Becoming Unassailable

How to Tackle The Imposter and Lead with Confidence with Kris Kelso

November 18, 2022 Mark Kenny

Welcome to the Becoming Unassailable podcast! This podcast is all about helping your executive or leadership team thrive amid change and disruption by embracing forward change, together, as a team, which is the only way for your organization to become unassailable.

If you have ever doubted your ability to lead or bring a team together, this episode of the new Becoming Unassailable #podcast is for you!

In this episode, I talk with Kris Kelso, who has filled multiple leadership roles as well as researched and wrote about the imposter syndrome.

Kris Kelso is a Keynote Speaker, a two-time entrepreneur, a Professional Certified Coach, and is the author of  Overcoming The Impostor: Silence Your Inner Critic and Lead with Confidence.

Kris has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs, business owners, and their leadership teams as a coach, facilitator, and mentor. He is a faculty instructor at the Professional Christian Coaching Institute, an advisor and instructor at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center, and is a contributing writer for Fast Company Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and The Nashville Business Journal.

Kris has founded multiple companies and has served on the boards of directors of several nonprofit organizations. He is an active member of Cornerstone Nashville, where he serves, teaches, and coaches other leaders. He lives with his wife and three teenaged sons in a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee.

You can learn more about Kris and his work at and

Buy Kris' book, Overcoming the Imposter.