The Renegade Lawyer Podcast

Opening Remarks from the Great Legal Marketing Summit 2023 Orlando

November 17, 2023 Ben Glass Episode 96
The Renegade Lawyer Podcast
Opening Remarks from the Great Legal Marketing Summit 2023 Orlando
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Dive into the spirit of the GLM summit with an empowering episode of The Renegade Lawyer Podcast. Attorney Ben Glass hands the mic to Chad Kerby, who challenges the attendees to commit to growth, take bold actions, and transform their legal practice. Explore the interactions and changes sparked by this event.

Ben Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA.

Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this

What Makes The GLM Tribe Special?

In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers.

One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixing
the actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.

There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.

We've always been proud of the tools we give lawyers to create the law firms of their dreams. We know exactly what modules you should, software you should utilize, and the strategies you need to employ to build a law-firm that is a cash-generating machine. When someone initially becomes a GLM member, you can bet that they're joining for the tactics and tools that we offer.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Renegade Lawyer Podcast, the show where we ask the questions why aren't more lawyers living flourishing lives and inspiring others? And can you really get wealthy while doing only the work you love with people you like? Many lawyers are. Get ready to hear from your host, ben Glass, the founder of the law firm Ben Glass Law in Fairfax, virginia, and Great Legal Marketing, an organization that helps good people succeed by coaching, inspiring and supporting law firm owners. Join us for today's conversation.

Speaker 2:

Here. We are welcoming all of you to the GLM Summit and we're excited to be here, but one thing I want you to note is that the fact that you're here represents something. Each of you are very different, extremely different, and what I mean by that is this you have taken the time to leave your practice and be here. Why? Because you are not content with where you are and you want to be better. So, as we start this summit, I want to start off by all of you giving yourself a big round of applause, a loud round of applause, for taking the time to be here.

Speaker 2:

Years ago, I was speaking at an event with Michael Gerber. Raise your Hand. If you know what Michael Gerber is, he wrote a book called the E-Meth. Michael got up and he asked this question. He said how many of you are committed to growing your firm? And everyone raised their hand. Everyone was like, yeah, I'm so committed, I'm super pumped. And then he asked this question. He said how many of you are determined to grow? And hands literally went down.

Speaker 2:

You see, all of us can say, yeah, I want to, but then it's a matter of actually doing it. There are only two ways you can show commitment. There are only two ways, and that is either time or money. That is your only way to show commitment, and both of those elements are true here, with each one of you. So, as we start this summit, I want to commit all of you. Well, first commend all of you for being here, but then commit all of you to doing something different than what you've done before. Raise your hand. If you promise, say chat, I promise when I leave here, I promise to do something different. Raise your hand, all of you, because how many of you have ever said to yourself six months from now, I'm not going to be where I am, and then six months goes by and you go. No, I meant, six months from now, I'm not going to be where I am, and we do it over and over again. But because you have taken the time, because you've taken the resources to be here, you are committed to not be in this same place six months a year from now, and we're going to give you the tools and strategies and methods to make sure that you're not.

Speaker 2:

With that being said, let me just explain quickly a little bit of a background. Years ago, decades ago, I was with a company called Infusionsoft and we were working I was head of sales and business development and I was working with small business owners all across the world to grow their business and there were a lot of different info marketers and business owners and then came along this person that Clayt the CEO told me, pulled me aside and he said you need to pay close attention to this individual. I said who's that? He said his name is Ben Glass. I'm like what's his business? He said he's an attorney. Like what? What do you mean? He goes yeah, he's an attorney. I'm like yeah, but attorneys think differently. And excuse me for a moment, but I wasn't emotionally excited about this experience to work closely with Ben glass, because attorneys, you think differently. That's why your attorneys, because you think differently. But Ben thought Like the consumer, the client, thinks and clay goes, you've got to watch him. He's doing incredible things, and so over the years I've watched Ben and seen him grow and develop and his son, brian, and how they created things that are different than everybody else. And I'm not asking you to completely think differently, but I want you to stop and go. Huh, maybe that will work. Raise your hand. If you will do that, raise your hand. It. Yes, you will go. Maybe that will work, because so many times will say no, that's dumb, I can't do that.

Speaker 2:

I was on a training a few months ago with a bunch of attorneys and Gary, my business partner, was teaching the importance of Influence and how we can get our clients and potential new clients to take action. And he brought up this one simple point he said did you know, at grocery stores, when they draw attention to an item and say everyday low price, it actually increases the sales of that particular item. And one of the attorneys on the call said that's dumb. And he goes no, but it works. And the attorney goes no, but that's dumb. And the point was yes, but that's how clients think, that's how people think.

Speaker 2:

So, as we come and start this GLM summit, we're committing you and you are committing to thinking differently and doing things differently, because Ben has spent the last decades plural Seeing what works and how we can be different, so that we can think like the client thinks, and then they will leave being raving fans. With that being said, I want to point out a couple of quick things. Yeah, that's just move on from that. Okay, you are in the right place. You have come here to commit to grow your firm and we commend you for that.

Speaker 3:

Hey guys, this is Ben. If you like what you've been hearing on this podcast Not just the marketing and practice building strategies, but the philosophy of the art of living your best life parts. You should know that my son, brian, and I have built a tribe of like-minded lawyers where living lives of their own design and creating tremendous value for the world within the structure of a law practice. We invite you to join us at the only membership organization for entrepreneurial lawyers that is run by two full-time practicing attorneys. Check us out at greatlabelarketingcom.

Speaker 2:

But let's talk for a moment about who is in the room. How many of you? Is this your very first summit you've ever been at? Raise your hand. Okay, how many of you? Second summit, third, over four. Raise your hand. Stand up. Over five. Stand up over five. Stand up. Okay, let's do a little experience here. This is over five. Six, seven, eight, nine, nine, ten, eleven, 12. Yeah, you're putting my mason public schools learning to task here.

Speaker 2:

Okay, how many years? 15 years. Where's the microphone? Someone give him a microphone. Wait, no, forget that. You come up here. Come up here. Give him a big round of applause. No, I can't. You gotta understand. The lights are on. I can't see you. What's your name? Come on up. That's a great name, okay. So why some 15 years? I mean some of these attorneys. They were like three years old when you start coming here 15 years ago. Why? Because Ben's the man. Wow, ben is the man. That is well said. Give a big round of applause for that deep thought. So Ben is the man. How have things changed over the 15 years?

Speaker 4:

Well, I don't know if I'm the guy that you wanted to pick out of the audience, because I'm the foster web marketing, but we've been supporting Ben and Great League of Marketing since almost the beginning, right, ben, years and years, and unfortunately my brother, tom, is not able to be here the rest of the crew, but I'm here representing for us. But it's just a great group and what I've always admired about what Ben has done with Great League of Marketing is that entrepreneur first, business owner first, lawyer second. It's what you guys do as a trade, as a craft, but you are business owners and entrepreneurs first and foremost, and understanding that and then applying that to what the heck you do every day, that's really the key and that's why everybody's here getting this information. That's why a lot of these people are so successful, is because they've embraced that and that's why they sought him out.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I love it. Big round of applause. Thank you, chad. I appreciate that. Which also brings up a great point is the vendors in the room. They are in the back of the room that Ben has hand selected or helped to support you in your journey, to get you where you need to be and help you be successful with that being said. With that being said, there's a reason why attorneys keep coming back over and over again because they know they need to add to what they're doing to be successful. But with that, we're going to do a quick introduction. I told you a little bit about Ben. I told you about what Ben represents, about Ben, who Ben is. Well, we're going to talk a little bit as well about his son, brian, and I'm going to bring him up on stage here in just a moment. Before I do that, I do want to ask a quick question. How many of you are mastermind members in here? How many mastermind members in here? Raise your hand, okay, who's the longest tenured mastermind member?

Speaker 5:

Number three. I'm number three, but this is number one right here with Michelle Louane. Where's Louane? Okay, wow.

Speaker 2:

Is anyone that excited to support me? Please hand it to Michelle real quick.

Speaker 5:

This is not Michelle, this is Beth, and I'm speaking for Beth today, although we're not together. But she has just asked that I handle all the microphone duties, so I will take the role of Beth. Ask me what you would like to know from Beth.

Speaker 2:

Okay, this is quite a great interview that you're all about to witness right here On behalf of Beth. What was your name? My name is Jason Jason, who's the mouthpiece for Beth.

Speaker 5:

Beth Beth.

Speaker 2:

Beth, beth, beth, beth. You got it Perfect, beth. What would Jason, what would be the one thing that Beth says keeps bringing her back to the GLM summit every year?

Speaker 5:

I think Beth would say that. I think, actually, what she would say is that the room, the room that we are in the Mastermind Group led by Ben and Brian, is a room where ideas flow, ideas are exchanged, sometimes ideas are shot down, sometimes ideas are supported, but we always leave with at least a few action items that are like okay, I've got to get on this right away when I get back.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that is huge. That is huge. And that's why I committed all of you at the beginning to say what are you going to do? Because one thing that we all have mastered over the years is the art of procrastination. Raise your hand. If you've mastered that art of procrastination, be honest right now, right. The rest of you will raise your hands later, right. So, because you know that you procrastinate, you think I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that. But over these days that we spend together, we are going to push you, we're going to make you feel uncomfortable and we're going to do those things that Jason's talking about on behalf of Beth, to make sure that you are successful and you already committed To us pushing you. True? And one thing Someone asked me one day.

Speaker 2:

They said, chad, what do you think Great law firm owners do that others do not? And I said the answer is Great law firm owners Make big decisions fast. They make big decisions fast. They don't sit back and go. You know what? I think I should do that? I think I should do that. I think I should do that. They go and do that.

Speaker 2:

And going back to what Clayte masks said. The reason he pointed out Ben glass of all the Hundreds of thousands of users, we had it infusion soft the reason why he said watch him is because he saw things differently and moved quickly. I know Wayne Gretzky get shared this quote, but I often attribute it to Ben glass, even though he plays soccer, not hockey, and that is, he doesn't skate to where the puck is, but where, what? Where the puck is going, and Ben would say the same thing. Well, you can just say that about soccer, I would anticipate where the ball is going to be, and that's where I was. And His anticipation is your reward for being here. Congratulations for making the greatest decision you could have made in 2023.

Speaker 1:

That will put you in a completely different trajectory in 2024 if you like what you just heard on the renegade lawyer podcast, you may be a perfect fit for the great legal marketing community. Law firm owners across the country are becoming heroes to their families and icons in their communities. They've gone renegade by rejecting the status quo of the legal profession so they can deliver high quality legal services Coupled with top-notch customer service to clients who pay, stay and refer. Learn more at great legal marketingcom. That's great legal marketingcom.

Renegade Lawyer Podcast
The Power of Ideas