A Year with Matthew 25
"A Year with Matthew 25" connects readings from the Scripture with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Matthew 25 vision of building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty. This weekly podcast is designed for devotional use, formation for service, and preparation for worship for church members and leaders.
A Year with Matthew 25
The Great Commission: Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26
David Gambrell
Season 1
Episode 31
Proper 5, Revised Common Lectionary, Year A. The reading for today begins with Jesus’ call to Matthew, a tax collector, and then concludes with demonstrations of Jesus’ healing, life-giving power. How does the call to discipleship surprise our expectations and lead us into scandalous company? How does it bring new life and healing to the world? Reader: Linda Lovins. Musicians: Chi Yi Chen Wolbrink, Tony Lu, Katie Wesley, and Phillip Morgan. Music: “Take Me to the Water” and “Jesus, Be with Us.”