The CalmWithDom Podcast

Ep. 005 | What Does My Emotional Reactivity Say About Me?

December 18, 2022 Dominik Salcedo
Ep. 005 | What Does My Emotional Reactivity Say About Me?
The CalmWithDom Podcast
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The CalmWithDom Podcast
Ep. 005 | What Does My Emotional Reactivity Say About Me?
Dec 18, 2022
Dominik Salcedo

What the hell is emotional reactivity and why is it so important for us as highly sensitive people?

Let's talk about it - what it is, what it isn't, what it means, and what it does NOT mean for you. I went on a tangent for a minute or two there, but it all comes from a place of love and passion.

Read The Blog Post:

Want to learn more about all the ways I can serve you? Let's talk! Schedule a Free Connection Call with me here🩷

Grab your Free Emotional Intelligence Self-Reflection Workbook here💙

Click HERE if you’re ready to become deeply grounded in yourself as a highly sensitive, highly intuitive woman and learn how to protect your energy effectively.

Apply To Work With Me 1:1!

Leaving a rating and review (like and comment on YouTube) is how you directly support the show - and how your comment can be included in an episode!
Go for it, sensitive soul - I can't wait to connect with you.

Instagram: @calmwithdom
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Show Notes

What the hell is emotional reactivity and why is it so important for us as highly sensitive people?

Let's talk about it - what it is, what it isn't, what it means, and what it does NOT mean for you. I went on a tangent for a minute or two there, but it all comes from a place of love and passion.

Read The Blog Post:

Want to learn more about all the ways I can serve you? Let's talk! Schedule a Free Connection Call with me here🩷

Grab your Free Emotional Intelligence Self-Reflection Workbook here💙

Click HERE if you’re ready to become deeply grounded in yourself as a highly sensitive, highly intuitive woman and learn how to protect your energy effectively.

Apply To Work With Me 1:1!

Leaving a rating and review (like and comment on YouTube) is how you directly support the show - and how your comment can be included in an episode!
Go for it, sensitive soul - I can't wait to connect with you.

Instagram: @calmwithdom
Read The Blog:
Email Me: