Spiritual Life and Leadership

65. Why Don't People Go to Church Anymore?

Markus Watson

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Why don't people go to church anymore?  There was a time when you could start a church and it would just grow.  Especially if it was a new community that people were moving into.  Not anymore.  People generally just don't go to church anymore.

Why not?  What changed?  And what--if anything--can we do about it?

In this episode, I discuss the reality of our situation and offer a thought about the kind of posture we need in order to be the church that the world needs us to be. 


  • Cody Vermillion founded a “churchish” non-profit called Uncommon Good for people who might never attend a typical church, addressing why people don't go to church anymore.
  • According to Gallup:
    • In 1948, 76% of U.S. adults said they were members of a church, synagogue, or mosque.
    • In 1998, that was down to 70%.
    • In 2018, that was down to 50%.
  • In 2015, Pew research asked people if religion was “very important in their lives.”  Here’s how they responded by age group:
    • Silent Generation (born 1928-1945) 67%
    • Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964) 59%
    • Generation X (born 1965-1980) 53%
    • Older Millennials (born 1981-1989) 44%
    • Younger Millennials (born 1990-1996) 38%
  • Churches are declining not only because people don't go to church in great numbers, but also because people attend church less frequently.
  • Church attendance is not a social convention the way it was in the past.  That's part of the reason why people don't go to church these days.
  • Pew research, in 2019, found that:
    • 69% believe religious leaders behave unethically some or all of the time
    • Surpassed only by leaders of technology companies (77%) and members of Congress (81%)
  • People don’t think leaders of institutions face serious consequences for their unethical behavior
    • 71% believe members of Congress face consequences little of the time or not at all
    • 58% believe leaders of tech companies face consequences little of the time or not at all
    • 53% believe religious leader face consequences little of the time or not at all
  • The church needs to become “indifferent” to all the things that are irrelevant to the mission of God (including the fact that people don't got church much anymore).


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