The Zoomers to Boomers Business Show

A Home Business in Home Inspections w/ Peter Young

March 01, 2023 Hank Eder / Peter Young

Home inspection is a perfect service-based home business! Asheville Home Inspector Peter Young was born and raised in Rochester, NY. He speaks of a wonderful home life, with a father who was a Presbyterian minister. Peter attended college at the Cleveland Institute of Music, which he says prepared him for a life in construction and home inspections. Peter was a general contractor and carpenter in Boulder, CO for 25 years and specialized in high-end interiors, historic restorations, and residential remodeling. He became a home inspector when he moved to Asheville in 2014 and went to home inspection school at Gregory Enterprises in Burlington, NC.  

Peter’s years of tearing houses apart and putting them back together helped prepare him for home inspections.  He loves doing home inspections, as it is detective work, and he likes to see all the various ways that people work on their houses. Some are great and some are insane but interesting.  Peter enjoys interacting with the clients and discussing all aspects of the houses he inspects.

Phone: 828-808-4980

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