we already read,

Speaker 1 (00:33:33):
I think we read this one, but if it was screenshotted twice, it's probably because there were additional responses. Oh, here we go. Read this one. And then the responses.

Speaker 2 (00:33:43):
We actually downloaded an app that asked yes or no questions, and some were pertaining to the lifestyle and we realized we had the same interest. I remember that one. And then they said, what app is it? And then they said it was called Spicer. Both download it and use a code to link to link it. If both say yes to a question, it tells each partner there's a match.

Speaker 1 (00:34:06):

Speaker 2 (00:34:07):
So we've done that one. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (00:34:08):
Yep. Well, we did that one because of that comment. Oh, because, yeah. So what, if I remember correctly, you and I took it separately and it only told us the things we had in common not the things we didn't. If that was the one which kind of made it safe for you and for me. Let's say I had a kink that I didn't know how you'd respond and you saw that on there and he wants to do what? Well, it wouldn't tell. Yeah, it tell you that unless you had that same kink.

Speaker 2 (00:34:41):
Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1 (00:34:42):
But then we're going, wait, you too. Yeah. You mean watching hot lady porn too? Yeah. Wow. I totally get that. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:34:55):
Let's see. We got invited to a swinger's club by a friend. We went and checked it out and had been pursuing the lifestyle ever since then. Awesome.

Speaker 1 (00:35:07):
Mojo Okay. That looks like a website. Awesome. Site quiz game to find out all the kinks you never knew about each other, huh? Hell, God. Is that guy like a copywriter or something? That's a great headline for that. I want to click it and go check it out now. Right? Yeah. Mojo Kim, we don't get anything from these links. These aren't affiliates or anything. We just, we're reading through these comments and yeah, go check these out and let us know how they go.

Speaker 2 (00:35:35):
Episodes of Benny Hill. I don't know who that is.

Speaker 1 (00:35:39):
Oh, we don't watch a ton of tv, so maybe it's a show or something.

Speaker 2 (00:35:48):
We were in a couple adult groups and it just kind of came up in conversation. There you

Speaker 1 (00:35:53):
Go. All right. So this next one here says, whisper it in her ear. Every whisper in her ear every night while she sleeps till she thinks she thought of it. Oh, that's funny. With a laughing face. Oh, this guy's funny. Oh my

Speaker 2 (00:36:12):
Gosh. Whisper it in her ear every night while she sleeps till she thinks about it.

Speaker 1 (00:36:18):
Well, yeah, until she thinks that she thought of it. It was her idea.

Speaker 2 (00:36:22):
Oh my gosh. That's funny.

Speaker 1 (00:36:24):
You. It is funny. What's interesting though, in communication and persuasion, trying to persuade people to do things, a lot of times it's easier to persuade someone to do something if you do actually convince them in one way or another. That the good idea was actually their idea

Speaker 2 (00:36:47):
Was their idea. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (00:36:49):
Whereas they would've opposed you otherwise. So even though that's really funny. There's actually some truth to that. This lady says, talking about his past, so they were talking about his past this lady and her boyfriend, and apparently he was in the lifestyle, and so it came up and that's how it kind of broke the ice. This lady says, I got drunk and yelled that I wanted to have a threesome while we were in a bar and they quit serving us drinks <laugh> with laughing Smiley. So she got drunk in a bar and yelled, I want to have a threesome. And then they're like, we're cutting you off. That's funny. I would love to drink around that lady. Next person says she would always make comments about other women in her curiosity. Got the best for her,

Speaker 2 (00:37:36):
Huh? Hell

Speaker 1 (00:37:37):
Yeah. I got curiosities about women my whole life. And then, all right, let's see. I start teasing her in the heat of the moment kind of role play it till it came to the point where we sat down and really talked about it, checking out the lifestyle. Oh, I made sure the first time that's all about her and for her good. So the first time is a hit or miss thing. I'm glad it was a hit. And the rest is history. PS she was upset the first time I brought it up. Now she enjoys it a lot. Wink,

Speaker 2 (00:38:11):
Huh. Okay.

Speaker 1 (00:38:13):
That makes sense though. Cause you've, you've gotten upset with me over things and then we talked about, and you didn't understand why you were and we had some time to think through it, and then mm-hmm. <affirmative> just got past him and it doesn't bother you now. Yeah. So I mean, I think that has a lot to do with how we're all psychologically conditioned and taught. We're supposed to be a certain way only, you're only supposed to do this with this person or don't do sex that way, whatever it is. And when you do something that goes against what you've been taught, your whole life is maybe wrong or the way you're not supposed to. There's going to be a natural a dissonance. There's going to be a gap there that you're going to have to deal with. And it sounds like they got through it and I'm glad, but just so you know, that's totally normal. One night it came up in conversation and we haven't looked back. That one got cut off. Let's see. Oh, I sat down and had an honest conversation with her because that's how it should work. If you're going to have an honest relationship, it's kind of cut off, but I think that's what he was saying. Yeah.

This guy says, I asked my wife because I don't remember. Turns out she doesn't remember either. Oh gosh. Neither of them remembers how the swinger lifestyle conversation came up. That's funny.

Speaker 2 (00:39:45):
Oh, here's one. My wife read a novel that had a M F M threesome in it.

Speaker 1 (00:39:50):
So that's a male female male threesome, if you don't know. So two guys having sex with a lady.

Speaker 2 (00:39:57):
She brought it up and I was receptive and it went from there.

Speaker 1 (00:40:02):
My god bless those novels. After my wife's divorced, she realized she liked girls more than she believed, and we started joking and she ended up taking me to Eden, which is a club in Dallas in, I think there's a few locations. She took them there on Father's Day last year, and here we are.

Speaker 2 (00:40:22):
Oh, there you go.

Speaker 1 (00:40:24):
So she got divorced and realized she likes girls more than guys, but still ended up with him and they started joking about it and then went to a swinger's club and they're there

Speaker 4 (00:40:35):

Speaker 1 (00:40:36):
All right. This one. Okay. This is actually, we don't use names on here, but these are actually some personal friends of ours from the club that we go to, and so we'll just call them m and f. This, they said the lifestyle found us. This is going to be long. Sorry. Don't be sorry. We're looking forward to sharing it. Yeah,

They said we went to a vanilla friend's birthday party, and by the way, if you don't know what vanilla means and the lifestyle, it's basically people who are not in the lifestyle or they don't do swinger stuff. Anybody who's not in the lifestyle. I went to a vanilla friend's birthday party. Majority of everyone left her house by nine or 9:30 PM Birthday girl was super sick and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom while her husband took care of her. We were left with another couple that we didn't know. They had a slip and slide in the backyard that they had rented, and no one really used it. All of a sudden, the other couple decided we'd stay a bit to make use of the slide. The girl from the couple wanted to go topless and wanted me, the lady here to join. I was super reserved and had never done anything like that before.

But for some reason I agreed. After a while I told my guy and the other guy to take off their shorts or else we'd put our tops back on. Oh man. Yeah, she's fun. I love that. They end up getting naked. The girl and I eventually took our bottoms off as well, and we all just kept sliding. At one point, the four of us are at the end of the slide in the tiny pool area, and the girl comes over and starts to make out with me. I'm extremely confused on what's happening in the moment and think to myself that we're all married and probably shouldn't be doing this. Then she goes over to my husband and starts making out with him. I'm in complete shock and start to feel upset, mad, and I looked over to her husband and hope that he can read my thoughts and get his wife off my husband.

He comes over and starts to kiss me, which I thought, okay, this is fun. Now everything's, even the rest of the night, hands are wandering and there's a lot of kissing going on. Damn, that's hot <laugh>. Next morning, my husband and I talk and are in shock of what happened the night before, but in a good way. I spent the entire day on and off having sex. Yeah, that happens. Then you're going, wait, what? We don't know what the hell happened, but we suddenly are having lots of sex in multiple times a day. Oh yeah. The high went on for about two to three weeks.

So they were super turned on with each other sexually sounds like in a way that maybe they had never been before. Because of that, we wanted to have a night like that again, but without planning it, don't we all <laugh> every time that we would Google things, the word swinging kept coming up online, and I knew for a fact that was not just us nor to be just us, lol. We just wanted to have fun. So my husband found a sex club called Eden. It was players club at the time, or players at the time, and then Collette, which is another one in Dallas the little higher end one. That's actually the one we go to and we really love it. And she says, I shut the idea down of swinging because of what I thought these places would be like. So she had an idea in her head like, oh, these swinger clubs, oh no, no, yeah, this, it's going to be weird. So she had an idea,

Speaker 2 (00:44:33):
Unsanitary, whatever. Whoever knows

Speaker 1 (00:44:35):
That you walk in, everyone's like chain to the wall, whipping each other and having sex. It's like a hundred person orgy. She goes, but fast forward one night, I had texted a group of vanilla friends to go bar hopping with us. They always, always say yes. This night, all everyone said they couldn't. This was the very first night my husband and I went bar hopping alone, and about one 30 ish in the morning comes around and I'm upset because I'm not ready to go home and want to continue to party, and the bars are about to close soon. So I asked my husband about unquote that one club being the swinger club that he had found, because he mentioned they close at 4:00 AM He orders us an Uber and we made our way to Collette in Dallas, and the rest is history with smiley faces.

Speaker 2 (00:45:25):
I didn't know that story. That's really awesome.

Speaker 1 (00:45:28):
Yeah. Yeah. That's a great story. But you see how goes it was unintended. Then there was some shock, like, oh my God, she kissed me, the lady sing, and then what the fuck? She's kissing my husband. Then the husband, oh, that lady kisses her and she's like, what the hell? Well, okay, at least ween now. And then they're, what the fuck happened? They're like, we don't know. Yesterday or last night. And then it's like they had sex three or four times that day, and that high lasted for two or three weeks and yeah, that's called a clue. I don't care. What you're taught is right or wrong. If something happens like that and your body, your mind responds in a way, at least take note of it. Don't try to deny it, and these people didn't, and that's the reason we actually know them now and they're great people.

Speaker 2 (00:46:21):

Speaker 1 (00:46:22):
This next person, they said started out gradually as just dirty talk during sex, which helped broach the subject. Then turn into real conversations that could evolve if you find you saying certain things or you having certain things said to you, and then you get to talking after a while and going, Hey, do you really want that to happen? You know, like hearing it, you saying it. So that's kind of a good step. Segue.

Speaker 2 (00:46:50):
Next one says, from the day we decided to date exclusively, I told her it is part of who I am, and if she wanted me, she would have to come along. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. We read that one.

Speaker 1 (00:47:00):
That was when we read Bri. How about this

Speaker 2 (00:47:02):
One? I believe I was out with my wife, girlfriend at the time, and we both saw a lady that was attractive. Naturally I acted. I didn't notice her until she told me that she wanted to take her home. That's when I further realized she was the woman I was going to marry.

Speaker 1 (00:47:19):
Damn, you're trying to be all good and stuff and don't look, don't look God damnit, don't look even though you really want to, and then the woman you're trying not to offend goes, holy, we should take her home. Yeah. That's called a marry me moment. Right. Okay. This is the one that got cut off earlier. This guy says, I sat down and had an honest conversation with her because that's the only way it works if she is as vested as you are in it. Oh, that's good. Yep. That's called great relationship advice. Yeah. If one person's in and one person's not, you're going to have trouble. Yeah.

We read that one. Let's see. Talk about his past. We were in a couple. No, we read that. Must have done that one twice. Actually downloaded the app. Yeah, we talked about that one. Talked about that one. The fir. Okay, here's one. Here's another couple friends of ours. The first day that we started to talk I like the guy told his wife about the lifestyle. So the first day they started to talk, he told her about the lifestyle and that he currently had a few friends with benefits that he plays with in the lifestyle, and she said he could keep his friends with benefits and continued doing it as long as he was upfront and honest about it. Okay. After doing it two more times with the friends of benefits, I decided I didn't like it as much with the current situation. So his wife decided to give it a try, and here we are now.

Turns out we both enjoy watching each other with others. So they discovered watching each other have sex with other people. That's one of their teams. And I always say, I don't say that's weird because I know it's not weird anymore. And the only reason I, that's a very common thing, and my reason for saying that is, I don't know if I've said this on the podcast before, but where I come from, if you look at a guy's girlfriend or wife too long, he wants to fight you. Yeah. There's like this huge insecurity of why you staring at her, but in the swinger lifestyle, it's like that's really not there. It's more like, Hey, you want to have sex with her? Yeah. It's more like, Hey, I notice you looking. Would you like to fuck her? It's like, oh, really? So that's why when I use the word weird, I don't mean it's not weird to me anymore because we know so many people.

That's one of their kinks, and I don't know if it's one of mine at this point. I don't feel like I get anything out of that, but we're still kind of new to that kind of scenario, but it's a very common thing, way more common than you would think. Mm-hmm. And yeah, that's why we say it to each their own, and we also learn that the lifestyle is an evolving thing. At least for us. It has been. You get in with what you think you like, then you learn that, oh my gosh, I think I like this now too. Or Oh my God, why would I ever want that? I don't know why I'm so turned on by your recent one that you mentioned our whole time and lifestyle, you've been against other guys

Speaker 2 (00:50:38):
The whole time,

Speaker 1 (00:50:40):
Don't even consider, and now you're like, Hey, can you think of three more guys that could join you and me? And I'm like, wait, you want two guys, three guys, four guys, four at four. I'm like, what's magic about four?

Speaker 2 (00:50:56):
Because then there's, in my mind, even though I'm going to be blindfolded, in my mind it's like if let you

Speaker 1 (00:51:02):

Speaker 2 (00:51:03):
<laugh>, in my mind it's kind of like, oh they're waiting for me. They're waiting their turn. I don't know why that's hot, but it is.

Speaker 1 (00:51:12):
They showed up and they're worth their weight, baby. Wow. This guy says to the question, you initially bring up the idea of swinging to your sponsor partner.

Speaker 2 (00:51:24):
Oh, we were watching porn and there was a threesome scene. I turned to my wife and said, how about trying that? Then I said, we should involve an old boyfriend of hers, so it would be somebody she knew the first time. Huh.

Speaker 1 (00:51:40):
Okay. I see the logic there. I also thought risk though, when you read that,

Speaker 2 (00:51:48):
Oh yeah, me too.

Speaker 1 (00:51:49):
Oh, that's your ex. And I'm like, oh, what if it brings up old feelings? And then again, we don't know their situation, but you've even said doing things with other people is more comfortable if it's with somebody we know. At least for you.

Speaker 2 (00:52:06):
Yeah. Yeah. Well, for me, with my first dp that was with GI Joe and Barbie, because we've gotten to know them well.

Speaker 1 (00:52:17):
Yeah, it was with that couple. It was with that couple, and it was me and him though. With you. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:52:22):
And she sat on your face and

Speaker 1 (00:52:24):
She sat on my face while he was behind you and you were sucking me off and the rest is

Speaker 2 (00:52:29):
History, and it was hot, and it was in that moment that I realized I like those.

Speaker 1 (00:52:35):
It was in that moment. I was like,

Speaker 2 (00:52:38):

Speaker 1 (00:52:39):
And going, yeah, this is fucking awesome.

Speaker 2 (00:52:44):
That was me earlier giving you a blow drop. I'm making you come.

Speaker 1 (00:52:48):
Oh my God, you sucked me out this morning. So good. Holy shit. Yeah,

Speaker 2 (00:52:51):
She, you're welcome.

Speaker 1 (00:52:53):
We woke up this morning, but we were going to have a unicorn come over and visit us today and play around, and she ended up having to cancel, and I'm like, well, fuck, what are we saving this for?

Speaker 2 (00:53:07):

Speaker 1 (00:53:08):
And she goes down, bam,

Speaker 2 (00:53:11):

Speaker 1 (00:53:12):
This guy says this guy almost showed up at the club the other night. He was in town, and I actually messaged with him. He didn't know. He didn't know anybody. He's a single guy, but Oh yeah. He sent us a really normal down to earth person message.

Speaker 2 (00:53:26):
That's probably the first one that we've gotten. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (00:53:28):
No, this might be the first single guy I actually responded to. Yeah. Because I'm the one who handles those messages. But yeah, he said as far as How'd you bring it up? He said, I sat myself down and had a very frank conversation with myself, and we both decided to go for it. In other words, here's what I want, so I'm going to go get it. There you go. There you go.

Speaker 2 (00:53:52):
Wife. A asked about my sexual fantasy to which I replied to women and to my surprise, she said, when said, we can make that happen.

Speaker 1 (00:54:02):
Now, that's a fucking winner. If I would've told you I wanted to be with you and another woman even four years ago, let alone 10 or 15 years ago, I don't know what the fuck you would've, you'd done so fucking pissed.

Speaker 2 (00:54:17):

Speaker 1 (00:54:18):
Now you're As long as I get to play with her too, and I'm like, let me pray about it. Amen. Yeah, and all is well.

Speaker 2 (00:54:25):

Speaker 1 (00:54:26):
Wife asked about his sexual fantasy and he told her to women and to his suppress. She said she can make that happen, which I think it is easier to make it happen if the woman takes the charge and connects with the other lady. As a guy, I've kind of learned, I can sit, don't sit back. I don't want to sound lazy, but if I just let you talk to other ladies, you developed a friendship with them and you all are more comfortable talking to each other than you are some guy you don't know. Yeah. And a lot of times stuff ends up happening because of that, and it's like just as a guide, sometimes I'm just getting myself out of the way and going and talking with her husband or boyfriend or talking sports or football or whatever the hell or military or whatever. Just let you all talk and do your thing and get to know each other, and a lot of times stuff comes about, and so yeah, it's pretty cool. You bring other hot ladies to us. You're welcome. You're a magnet for hot ladies, and I am one of the beneficiaries <laugh> of said hotness. <laugh>. Anyway, how about this one?

Speaker 2 (00:55:39):
I asked my wife because I don't remember. Turns out she doesn't either. Oh, regret that

Speaker 1 (00:55:43):
One. That one. Okay. That was another screenshot one. This guy, he told her, baby I like to watch, so he told her straight up, I like to watch you have sex with people, so that works. How about this one?

Speaker 2 (00:55:58):
I've been in the lifestyle since I was 19, 37 years. Wow. All I know. I haven't had a monogamous relationship since I was in high school, so when I was dating people, I just led with it on the first date. No sense in wasting. No sense in wasting time with someone who wasn't on board with it, or at least curious weeds out the ones quickly that didn't match what I was looking for.

Speaker 1 (00:56:22):
Smart. Yeah. Straight up, smart. Know what you want. Be clear about. It goes back to that clarity, <affirmative> be clear. This guy says, picked a restaurant about an hour away and said, let's listen to this crazy podcast on the way up there. Awesome. I wonder if it was our podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:56:39):
I don't know. It makes me wonder.

Speaker 1 (00:56:43):
I don't know, but hey, maybe it'll help. This one says it was actually mutual. We kept dropping hints and joking about it for six months. Then spontaneously decided to scrap vanilla plans and go to Eden, a swinger's club. One Saturday night, <laugh>

Speaker 2 (00:57:01):
Met current partner on a swinger page.

Speaker 1 (00:57:04):
There you go. That happens.

Speaker 2 (00:57:06):
Yeah. That we've already read that one. Worry.

Speaker 1 (00:57:09):
Oh yeah. They were tricked into what they said showed her. Oh, okay. This wasn't in, this is where we responded to the one. They talked about how they mentioned it at a couple's massage, and I think I had asked, how did that play out? And they said, I brought her up the subject of a couple's massage and showed her some of the options. After her initial shock, her curiosity took over and she admitted what I expected for a long time. She's by, oh, maybe it was a happy ending massage.

Speaker 2 (00:57:44):
Oh, okay.

Speaker 1 (00:57:45):
Okay. And then, oh, she liked that. Well, what does that confirm? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Oh, that massage thing that I was wondering about earlier. That totally makes sense now. Okay.

Speaker 2 (00:57:57):

Speaker 1 (00:57:59):
This guy,

Speaker 2 (00:58:00):
She said she made out with a girl once and wondered if it could have gone all the way. Then we kept having conversations after conversations.

Speaker 1 (00:58:13):
This guy says, A 10 year long on, again, off again, questioning, joking, teasing, step-by-step process that finally culminated with an episode of Swing from the Playboy Channel. How's that for serendipity? Huh?

Speaker 2 (00:58:29):
<laugh>. Right.

Speaker 1 (00:58:31):
We actually downloaded an app that, okay. I think there we did that one. How about this one?

Speaker 2 (00:58:38):
I let her know that it is what I wanted to do before dating, and she was willing to try when she was ready.

Speaker 1 (00:58:44):
Okay. This one says, new girlfriend had a few drinks and told a story about sex in a pool with two guys at a work conference. Good conference.

Speaker 2 (00:58:56):
That sounds hot.

Speaker 1 (00:58:57):
<laugh> edited that she wanted to do it again. There was some clarity having been around some lifestyle friends previously, I told her that I thought I could hook that up and it sounds like they probably did. How about this one?

Speaker 2 (00:59:14):
For us, it was just being honest about what we both enjoy and wanted to explore and experience also helps that our kink level is the same. Lol.

Speaker 1 (00:59:24):
Okay, so they have the freedom to just be honest with each other. They felt that, which is great, and also helped that their kink level's the same. So they're into the same kind of stuff. So yeah. Yeah, that's great. This guy says he swiped right and she introduced me to it. So there you go. Those dating apps again. Okay, read this one. This is from a lady.

Speaker 2 (00:59:47):
We had talked about some fantasies. Male, female, male or female. Male, female, et cetera.

Speaker 1 (00:59:55):

Speaker 2 (00:59:56):
Yeah. Yeah. It seemed so unlikely that it was easy to discuss. Then at the end of my birthday party a couple years ago, one couple remained, oh shit. Conversation got frisky. They told us about being swingers at that, the Colette Swinger Club, best birthday present ever.

Speaker 1 (01:00:16):
Damn, that's hot. I even commented, wow, that's so hot. So she had a birthday party and after everyone left, there was one couple left and it got hot like damn. And she, there was a surprise there. Wow. That's awesome. I think we read all these, those that may have been, oh, then let me see. Okay, well this one actually says we actually went poly first, which polyamorous is basically the opposite of monogamous is polyamorous is different than swinging. Swinging. You're just kind of having sex with people and having fun. Polyamorous is having full on relationships with more than one person. So if you think of people who were married to four or five people or something like that that's more polyamorous. So he says they actually went poly first. He says, when I brought up swinging, she said she had no interest in that, but I was free to have fun with it. Thus a solo married swinger was born. She actually likes hearing the juicy details of my sex Capades.

Speaker 2 (01:01:33):

Speaker 1 (01:01:34):
Yeah, a lot of people hearing about that. I know you and I aren't into sending each other out separately.

Speaker 2 (01:01:40):

Speaker 1 (01:01:41):
But a lot

Speaker 2 (01:01:42):
Of people

Speaker 1 (01:01:43):
Are. Yeah. We've met a lot of people who they love hearing the details afterwards and they have crazy sex after they get home. So that's what works for them, I guess. So it looks like that's all of the reactions, all of the stories of how so many of these people brought up the topic of swinging to their partners even maybe they were afraid to do it or how do I do it? What you've heard today are a lot of real people who did that. Yeah. So I hope that was helpful. I know that it's a big thing. How do I bring out this up to my spouse? Hopefully this gave you some kind of idea, but also told you that you're not alone. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And so that wraps today's episode, but just remember if you want to connect with June, she actually has an only fans and it's the first link in the show notes.

And if you wonder what this beautiful southern lady looks like you can see pretty much all of her unlimited, unedited, often unclothed on her only fans. And so go check her out. She's sexy as hell. She's probably hotter than you think she is. And even though your voice and your accent is so beautiful, I love accents and you have a southern accent. But yeah, if you have questions you want us to address on the air here, you can also send us an email at New Swingers podcast, new swingers and we'll do our best to answer them for you. Be sure to give us a rating review. It takes three seconds. Just scroll down to the show notes. You can give a rating. Helps us reach more people like you and keeps us on the air to help you. So yeah, go check out Hot June on her only these fans, and send her a message and connect with her. Let us know if you have any questions. Yeah,

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