BimTube Podcast
BimTube's Mission
We aim to build everyone’s digital knowledge with content and conversations to inspire and instigate 'Better Information Management' to enable better decisions, better infrastructure, better services, and better outcomes for our social, economic, and environmental infrastructure.
The podcast's theme revolves around 'Better Information Management'—exploring how Digital, Data, and Technology enable other sectors, domains, activities, initiatives, and outcomes.
The target audience comprises individuals who are not exclusively engaged in 'Digital & Data', Information Technology (IT), or Information Management (IM) roles. Our goal is to impart an understanding of some of the benefits and outcomes that Digital, Data, and Technology can offer and provide guidance on where to learn more and get involved.
#DigitalKnowledge #InformationManagement #BIM #Infrastructure #Technology #DigitalData #DataManagement #DigitalTransformation #TechInnovation #IndustryKnowledge #DigitalConversations #TechBenefits #TechCommunity #LearningOpportunities #DigitalInclusion #iso19650 #bimlevel2 #iso55000 #iso55001 #assetmanagement #data #digital #digitalconstruction #digitalengineering #geospatial #gis
BimTube Podcast
#33 - Tim Flower - Data and Digital Innovations in the Rail Sector
In this episode of the BimTube Podcast, Steven hosts Tim Flower, UK Account Director for KONUX. They explore data integration, digital analytics, business intelligence, and systems integration in the rail industry.
>Tim's LinkedIn
Key Points:
- Tim Flower's career from data entry to Chief Intelligent Infrastructure Engineer at Network Rail.
- KONUX's use of predictive maintenance and AI in rail infrastructure.
- Digital twins, IoT, and SCADA systems in the rail industry.
- Importance of dashboards and analytics for informed decision-making.
- Benefits of SaaS in operational technology.
- Challenges in digitalisation, including legislation and communication.
- Emerging technologies like drone inspections and LiDAR.
- Building robust business cases focusing on safety and efficiency.
● KONUX - https://www.konux.com/
● Rail Live Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon - http://www.raillive.org.uk/
● Rise of IoT Conference in Cologne - https://www.rise-of-iot.com/
● Permanent Way Institution (PWI) - https://www.thepwi.org/
● Network Rail (UK's National Rail Infrastructure Company): https://www.networkrail.co.uk/
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BimTube's Mission: "We want to build everyone’s digital knowledge with content and conversations to inspire and instigate 'Better Information Management' to enable - better decisions, better infrastructure, better services and better outcomes for our social, economic and environmental infrastructure."
- Visit the BimTube Podcast page: https://www.bim.tube
- BIM / ISO 19650 Training (sponsored): https://www.bimenable.com