Spiritual Life and Leadership

113. Flourishing Leadership, with Andy Crouch, author of Strong and Weak

Markus Watson

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Andy Crouch is Partner for Theology and Culture at Praxis and the author of Strong and Weak. In this episode, Andy Crouch discusses the roles of both strength and weakness--authority and vulnerability--in our leadership.

So often, we assume the greatest leaders are the ones who exhibit great authority.  Or maybe we believe the greatest leaders let go of all their authority and lead only from a place of vulnerability.

But that’s a false dichotomy.  Leaders that bring true flourishing lead with both authority and vulnerability.


  • Andy Crouch is Partner for Theology and Culture at Praxis and the author of numerous books, including Strong and Weak.
  • The most formative books Andy Crouch has read are A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson and Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life by Albert Borgman.
  • After writing Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power, Andy Crouch placed the themes of that book on a 2x2 matrix, which unlocked all kinds of new insight, which led him to write Strong and Weak.
  • Andy Crouch explains what a 2x2 matrix is.  In the case of Strong and Weak, the 2x2 matrix consists of authority and vulnerability.
    • See graphic below
  • When humans experience both authority and vulnerability, this is flourishing.
  • When there is no authority and no vulnerability, this can be called safety or withdrawal.
  • Vulnerability without authority is suffering.
  • Authority without vulnerability is control or exploiting.
  • Andy Crouch explains the need for both authority and vulnerability by exploring Genesis 1 and 2.
  • There is something that is unlocked in the world when a person with authority willingly empties themselves of authority and enters into suffering.  It has a capacity to repair and restore the world.
  • Finding the right meaningful risk will unlock flourishing for you and the people you’re entrusted with.
  • In order to move toward vulnerability, letting go of authority, we need friends who are outside our own system.
  • The prayer of a healthy leader:  God, show me my meaningful action today and show me my meaningful risk.
  • To find out more about Andy Crouch and his work, visit www.praxislabs.org.


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