The Gag is… Podcast

Ep 7: Life Lessons Amidst Holiday Hustle

December 08, 2023 Charli Shanta
Ep 7: Life Lessons Amidst Holiday Hustle
The Gag is… Podcast
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The Gag is… Podcast
Ep 7: Life Lessons Amidst Holiday Hustle
Dec 08, 2023
Charli Shanta

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Ever wondered what the unfiltered and raw truth behind the festive season chaos looks like? Well, wonder no more. Join me, Charlie Shanta, as I navigate through the holiday madness, share my shopping tales (no spoilers for my little listeners though!) and reflect on the tranquility of a mellow Thanksgiving. The holiday season is a rollercoaster, and I'm here to share the ride.

But it's more than just holiday chatter. This episode also brings to the forefront some real-life issues I've recently faced. The struggles of securing educational accommodations for my son and dealing with an uncooperative teacher are just the tip of the iceberg. It's been a tough journey, but through it all, the lesson remains - teaching our children to advocate for themselves is crucial. This is parenthood, this is life, and this is the Gag Is podcast. Buckle up for a heartwarming episode filled with real talk and raw emotions.

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Ever wondered what the unfiltered and raw truth behind the festive season chaos looks like? Well, wonder no more. Join me, Charlie Shanta, as I navigate through the holiday madness, share my shopping tales (no spoilers for my little listeners though!) and reflect on the tranquility of a mellow Thanksgiving. The holiday season is a rollercoaster, and I'm here to share the ride.

But it's more than just holiday chatter. This episode also brings to the forefront some real-life issues I've recently faced. The struggles of securing educational accommodations for my son and dealing with an uncooperative teacher are just the tip of the iceberg. It's been a tough journey, but through it all, the lesson remains - teaching our children to advocate for themselves is crucial. This is parenthood, this is life, and this is the Gag Is podcast. Buckle up for a heartwarming episode filled with real talk and raw emotions.

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Speaker 1:

Hey y'all, welcome back to another episode of the gag is podcast. I am your girl, charlie Shantae. Welcome back. Oh man, it feels good to be back. I've missed y'all and I hope that you have missed me as well. You know, we just got over Thanksgiving. We in the month of December, getting ready to go into Christmas.

Speaker 1:

So if y'all have not started y'all shopping already, what is you? Wait now? Because it's gonna get crazy and crazy the longer you wait to go out there and like do your stuff. Like I went and did some today. I did some, um, last week. I did just a smidge on Black Friday, but it wasn't nothing too Serious. I can't say what I've been buying cuz my kids listen and watch the show, so would hate to give away what it is. I Got them for Christmas. Hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was nice, chill. We ate, we watched football, hung out with some close friends and, you know, just kept it real mellow.

Speaker 1:

So let's go ahead and jump into today's episode. Today's episode I Don't even know if we on call it's a episode, but it ain't really a episode, if that makes sense. Like it's an unscripted episode, I felt like I Needed to tell y'all some realness, some raw. And First let me say I am very thankful for all my listeners, all my Subscribers and everyone who has followed me on social media. Thank you, thank you. Each time episode comes out, y'all are going to, y'all are downloading, I see y'all and I greatly appreciate it. Just know that you know it does not go unnoticed. So today's episode, like I said, is real unscripted because I want to talk about some realness. So Some of the things over the past couple of weeks have been Kind of crazy and they tie into the show. So Today I'm just gonna basically just touch on it just a little bit and then I'm gonna go into. Like each like little subject is gonna be an episode in itself, but I just would kind of want to catch all up on, like what's been going on.

Speaker 1:

As you know, I do have kids and I do have a child who is in middle school and and for like the past, I want to say like month and a half Like I've been having to battle it out with his teacher because my son does have a disability and this Teacher did not want to do what they needed to do to give my child his accommodations, and the situation just got real, real dire. And I'm one of those parents that I tell my son and I teach my kids that they Should advocate for themselves because I'm not gonna always be there to advocate for them. Like you got to know and you got to learn. And this individual Without saying too much because it's still Ongoing kind of case or whatever, but this individual, just I just want to know what kind of adult has beef with a 13 year old? Like, why is you beefing with a 13 year old? Yes, see my blankie, because where I record is very, very cool, but as an adult, I don't understand. I don't know what bone you would have to pick with a 13 year old. It's just beyond me. And I bring it up because my children are very resilient and they've seen a lot and you know, not necessarily been through a lot, but there's some pretty strong kids and especially my 13 year old. He's very strong, he's been through a lot, seen a lot. At no fault of his own, like I stated, he does have a disability, so he's very sick and I just I'm grateful that I have children that are, like I said, resilient and they can advocate for themselves. I think, as parents, that's one thing that we don't. We don't like we. Your kid can mess up a million times over, but nobody, you're not going to let nobody mistreat your children at all At all. Like you will go to the depths in the ends of the world to ensure that your child is good. It's just. It's just. It's a crazy situation. Like I said, I can't really speak on it, but what I will say, I like the, I appreciate and it made me proud the way that my son handled himself in the situation, because there's a situation that could have went left real easy, but the way he handled himself, I'm so super duper proud of him.

Speaker 1:

Next year I will have an episode about resilient children and you will get to hear the perspective of the 13 year old and then my big baby as well. Well, also within the next probably a couple of weeks or whatever, we'll have an episode on grief during the holidays, more so. My situation is just very unique and I will say over the last couple of weeks that I have been struggling a little bit. My husband's birthday came up and some years I'm okay, some years I'm not okay, and this year it just happened to be a year that I wasn't okay. Normally I'll post all like knowledge, his birthday, you know, and do a cute little, you know. Love you, baby, miss you, I know you, and heaven's turning up, you know, don't do too much and get kicked out. This year I couldn't even bring myself to do anything. I couldn't get out of bed. It was just a bad day. And what makes it so bad is Thanksgiving. His birthday, my birthday and Christmas all fall within 40 days of each other. So in the next couple of episodes I'll be talking about dealing with grief during the holidays and then how I deal with the grief the grief of his birthday, my birthday and the holidays. It's like a quadruple whammy. A quadruple whammy.

Speaker 1:

Let me see what else I had going on that I was gonna tell y'all. You know Christmas coming up, so I hope y'all paint your skin, started shopping, cuz it's getting tough out here in these trenches. I'm glad that I don't gotta buy no toys, no more. Yeah, I ain't gotta buy no toys, no more, no, no. But this episode is gonna be nice short, brief. Just want y'all to know that I have not forgotten about y'all. 2024 is among us.

Speaker 1:

Who got the updated bingo card of everything that's going on this year? Like I need to update a bingo card. So if you got the updated bingo card, go ahead and slide that in my email. My DM at the gag is pod at Gmail. Hit it to me on Instagram. I need the updated bingo card. Let's see what else we got, since this was like a unscripted off the record type of show this week.

Speaker 1:

I'm not, I didn't want to do a segment, but I think I'm gonna do a segment. I think I'm gonna do a you can't make this up segment. And dating a widow is real different. Okay, we love fragile, you know, and we fragile. So let me tell y'all. I decided to jump back out there and go on a date and I'm like, okay, this is cool. And you know, my best friend is like okay, go ahead, you gonna have fun, girl Y'all. Why? Buddy show up. And he was the same height as my 13 year old. My 13 year old is five foot five. I am five eight and a half. Yeah, yep, I got past that. I was like I can deal with that, I can deal with that. Then he ghosted me without I don't know if he knew he was ghosting me, but he was ghosting me.

Speaker 1:

So in Florida we have a game called the classic. It's probably called that other places too, with HBC use or whatever, I'm not sure. But from where we live in Tampa to Orlando is a little bit over our. He's like I gotta go take care of something over there and I probably not going to make it back today because you know the classic is today and the traffic going to be crazy. Sir, if you wanted to go to the classic you could go. You ain't got the lot of me. Why lie? Anyways, long story short, y'all. He was weird, and so now I am traumatized and I don't think I want to date anymore right now, like for a little minute, like I ain't going to tell you how to rest of like what he did. You girl is traumatized, trauma, hi. So I'm going to be in the house for a minute. I don't, I can't do it. Trauma ties at this point he's going to have to break in the house and get me and be like girl. I like you, I don't broken your house. Don't press charges. Oh Okay, I won't press charges, sir, but yeah, again, thank you all for sticking with me, thank you all for rocking with me.

Speaker 1:

Um 2024, we going up. I got some things in the work that I can't wait to tell you all about Um, I'm a keep building sets. Yassi got a different set. Now, um, I'm very creative. I will say that I am grateful that I finally found something not found, finally found something. Let me rephrase that. Let me say that I am glad that I took a step in a leap, to go ahead and start this podcast. It has been nothing but positivity for me and for others. I can, I can be me, I can be free, and the creativity in the creativeness that has been brought to the surface and not just a thought or memory is exciting for me and, like I said, in 2024, I'll get to put that on display. I'm so super excited about that. Like you just don't even know. They say you know every everybody wants to. You know, be something and do big things, but nobody wants to put the work in and to be putting this work in. I'm so, so super proud. Um, yeah, I mean, I really, I'm just really full of gratitude at the moment.

Speaker 1:

I know it seemed like I'm all over the place today but, like I said, this is an unscripted episode. You know there was no basis, there was no format. I was just coming and let y'all know your girl is still here. You know we just had to take a pause for the calls Just for this niche light, but I am back and I am happy to be back and I hope that you are happy to be back. But, um, yeah, if you haven't already like, go to YouTube. Pull us up. The gag is part. Pull us up, like, subscribe, share with your friends. We are on Instagram as well. At the gag is pot. I am your girl. Charlie Sean say you can pull me up as well. If you go to Instagram, all of the links are in the bio. You click on that that link, tree link and it'll bring up the YouTube and it'll bring up the Apple. It'll bring up the Spotify Wherever you listen to your podcast. All right, y'all, until next week. Your girl is out.