Hard Rain & Slow Trains: Bob Dylan & Fellow Travelers

“You Can Seal up the Book”: The 25th Anniversary of TIME OUT OF MIND pt 2

Daniel Mackay Season 4 Episode 179

Last Friday, September 30, 2022 was the 25th anniversary of the release of Time Out of Mind, an album whose artistic and commercial success proved an important contributor to Dylan’s continued reinvigoration and late career success, a success that has continued to this day. This episode celebrates that album with a consideration of its making, its distinctiveness, and, of course, through its music. In "20 Pounds of Headlines," we update you on Dylan’s European tour itinerary, tell you who will be reading the audiobook version of Dylan's forthcoming THE PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN SONG, and mark the passing of a powerful and distinctive songwriter and singer. In "Who Did It Better?" we ask you to go to our Twitter page @RainTrains to vote for which version of “Mississippi,” as recorded for TIME OUT OF MIND, is better: The outtake from the 1996 Teatro recording sessions in Oxnard, California, or outtake #2 or #3 from Criteria Studios in Miami.

Please check out the Dylan.FM podcast over at the Freak Music Club: https://dylanfmc.castos.com. Craig Danuloff has put together a nice collection of essays celebrating the 25th anniversary of TIME OUT OF MIND and his work is a wonderful contribution to our understanding of Bob Dylan's masterpiece, now a quarter of a century old. I would like to again thank Mr. Danuloff for his permission to replay part of his interview with Scott Warmuth, a perennial friend to HARD RAIN & SLOW TRAINS: BOB DYLAN & FELLOW TRAVELERS.  

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