Lenten Reflections in 2024

Advent I - Habbakuk's Protest of and Hope in God

November 28, 2022 Brandon Witwer

Chelsea Mak is a Doctoral Candidate in the study of the Hebrew Bible, having completed her Master's degree focused on the prophets with a thesis on the vision of ecology in Habbakuk. Chelsea Mak breaks down the chapters of Habbakuk for our audience, noting the prophet's indictment against God. God had promised to rescue his people from oppression under Assyria but instead brought further violence through Babylon, his chosen "savior." At the end of the protest, Habbakuk somehow continues to stand for hope in God's faithfulness, as in the most-known verse, "but the righteous will live by their faithfulness."
Similarly for us, Advent makes this movement from absence to presence, from our holding God accountable to hoping in the Christ. Thus Mak's refrain repeats the RCV's: "The Christ came, the Christ comes, and the Christ will come again."