The Inspired Business Podcast

How Adopting a Business Mindset Changed the Trajectory of My Writing Career

October 03, 2022 Becky Kopitzke

Are you stuck in a rut of creating content and serving people with your writing, speaking, podcasting, teaching… with little to no financial return? Are you drowning in the costs associated with running an online ministry or building an audience? I was there, too. Until a conversation with a colleague changed the way I viewed my writing career, and led me on a path to serving more people in less time, while generating a full-time income online. It’s time to look at your creative ministry as a business. Here’s why!


  • The journey from blog to book deal
  • When expenses stack up and your ministry drains the family bank account
  • How a meeting with an old friend caused me to question my path
  • Reconciling the ministry of content creation with the business of selling it
  • What is the real purpose of earning an income from your creative work?
  • What generating an income from your creative work allows you to do

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