Solving Unexplained Infertility with Adrienne Irizarry
The Make A Baby Podcast
The Make A Baby Podcast
Solving Unexplained Infertility with Adrienne Irizarry
Apr 14, 2023 Episode 68
Carolina Sotomayor


Welcome to the Carolina Sotomayor Podcast! In this episode, host Carolina Sotomayor speaks with Adrienne Irizarry, a practitioner of peristeam hydrotherapy, herbalism, sound healing, and Chinese nutritional therapy. Adrienne has a passion for helping women ease period symptoms, improve fertility, and ease life transitions.

The conversation begins with Adrienne discussing why Western medicine often fails to solve unexplained infertility. She notes that Western medicine tends to break the body down into silos, without considering the emotional and spiritual bodies. 

Adrienne contrasts this approach with Eastern medicine, which considers the tri-fecta of emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies. She explains that Eastern medicine recognizes that each body is unique in its composition, and seeks to cure the root cause of symptoms rather than simply canceling them out.

If you're struggling with unexplained infertility or simply interested in learning more about holistic approaches to women's health, this episode is a must-listen. Join Carolina and Adrienne as they explore the differences between Western and Eastern medicine, and how taking a holistic approach can help us tap into our natural state of fertility.

What you'll learn: 
1:10 Who is Adrienne Irizarry?
4:46 Why Western Medicine is failing women with infertility?
10:00 Adrienne's bad experience with an IVF doctor
19:57 Fertility is  a natural state of being

Let's connect!

Connect with Adrienne:

The Carolina Sotomayor Podcast is brought to you by Carolina Sotomayor and the Fertility Foundation.

Carolina Sotomayor is an Expert Womb Healer who helps women conceive by removing physiological blockages with Reiki. She is the host of the Carolina Sotomayor Podcast, a show that covers everything from fertility to postpartum to motherhood, and the creator of Fertility Foundation Collective, an online membership that helps women heal at their own pace to boost their fertility.

Carolina has served over 500 women from around the world to heal. She is passionate about helping women create their families. As a result, there are over 60 reiki babies in the world. 

Carolina Sotomayor Reiki: https://carolina

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DISCLAIMER: This episode is not a substitute for professional medical care but aims at relaxation and stress reduction to support natural healing. Reiki complements, never replaces, medical care. Carolina is not a licensed healthcare provider; always seek appropriate professional help for physical and mental health. Individual results may vary.