How To Make Conceiving Easier
The Make A Baby Podcast
The Make A Baby Podcast
How To Make Conceiving Easier
Feb 21, 2023 Episode 53
Carolina Sotomayor


Trying to conceive is hard. Getting your period or missing your period is hard.

You will never have to do this alone.

You don't need to keep wishing and hoping for something different.

You don't have to wonder what is missing from your fertility journey.

I am have been exactly through this infertility journey myself. Hoping my baby would come. Praying my period would not come. Hoping we would have a positive pregnancy test the next cycle.

In this episode, we dive deep into what can exactly make your conceiving journey easier to get through. There are no guarantees with any medical treatment or self-care practice. However, these steps Carolina shares will help you move through the journey faster and easier. 

If you are trying to conceive or are currently pregnant, this is a must-listen.

What you'll learn:
1:30 Things you should never tell a person who is trying to conceive or has infertility issues
1:58 How I coach my clients to make conceiving easier

Let's connect!

The Carolina Sotomayor Podcast is brought to you by Carolina Sotomayor and the Fertility Foundation.

Carolina Sotomayor is an Expert Womb Healer who helps women conceive by removing physiological blockages with Reiki. She is the host of the Carolina Sotomayor Podcast, a show that covers everything from fertility to postpartum to motherhood, and the creator of Fertility Foundation Collective, an online membership that helps women heal at their own pace to boost their fertility.

Carolina has served over 500 women from around the world to heal. She is passionate about helping women create their families. As a result, there are over 60 reiki babies in the world. 

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DISCLAIMER: This episode is not a substitute for professional medical care but aims at relaxation and stress reduction to support natural healing. Reiki complements, never replaces, medical care. Carolina is not a licensed healthcare provider; always seek appropriate professional help for physical and mental health. Individual results may vary.