Becoming Unassailable

How to Build a Healthy Organization and Start Keeping Your People with Zac Wilcox

February 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 8

Welcome to the Becoming Unassailable podcast! This podcast is all about building a highly effective and aligned leadership team so that your organization thrives.

Building a healthy organization is what improves retention, reduces unnecessary politics and confusion, improves morale, and increases results. In this episode, I talked with Zac Wilcox about organizational health. What does it mean for your organization to be healthy and why does it matter? What do you need to be doing now to significantly improve retention? (spoiler: it's probably not paying people more).  

If you are experiencing issues such as turnover, politics, silos, an inability to move quickly, confusion, frustration, or you just feel frustrated or stuck, this episode is for you.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • What is a healthy vs. a smart organization and why does it matter?
  • What steps do you need to take to build a healthy organization and make a significant improvement in retention.
  • How do you get aligned as a team and organization?
  • Why you really need to focus on getting healthy, now.

About Zac

Zach Wilcox is the founder of Wilcox Consulting, has over fifteen years of experience in leadership roles across a variety of sectors. He has hired over 200 team members across his career and was also responsible for onboarding most of those employees as well. Zac draws from both his successes and failures as he consults with companies around building effective, aligned, and cohesive teams, while helping them hire, onboard, and promote the right people.