67: Unlock Your True Potential & Capacity with Doctor Amy Albright
Welcome to Lunacy; where we discern the sacred from the insane and admit that whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly affected by the cycles of the moon.
Today on LUNACY, we dive into the deep end with Chinese Medicine doctor and intuitive, Amy Albright. Amy is the cofounder of the Holon Experience (www.holonexperience.com). This is a wholly unique training that uses modern technology and ancient wisdom to unlock and retrain areas of your brain that are operating at a deficit. Using an EEG to measure neural activity, Amy and her partner, Dr. Drew Pierson, work to identify areas where you are fully engaged and areas that are ripe for growth, and then they work in tandem to unlock and activate those parts that were dormant.
Today we wax philosophical, get deep, and dive into humanity's great potential, on LUNACY.
I welcome your thoughts on this episode! Comment on Youtube or find me on Instagram!
I’m Geoff Eido. Join me each week for interviews and insights intended to shine a light on the darkness, like the full moon in the forest.