The Inspired Business Podcast

15 | Does a Digital Sales Funnel Really Work on Autopilot? Clarifying What’s Involved In Creating Residual Income From Your Content

December 19, 2022

Passive income. Selling on autopilot. Make money while you sleep! We hear these phrases tossed around in relation to a successful online business, as if all a content creator has to do is flip a switch and suddenly the sales roll in with no effort. But is that how digital product sales funnels really work? 

Yes and no. In this episode, we’ll bust the misconception that sales funnels mean you can “set it and forget it.” And we’ll talk about the real benefits of automating your digital product and online course sales… which, spoiler alert, does still require some work on your part. Just a different kind of work, and not as much (hallelujah).


  • Why matching jammies are still cool in my book
  • That day I took my dog for a walk and made $180
  • Is a sales funnel a magic bullet?
  • How your job changes once the product is built
  • Marketing strategies I recommend for getting traffic to your funnel: affiliate or partner marketing, ads, email marketing

Resources mentioned in this episode:

My favorite resource for Facebook and Instagram ads training: Brilliant Business Moms Facebook Ads Intensive 

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Plus watch our FREE masterclass: How to Create and Sell Digital Products Without Feeling Stupid, Salesy, or Sacrilegious