MANY WOMEN, MANY STORIES: CECELIA BUTLER Visionary, Artist, Healer, Author


Nicoa meets with CECELIA GRACE BUTLER - an amazing soul - a visionary, artist, healer and writer who is a presenter at the MANY WOMEN, MANY STORIES Conference to be held this November 17-19, 2023 at Shell Island Resort in Wrightsville Beach, NC. Known for her book The Akashic Librarian, she takes her life and writing experience and will facilitate a breakout session at this event. Her unique story and dark night of the soul has sparked her spiritual skills and talents and she will be providing support for those eager to write their own memoirs, learn intuitive skills for writing and tapping into their spiritual akashic records! 


At MWMS, the aim is to document and share women's strengths, creativity, perseverance, and vibrant lives in a sacred gathering. The project is multi-cultural and multi-generational, and it helps to highlight the positive qualities and powers of the feminine while encouraging creative action.  JOIN US, WE NEED YOUR PARTICIPATION and FEEDBACK for this inaugural event!

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Our mission is to tell a new story through the MWMS project. This story highlights women's worth, resourcefulness, and desire to make the world better for everyone. By sharing the wisdom and experiences of women who have undergone healing and transformation, we hope to inspire young girls and women to become self-empowered leaders and take positive action.


By participating in the project, viewers and participants can gain new insights and ideas to integrate into their lives. We hope these stories and the accompanying experiential apprenticeship program will challenge and influence the distorted view of women and girls in today's media.

Coffee With Nicoa is a major SPONSOR for MWMS -

Nicoa will ALSO be participating t


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Nicoa Coach:

Grab your coffee and join me Nicoa For a caffeinated conversation about life. I'll be talking to people who have chosen to walk their own paths and just like me, are creating a life by design. I hope it will give you the inspiration you need to do exactly the same. Welcome, everybody to another episode, a teaser for many women, many stories, the conference that's coming up this November, in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. I have the honor of having a guest today Cecilia Grace Butler. Welcome.


Hi, thank you, Cecilia and

Nicoa Coach:

her sweet dog Tucker. Hello, Tucker, we hear you.


I think Tucker wants to join it. Maybe if I just let him in the room, he'll be quiet or hey,

Nicoa Coach:

we're gonna let Tucker in the room. And while you're doing that, I'm gonna do a quick introduction of, of who you are this beautiful soul. So Celia is actually an experienced reference librarian with a passion for art history and visionary art. She found yoga after 911 and is certified in a variety of spiritual practices, including past life hypnotherapy and quantum healing. And she is the author. And this is a memoir. Is that right? Your book is a memoir, a teachable memoir? Yes.


Yeah, it is. And it includes the events of 911, where I happen to have been in the air over in New York airspace and in a private airplane, and heard all of the communications between the air traffic controllers. Yeah, that wasn't exciting.

Nicoa Coach:

I bet it was, and what an intriguing perspective to have as you go into this unique topic. So to share the title of your book, the Akashic library, and, and you hopefully today might tell us a little bit about that. But everybody, the reason that we wanted to have Cecilia on is because she is going to be hosting a portion of this event in November. Now, just to kick off, Cecilia, how did you find out about many women many stories and get involved?


Well, I had met Aria, and she invited me to a meeting at a local coffee house. And she had, I don't know, maybe four or five, six other ladies there. And the whole point of it was to talk about the concept of the gifts of the many women in the area. And before we finished having our coffee, we all agreed that we should share each of us had a story of meeting challenges and standing in our own power or leadership. And so we decided that it would really be of interest to other people, especially people who are just in the middle of a challenge that each of us might be able to help them with our story. So we said, hey, let's let's do a little. Let's do a little talk. Yeah, it turned into a major into a major collaborative effort. And we have lost it. Yeah. But if they say for me, started at the coffee house,

Nicoa Coach:

and you are a part of that hardcore group, then helping to launch the whole event. Right?


Yeah, I kind of been there since the beginning of that initiation? Yes.

Nicoa Coach:

Well, I love that because the collaboration of women coming together and sharing their stories to help others is something that we do by default anyway, as women when we come together. So to be able to create this sacred container, as ARIA puts in for this long weekend, which I'm, I can't wait to be there. I hope everybody will join.


Tell us a little bit about tacular.

Nicoa Coach:

It really is. And I'd love to hear about your role at the event. Because it's intriguing to me, it's very similar to the work I do with my clients.


Well, I stepped away from being a speaker because I wanted to be involved more in the organization of it, but I am doing a breakout session. And the breakout session is going to be reframing your story. And then there's a subtitle of it starts with the title. So basically, we all have a story when you meet someone, we all have a story and telling it from a positive. This is what I've learned perspective, rather than this is what I've endured, changes the whole concept of what you've learned through it, how it's helped your life and empowers you to move forward rather than staying in kind of a cyclical downward spiral about what's happened to you. So that was really what motivated me with my story. When people would say to me, Oh, my God, you should write a book. And I'm like, No, not till it has a positive that's only as a happy ending. Now

Nicoa Coach:

Good point, you had to be very insightful at that stage to recognize that this may just sound like I'm dumping about my pain and my suffering.


And they says he did that. Yeah.

Nicoa Coach:

They say in positive psychology, you can spend all the time you want whining over your glass of wine with your friends. But if you and your friends don't take it to an actionable, what will I do next time? Or how can I learn from this, that you actually don't create more happiness?


Exactly, yeah. So in my breakout session, I hope to help people craft a little bit, if they wanted to write a memoir, of course, it's only an hour. So you know, a lot can happen in an hour, but probably you're not going to have your whole book in an hour. But yeah, my point is to have them craft to begin to craft their memoir. And of course, I was a librarian for 30 years. So you know, stories, or that was a big part of my life before I even kind of stepped into being an author myself,

Nicoa Coach:

will share with us a little bit about your story. So since you will be facilitating this breakout with us more of an actionable workshop, we would love to hear a little bit about your story today, and maybe just as a precursor to that engagement with you.


So my book has several parts. The first part is a lot about what happened around 911. You know, we all have our moments that I call our door dark night of the soul. And the week of 911, I as I just said, I was in the air listening to all of the telecommunications going on. My daughter was a freshman at NYU the week before I had just dropped her off in Manhattan. And, yeah, my mother was dying in Richmond, Virginia, she had been in hospice the whole summer. So the reason I was in that plane was to get back to be with her. So we had that rolling in the background. And then when I returned after my mother's funeral, a lot of things about my marriage that had been going on, while I was away became a parent, and that ended up coming to a crash within months of that time, as well. So that's enough to do you wait.

Nicoa Coach:

That's quite the teaser? Well, yeah, you gave me chills, just combining those three lines.


That was definitely dark night of the soul. So how I got out of it out of a depression, or out of a financial spiral, or insecurities, or all of that, you know, missing my mom was a big part of it. So that's when yoga stepped in i i just miraculously discovered it one day I was praying, going to work for something to come to me that would help me resolve this stress. I mean, the doctors were just throwing out medication, anti anxiety, depression, sleep, blah, blah, blah. And I sat in my car before I went into the library, and I said, Please help me. And that day, I will. I'm on the reference desk, a gentleman comes up to the desk. And it was by luck that he got me because it was a big library. And we circled around with different staff. And he looked at me and he said, I've written a book, and I went good. He goes, Yeah, I'm writing a book about the medical benefits of yoga. And everything is ready. I've got a publisher, everything is ready to go. Except I, I've messed up my bibliography, and I have to rebuild it, can you help me? And I said, in my head, I'm going, oh, man, this is gonna be a lot, you know. But and this is, you know, the Internet was around, but it wasn't as flourishing as it is now. So I said to him, Well, I can't spend all day with you today. So what you'll have to do is come back over a period of time. So after a week, I'd gotten to know him pretty well. And I said, it took me a week to get up the nerve. And I said, Do you teach yoga like around here? And he goes, Yeah, I'm teaching over this development. Well, it just so happened that a month before that I had moved into that development. Oh, wow. It was not in the town that the library was in either. So I began to take his his classes and eventually became a yoga instructor myself. So that was one of the first so this whole journey has been one synchronistic thing after another, and that the second part of the book is about this. It's it was really the initiation of the spiritual awakening. I didn't know what at the time, but every time I had a challenge, and I asked for help immediately, it would just roll out in the strangest weirdest way.

Nicoa Coach:

Oh my gosh, that's amazing. I got chills again? You. I mean, I can't wait to hang out with you at the event. Yeah,


factory, believe me, factory, the last part of the book. This all led me to painting visionary artwork too. So the lat the illustrations in the book are all my artwork. And I recounted my spiritual awakening every time something would happen. I would paint a painting to acknowledge that event, because a lot of it was stuff that I couldn't even put into words, I would see things I would hear things events would happen. It really didn't make any sense in the linear way. It had to be more an experiential thing. So that's what I started doing.

Nicoa Coach:

Well, not only did you leverage your artwork for your book, but you just shared with me before we got started, you also have some angel cards? Or how would you describe that deck that you were talking about?


I do, I have a 54 card deck. And each card has a painting that I have done that depicts some step of my spiritual journey. And then, during the process of my awakening, I realized I could actually channel who. And so I have channeled angelic messages that correspond with each of the paintings.

Nicoa Coach:

Ah, this is so beautiful.


We all have this, we all have the potential for tapping into spirit. It's just you have to have the desire and make the commitment to do that. Yeah, I

Nicoa Coach:

went and listened to one of your YouTube videos about your introduction to the Akashic records. And you talked about practicing sitting and focusing in on your third eye and your forehead to help open the pineal gland and give yourself access. So everyone, you know, I always joke with my corporate executive clients, I can pull out crystals and feathers if you want me to, but at the end of the day, you have to be open and ready for it, but it is a skill within you. Can you tell us a little bit about that since your book is titled the Akashic librarian? What is an Akashic Record? help educate people.


Okay, so remember, I was a librarian. So the Akashic is a it's a very large container of information regarding everyone's life. Okay, Tucker, we've had you now.

Nicoa Coach:

Tucker's been keeping her company.


So it's a container of all the information regarding Earth, everyone here, the places located on Earth, our experiences, it sounds phenomenal, it sounds out of this world. But even in the Bible, they talked about it. It's called the Book of Life in the Bible. And it's almost like when we become a spark of energy, someone pressed record. And all of it became part of our history and our knowledge base. So the Akashic is a knowledge base of everything. I've, you know, even though I've been doing this for a number of years, I train people how to do it. Now. I wrote a book about it. We're just scratching the surface. Yes, so much. And so much is available to us. So I encourage people to explore this because when I first learned how to do the Akashic work, the instructor said, Now don't go out and start to charge people cuz you know, you need to practice you need to practice on yourself, you know, like who you are. So, two reasons. One, I took her advice, too, I didn't tell anybody what it was doing because it seemed like so way out that they would have labeled me as totally lost my mind. But I did do what she said for a year, I took notes and just researched myself. And as those lives began to evolve and and flow basically one into the other, I realized why people in this life were in my life, other lives that they had been in, what the lessons are that why we are together what those lessons are an amazing veil of forgiveness lifted up because people do stuff to you and you go, what the heck are you doing? Well, when you understand, oh, that comes from this past life where I did that to them, or they had this lesson to learn for themselves. So I agreed to be there. person to do it again with and see how it turns out. And yeah, that to me was the greatest gift because now I understand it's not don't take it personally and I say you know, I think one of the Four Agreements is don't take it personally. So we all agree to these to these. Me Hang with people, we make a plan before we even come. So if you don't like the way it's coming, then you just blame yourself because

Nicoa Coach:

that's right. I call it this tracks. Exactly. That's right, these agreements to be together. And I have actually participated in both and Akashic Record reading in my past as well as I noticed you, you are certified as a quantum healing hypnosis therapist. I also do hypnotherapy work through rapid transformational therapy. Yeah.


And I'm just another way to tap into it.

Nicoa Coach:

It's just Yeah, it's whatever the the path is, when you're open and ready to receive, you will receive what you need to know and learn from that. And if you're ready to be a Lightworker, and help with that healing work with others, you will feel led to continue your training or to continue practices and apply. So it's not a Why can't I do it? It's you are, you're you're capable of doing all of it. You just have to trust your intuition when it's time. Exactly what I like what you said. And this this weekend for many women, many stories can be a way for people to begin to open themselves up to the possibilities of these, these tools. And we'll do all sorts of things at this, this event


presenter will offer a new path that you can install, you can grab and go with a whole bunch of whoever resonates with you. And we have an apprentice program to support it afterwards to

Nicoa Coach:

can you share a little bit more about that I'm still learning about this apprentice program, I'm excited to hear about it.


It's still a work in progress, because right now we're focusing mostly on getting the conference together. But our plan is that each of us who are involved as speakers or presenters, will be available to attendees of the conference at a later date to meet and do a couple of hours of coaching. So if there was somebody in the group who wanted to know more about Akashic work, maybe receive a training we've all agreed to do. I think we said two to four hours for free, which is awesome. You know, that's a wonderful opportunity to put your toe in the water, and, and experience, maybe, maybe an awakening, who knows? Who knows.

Nicoa Coach:

And I mean, what a generous gift to offer to the participants. So so we'll put a bow on this today, because we don't want to give it all away. But I want to make sure our listeners know that they can go to many women, many And they can go ahead and buy their tickets, they'll see a profile about you as well, if they want to learn more about you, Cecilia, can you share a little bit about where they can go? I know you have a website, Cecilia Grace What else should they know about what you're working on anything?


Well, I have been doing angelic drawings for individuals where I channeled their angels and then give them a brief message. So that's kind of my next focus is working on the angel art. Yeah,

Nicoa Coach:

I noticed on your website, too, people can sign up for an Akashic reading as well. And then an artwork. That's beautiful. I actually also had that done for me once and it was just phenomenal. It really was very telling about where I was on my life path. So Cecilia, you're delightful. I wish that we could have more coffee with Nicoa time. I promise. Maybe I'll get you as my mentor after the this is all said and done.


All right, you're in.

Nicoa Coach:

All right. Well, any last words of advice or wisdom before we hang up?


No, I'm just hoping that we will have a full house and a wonderful attendance for the conference, because it's going to be a really amazing experience. For those who attend. I think it will be a launch for anyone who comes. I think it will be a launch for there there. And I don't want to I want it all to be about spiritual, but ultimately it is kind of all about spiritual.

Nicoa Coach:

And hey, if we all end up at that event together, I guess our soul contracts. That was part of the place.


Right, Right Place Right Time right now.

Nicoa Coach:

Absolutely. Thank you, Cecilia. There was a pleasure. Pleasure to meet you and Tucker. Thank you.


Yeah, so Tucker's a bit of an angelic being himself.

Nicoa Coach:

He seems to be well, it was a beautiful time together and I will talk to you.


Thank you. Bye bye.

Jennifer Gardner:

Thanks for joining us for a caffeinated conversation. Subscribe to Coffee with Nicola for more stories from people living a life by design. You can also find inspiration on Instagram. Just follow coffee with Nicola and check out our website Coffee with and that's Nicola. And I see oh a we look forward to talking with you soon and enjoy your coffee between now and then

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