Hopkins Hacks
Everyone has a unique journey of exploration at Hopkins, and our podcast puts your favorite faculty, alumni, and students in the hot seat to share their experiences and takeaways. We discuss the four key pillars of college life: Work, Relationships, Health, and Play, and we share our guests' stories of how they leveraged Hopkins resources. We strive to empower you with perspective that will allow you to make the most of your Hopkins experience!
Hopkins Hacks
Alissa's Journey: Industry, Academia, and beyond
September 19, 2022
Chinat Yu, Resham Talwar
Season 1
Episode 2
In this episode of Hopkins Hacks, we are joined by Alissa Burkholder Murphy, who is both an alumnus of and faculty at Johns Hopkins as the Director of Multidisciplinary Design in the Whiting School of engineering. We discuss how to make the most of your learning experiences at Hopkins, opportunities post-graduation, what is life like working in academia and industry, and how to overcome challenges as a college student.