a patient story

Vaccine induced blood changes

Daniel Baden ND

All feedback and questions welcome

A healthy 13 year old female gets a covid vaccine and develops thrombocytopenic purpura, a condition that affects blood platelets causing bruising and excessive bleeding. Naturopath Diana Mund successfully applies holistic principals to overcome a strange beginning to a serious health issue.

Today I'm talking to Diana Mund, she happens to be a clinical nurse as well as being an experienced naturopath. However, today, she'll be telling us about a young patient of hers that had an unfortunate reaction to one of the COVID vaccines. Hi, Diana. Hi, then your your patient was a 13 year old girl. How did she present to you?

Diana Mund:

Ah, she came with her mother, very tall, young 13 year old girl in a lot of distress. And she was very, very pale. And they felt that it was a hopeless situation that she was having to have intravenous platelets every week and there wasn't a lot that Western medicine could do to help her.

Daniel Baden:

She was diagnosed coming to you, I presume with thrombocytopenia. Purpurea, a pretty common blood disorder, marked by bleeding from small vessels and often presents as purplish bruises or easy formed hematomas, nosebleeds that sort of thing. But one of the known triggers, there are many drug triggers. But one of the more recent known triggers is the COVID vaccination. Is that what

Diana Mund:

Yes, the mother was mortified because she didn't really want to give her 13 year old daughter, the injections, but her brother had an immune compromised condition. So the GP suggested that for his protection for the daughter to have it, but the mother was not she knew that the there wasn't a lot of research done on these injections, COVID injections, and so she just felt so bad because

Daniel Baden:

like many people, she felt torn between two worlds intuitive belief and, and the pressure that people were under

Diana Mund:


Daniel Baden:

So in this young lady. How was her physical presentation? Was she covered in bruises? Or was there just a couple of obvious patches?

Diana Mund:

She was just absolutely sheet white in color with no color her whole energy was just so flat. She couldn't do her schooling. She couldn't do anything except lie in bed all day. There was just bruising all over her body. However, after being giving given intravenous platelets, the bruising would then go away.

Daniel Baden:

And how long would that last for after platelet infusion?

Diana Mund:

I think she was having them weekly when she came to me. And that she'd had sorry, she'd had two intravenous platelet injections in January. She presented to me in the March this is last year. And she was having also IV globulins as well. Then I intravenous iron infusions and B 12. Injections as well. So they were kind of pumping her up, but she was still no better.

Daniel Baden:

And often they eat in these conditions or not often, but I think they also give prednisone was she on?

Diana Mund:

I think they might have initially done that. But then they took her off those. They unfortunately, she was only 13 I had to put her on Provera because every time she menstruated she literally would not stop bleeding.

Daniel Baden:

Right. So she was early in her menstruation life, I guess.

Diana Mund:

Yeah, she had her menarch was 12 . So she'd been menstruating one year and that horrified the mother. She had to be put on Provera. She'd been on that for one month before. And she was spotting in between too wasn't on.

Daniel Baden:

So she had the Pfizer vaccine. And how did she feel if you know initially after the vaccine, and how long was it 'till The symptoms were much more obvious?

Diana Mund:

I think she reacted right away. They only gave her the one. So the mother decided not to do any more. She was injected with the Pfizer in September 21. And basically, it was downhill after that with her issues, lethargy, and like, hot and cold afterwards, that chill that they get, and then she just didn't recover.

Daniel Baden:

And were there any other tests on pathology tests or urine, put tests, anything else done like that?

Diana Mund:

I also did some genetic profiling to the health and well being profile, which we do by saliva swab that she been. She was hospitalized early, I think she was hospitalized early, ces 2022. Her her urine was showing protein and like infected her kidneys to and creating an abnormal levels.And of course, all her clotting times in pathology weren't the best. It was having a chart summary.So

Daniel Baden:

which is interesting. They call it idiopathic, because, even in the literature, going back to 2020, when they started giving vaccines, had a number of cases reported around thrombocytopenia. Purpurea. So it was documented through the medical literature, perhaps just ignored.

Diana Mund:

Yeah, she was. She was hospitalized to the Children's Hospital at Westmead. And billirubin was also increased in hospital. Her thyroid also also picked her to thyroid to hit the T4 was low, and TSH was a little bit up increased as well.

Daniel Baden:

But with increased TSH and low T for people. Yeah. What would you expect that how would you expect that to present clinically?

Diana Mund:

Well, she was just so tired. But then I mean, obviously her iron was down to. So with no energy whatsoever, burn grinding was a little low. And white cells were all right. Well, they transfused us with platelets on discharge from the hospital now. Okay.

Daniel Baden:

How was her diet overall? Was she able to eat?

Diana Mund:

I've got he hit her appetite, because she was out. Yes, she was on the prednisone for a little while. And her appetite decreased while she was on that, so she couldn't really, she didn't want to eat much at all. Yeah. And she didn't like eggs. But she was eating a little bit of minced meat and pasta and chicken, and she liked grapes. tasty cheese. But she she was having trouble

Daniel Baden:

night about her mental state. She just felt more

Diana Mund:

hopelessness than anything. Yeah, because she lost all her vitality, and quite depressed as well.

Daniel Baden:

Okay, so at this point, as a practitioner, you see this picture of someone coming in a healthy person who has been affected by a vaccine? How do you approach this? What's your first thought about what to do?

Diana Mund:

Well, basically, to reassure them, and know that the body can heal. And because they don't hear that in other circles, especially in the medical circles, because they're just treating a symptom. And like, I think it's much so important to give them hope that the body can heal, and that that's why herbal medicine is, so, so wonderful. And talk about how herbs can actually get in there

Daniel Baden:

I guess that's a tough one. Because, you know, the evidence coming through the medical literature suggesting that the spike protein, regardless of whether it came from the virus, or from the vaccine, will embed itself long term in parts of the brain parts of the lungs. So I guess for us as naturopaths it's also a little bit unusual about how to approach this. Have you thought about

Diana Mund:

Yeah, and I thought, well, I'll do I'll do what I now that they're wonderful herbs. helped with platelets which we which are used. And from some research that's been done, as I'm sure you're aware, the fermented kimchi really helps repair spike protein damage, plus beautiful herbs like maritime pine bark. And I've been using beautiful herb also for that kidney damage to help with

Daniel Baden:

is the first approach to try to manage whatever inflammatory response is going out throughout the body or to try to focus on liver function.

Diana Mund:

Yeah, well, the beauty of doing the herbal tonic you can treat the whole body. Also, with I gave her the liposomal b12 the hydroxy form. And just really basic things like I also use some homoeopathic postvax sprays, that a regime of that to get the nasties out of the system. Yep. And whether they can help spike proteins. I don't know that but they work well. And some that fish oil

Daniel Baden:

get the what sorry?

Diana Mund:

sorry, the provera out. Okay. Yeah. So by the third visit, we'd done we'd been able to do that. Then I used some I gave them some ladies mantle is a liquid herb to help with any heavy bleeding. But by then the platelets have come back to normal. She was off the prednisone and everything came back to normal.

Daniel Baden:

Did you manipulate her diet at all or suggest any specific foods?

Diana Mund:

Yes. So I didn't start working a lot with the diet until her energy improved. And also in the herbal tonics we use the bach flower essences. Okay. So and they really helped

Daniel Baden:

her. So just just for the listeners, what about flowers? Yeah, the

Diana Mund:

bat Flower Essences they're remedies that help strengthen the person mentally and emotionally because when when the bodies heal, it's mentally and emotionally often those areas that are very weak. So the bach flower remedies helped to strengthen them out of the negative aspect with the mental emotion bodies, and that helps with the healing and they often start working before that.

Daniel Baden:

would you normally put them in with the herbal liquids, or do you normally get them separately? Okay, that's a very nice holistic approach.

Diana Mund:

Yeah. And if, if needed in between, we can just give them separately as well. Also helps with the depression as well.

Daniel Baden:

And did you steer her more towards a meat sort of diet or a vegetable based diet. She was already eating a little bit of meat and red meat and chicken. So gradually she got better, her appetite improved. And when she got off the prednisone to and provera and they also had her own another drug for oesophageal inflammation. So by the third visit of 12 weeks, she was off all of that was the oesophagitis part of the symptom picture she originally presented with,

Diana Mund:

I think in hospital, they wanted to prevent it So it was more like a preventative than a real issue. Right? Because they weren't complaining about that to me.

Daniel Baden:

But what about her sleep? By the second or third visit had that changed at all?

Diana Mund:

Yes, because in the first tonic, I had to nervines to help relax her. Okay, which would help with the sleep as well. So even by the second visit, she was sleeping better. I got in more than second visit and bought into new herbs for her platelets and liver also just to help her vitality and in her bowels slowed down a little bit, the by the third visit of platelets have come that

Daniel Baden:

Yeah. quite distressing to see a healthy young child like that go through this, isn't that?

Diana Mund:

Yes. So within by about eight months, what if she was back at school, and she was able to sit her exams at the end of the year? And she did well,

Daniel Baden:

how good do you feel that there's any potential long term issues that when that you need to address? What do you got to back to a homeostatic state?

Diana Mund:

Yes, well, I'm sure that's what's so wonderful about treating younger children, teenagers, they recover pretty quickly, given the right things. I'm sure the mother will bring it back at this problem. But there hasn't been any problems that I've heard or she was just so happy that she had her daughter back

Daniel Baden:

from the time they came to see you to the time, they said, Thank you seems like it was about 11 months. Were there any ups and downs overall? Or do you feel that she was just on a positive trajectory all the way through?

Diana Mund:

Yeah, all the way through just kept improving? Yeah. her mother just wanted her off the drugs. And so we helped her do that, because she was just getting sicker and sicker. They

Daniel Baden:

weren't doing anything, because the knock on effect of that is her immune system would get increasingly impacted as well.

Diana Mund:

Yeah. When I last saw her, her bowels were a little bit slow. So put in some herbs to help that that.

Daniel Baden:

And have you done or would you consider any follow up blood tests or pathology?

Diana Mund:

Well, they don't come back to normal. Yeah, that is just amazing. That's why the immunologist was so happy.

Daniel Baden:

And her menstrual period back to normal. Everything was just wonderful. And do you think she'll stick with the diet that you recommended?

Diana Mund:

Yeah. Once your appetites back because she just didn't want to eat? And it would be lovely to see them again. But you know, life is busy, is busy now that all the restrictions are gone.

Daniel Baden:

Yeah. We're just fixing up the mess now.

Diana Mund:

So probably not hearing from them is good news.

Daniel Baden:

Absolutely. I know that you've treated a wide range of people for many different conditions. But do you find yourself getting more focused on post vaccination support?

Diana Mund:

Oh, yes. There's been so many so many. Yeah. And look, I think once I stopped practicing, I'll write a book about what I've seen some. And that's why we were extra extra busy at the moment. So, so much out there that people so much suffering and Lady in today that she's, she's doing so well, too. That was her third visit today. She's still not out of the woodwork yet. But she was

Daniel Baden:

Post vaccine.

Diana Mund:

Yes, right. And she had two AZ's. She's doing really, really well. So she, she also will probably come on and give you her story. Okay, I

Daniel Baden:

look forward to it. Have people get in touch with you? If you don't mind telling us?

Diana Mund:

Well, but we actually haven't landlines still at our center.

Daniel Baden:

Oh, that's amazing. I heard that I heard someone still had one.

Diana Mund:

Bella Vista natural therapies in Glen Haven, Sydney's Northwest Sydney. So we have a website and you can inquire online or give us a phone number a tingle on the phone

Daniel Baden:

or what's the web address?

Diana Mund:

www Bella Vista, natural therapies.com.au

Daniel Baden:

Make sure you look after yourself and get some sleep yourself. Thanks. Thank you so much for sharing that story.

Diana Mund:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity. It was so interesting.

Daniel Baden:

And we really, you're right, we really need to get out there and help people that have had this problem after the vaccines. We've seen so many You're right. Okay, we'll take it easy. And

Diana Mund:

you're here to good to chat. Bye, bye.