Notes From a Neuro Nerd: The Science Behind Living Your Best Life

69. Secrets to Successful Selling

Austin and Monica Mangelson

It's time to revolutionize your sales mentality! Buckle up as we flip the script on selling in the online entrepreneurial space. We’ll help you transform your perception on selling from something "pushy" to a vital skill that you can learn to love.

 Selling your service is an indication of the positive influence you're making in the world. We're gonna help you learn how to make that paradigm shift!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the profitable Nomad Couple podcast. This is a show where we share all of our secrets about building a sustainable location independent lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

We're Austin and Monica. We're a digital Nomad couple here to help you develop an entrepreneurial mindset, ignite your passions and develop a purpose-driven online business.

Speaker 1:

Get ready for weekly insights and inspiring stories to empower you to live life on your own terms.

Speaker 2:

So are you ready to unlock the Nomad mindset and embrace a life of limitless possibilities? Let's dive in. All right, what's up everybody? We have been waiting all morning to record this podcast episode because we had started our laundry and our washing machine is basically in our living room and it finally finished. And now there's a school, like an elementary school, across the street, and apparently today is the day that they chose to have some sort of music festival. They've got marimbas going and they've got singers, so I don't think it should pick up too much, but if you hear some music in the background, that's a little school school something going on.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of fun. I don't know, I kind of like it. That's the mood.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Actually, that's a good point. It does set the mood because today we're talking about something that typically is viewed as a not fun thing, but we want to put a little fun marimba musical spin on it. We want to make this something that's more kind of share our point of view of selling. Selling is something that, as an online entrepreneur, as any entrepreneur, there's something that you, you're just going to have to do.

Speaker 2:

I know there's a lot of really kind of mixed feelings around selling and I know a lot of people really don't like it. They feel icky, it's uncomfortable, it's kind of one of those, one of those things you just got to do but no one really enjoys it. What's it called Occupational hazard of being a business owner and people are afraid to sell. They're afraid to sell because they think that they're going to come across as pushy or icky or scummy. I know the image that comes to mind for a lot of people is like that typical the used car salesman. People don't like being sold in that way and people don't like selling in that way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but to be honest, sales is probably one of the most important skills that you can develop in the online space. This is more than just if you own a business. This is also if you're looking for a job. You have to sell sell yourself to these companies. Sales and marketing is just extremely, extremely important, and I have been learning a lot about this and a lot of the businesses I see that have so much potential. The one thing holding them back is this fear of sales and coming off as salesy. It's kind of sad to me because it's something a lot of people have so much to offer and they're just missing this sales piece so that they can really get out and offer themselves and their services to the world. So I'm really hoping that this podcast is going to shift your mindset and really fill in that gap so that you can get out there in the world and offer your greatness to all the people who are waiting for you and who need you and your services.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So this episode is for anyone who has been in business and has these uncomfortable feelings around selling, but it's also for anyone who is just starting and is worried because they don't have any sales experience and they're worried about having to sell themselves and sell their business because it's something that they've never done. And a lot of times in our experience, sales is talked about with this very masculine energy. It's all about getting a certain amount of numbers, or if you just learn the exact tactics, persuasion tactics and how to fluctuate your voice and the exact words to say and the exact scripts to go through, you'll be able to convince someone to buy with you.

Speaker 2:

One thing that Monika and I have learned a lot in the past year especially, is a much softer, maybe more feminine energy approach to it, and this started when we were taking a course from Dean Graciosi and something that he said stuck with both of us. It's really resonated with us and we've really tried to adopt this ideology, and he said that sales is a service. If you really believe in what you're doing and if you truly believe that what you have to offer can change someone else's life for the better, then you're doing a disservice by not selling them that thing, you're doing them a favor and you're servicing them because you're making their life better. You have to really understand and, like I said, truly believe in that value that you're offering.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

So that would definitely be our first tip when it comes to wrapping your mind around sales.

Speaker 1:

And the first thing that we would recommend you do to really get good at sales is to understand the value of the transformation you are offering people and then, from there, you take that one step farther and recognize that if you are not selling to them, these people will never, ever get that transformation, or they'll get it from someone who cares a lot less to sell it to them.

Speaker 1:

So you are the one that they need to step up and to be willing to own that transformation that you provide and be willing to recognize that you selling them your service, this transformation, is a huge, huge service for them. The next thing I would recommend is that you start to view making money or making this sale as an indication of the impact you are having in the world. I know that a lot of people, especially businesses who are very people-centered, who are very conscientious about making the world a better place, kind of feel icky taking money and building their business to make money. But if we can shift that mindset a little bit and look at the money that you are making as a direct indication that you are making a difference in the world and that has been a total game changer for Austin and I.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that helps too, like if you look at other people who are really successful financially and that's because they've provided a lot of value to somebody or a group of people somewhere. Adopting that mentality like that's a huge perspective shift. When you shift towards that, selling feels a lot better because you understand that you are adding to the world, you're making the world a better place, you're bringing what you have and making things better for people. I think one of the fundamental things that you have to believe, or that you have to have in order to build all of these beliefs on, is you have to have some sort of purpose or mission that's greater than just financial gain. This is something that Monica and I feel really strongly about.

Speaker 2:

If you're going into business just for money, I feel like, personally, I feel like that's not enough.

Speaker 2:

That's not going to be enough to keep you motivated and to keep your drive up when things get tough and things are going to get tough, then business it happens. It's also not going to be enough to shift your perspective towards this other side of selling. We think, when it comes to creating a business, when it comes to finding a job, finances is one aspect to consider, but it's not the end, all be all. You should have a mission or a purpose that's greater than financial gain, something that's more than power, more than status. You should be motivated by a really strong conviction that you are born to make a difference in the world and that your talent, your skill, your insights, your service is going to change someone's life. When you think of things this way, selling becomes not only easy, it actually becomes enjoyable. You want to sell, you want to get on more calls with people. You want more people in your group, in your community, because you want the impacts that you have to be larger to spread to more people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just want to stop here for a second for anybody who is kind of wondering okay, but, for example, I sell t-shirts.

Speaker 1:

Like how am I making the world a better place? I just want to highlight the fact that every single person has unique gifts and abilities and perspectives that, honestly, can make a difference in the world. And if you are someone who sells t-shirts, maybe the difference you make in the world is that you help people feel good about themselves, or maybe you make t-shirts that make people smile, to bring more happiness into the world. There's always something that you can find that is a bigger mission for your business than just making money. I've been talking to a person recently who has built several huge, successful businesses, but he's been missing this mission-focused part and to him, they're just jobs and it's just something that he does to make money, and he's really craving that ability to lean into himself and to actually know that he's making a difference in the world, and I would say that that is a very, very important key to not only being successful in your business but enjoying your life so much more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, to Monica's point. The world is a really big place. More difference in the world that you provide through your business and through your service doesn't have to be the world's most game-changing thing ever. It doesn't have to change billions or millions of lives, but if it makes anyone's life better, even for a day, even for an afternoon, if you're selling key chains, whatever it is that you're selling, if it's making someone more comfortable, someone happier, someone's relationship better with their friends, with their family there's so many ways to improve the world. It doesn't have to be groundbreaking, but keeping that purpose and that mission in mind makes selling enjoyable and makes it easier.

Speaker 2:

Really like selling is all about the relationships you have with your clients or with your customers. For a long time, monica and I, when we first started our business, we tried to avoid getting on calls with people. We in our minds this is actually something that we were taught initially that our clients want to have as little interaction with us as possible. We did everything we could to try and organize and automate our business so that we were removed from it. We didn't want to have as much interaction with our clients. At some point down the road we shifted and we're like you know what we're going to try being more involved.

Speaker 2:

That changed things a lot for us. We were happier in our business because we had better relationships with the people in our audience and with our customer or our client base. Our clients were happier because they had more interactions with us. Selling became easier because, instead of this faceless entity that we're trying to convince to buy our services, we had a relationship with the person. They were a friend to us. We understood their situation. We understood more of what they're going through and why they were coming to us for whatever service Right now it's coaching. Before it was web design. We had a better understanding of what their needs were, what their pain points were and what they were hoping to accomplish through our service. Understanding that that was a big shift too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely. I think one of the biggest shifts for me was not only in just getting to know the pain points of the people that were potential clients, but also just in my confidence level and in how much I care about the people that I'm talking to and how much I know that I can help them and how much I really want to help them because I can see how I can be the person to get them to where they want to be. It's made a world of difference. Like we said in the beginning, this is something that takes more time to develop relationships, but it is so much easier and so much more natural If you think about it.

Speaker 1:

As humans, our innate desire is to fit in and to build connections and to be part of a tribe, and so, if we lean into this innate desire that we have as part of our business and part of our selling, it's so easy. It's so natural because it's literally ingrained in who we are. And so, instead of trying to shovel that to the side and just try to get hit your numbers or get however many people in your email list or whatever it is, you need to do, if you focus on the genuine connections and genuine relationships and genuinely, I don't know if you noticed, but genuine is an important part of this but the difference that you can make in their lives. It's going to be a no-brainer. Selling is going to become the easiest thing that you wish you had learned forever ago, because business is all of a sudden going to seem easy, it's going to seem fun and it's going to just work a lot better.

Speaker 2:

So this has been a really big overview of a paradigm shift that we've had and we would like you to have when it comes to selling. There's a lot of nuances, though, when you get into the nitty-gritty of how to actually implement this and how to do it. If this is something that you want to learn how to do, reach out to us. We understand that that actually putting these things into practice can be difficult. You don't always see where in your own life or in your own business you might need to make these shifts. Maybe you just feel like it's uncomfortable and you don't really like. You haven't really pieced together what you can change. So reach out to us, and that's one thing that we that's one aspect of our coaching that we love to do is helping our clients see how they can change their perspective on selling and how to make it easier and more fun for them. Thanks so much for joining us here on the profitable Nomad Couple podcast. We appreciate you listening to us today.

Speaker 1:

If you enjoyed this episode, share it on Instagram and be sure to tag us at Austin and Monica.

Speaker 2:

Together, we can inspire others to embrace a location, independent lifestyle and while you're there, we'd love to connect with you, so make sure you follow us for more tips and inspiration on living your dream location independent lifestyle.

Speaker 1:

Until next week. Remember that you have the power to shape your own path. So stay curious, stay adventures and stay connected.

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