The Campbell Corner

Season 1, Episode 2: Cindy Luna

September 15, 2022 Regina Campbell Season 1 Episode 2
Season 1, Episode 2: Cindy Luna
The Campbell Corner
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The Campbell Corner
Season 1, Episode 2: Cindy Luna
Sep 15, 2022 Season 1 Episode 2
Regina Campbell

 In this Episode, the Host of the Campbell Corner, Regina Campbell (Principal Attorney of the Campbell Law Group, PA) interviews Hollywood Actress, Cindy Luna. Regina and Cindy discuss a myriad of topics in this delightful podcast. If you are a fan of Cindy Luna, you will not want to miss a minute!

Show Notes Transcript

 In this Episode, the Host of the Campbell Corner, Regina Campbell (Principal Attorney of the Campbell Law Group, PA) interviews Hollywood Actress, Cindy Luna. Regina and Cindy discuss a myriad of topics in this delightful podcast. If you are a fan of Cindy Luna, you will not want to miss a minute!




hi and welcome to the Campbell corner I’m Regina Campbell and I’m your host uh and the principal attorney here at


the Campbell law group I want to thank everyone for joining us this is episode two of season one and i have the


absolute pleasure of presenting to you and having come visit us today Hollywood


actor I’m supposed I’m told to call you actor not actress assisting assistant director assistant


director producer uh entrepreneur and activist Cindy Luna, Cindy welcome, thank


you thank you for that introduction like expectations are super high now


no pressure no pressure no pressure at all so i want to ask you so i saw your resume it's very impressive i checked


out the imdb and it looks like some of your work includes the last ship


uh Once Upon a Time yeah still one of my favorites yeah there we go we got that answer done


Still the King, yeah, Castle, NCIS


right and a whole bunch more yes you've been really busy I have I have I feel like the past five


years have been non-stop before pandemic and um yeah every show has had their


its own flavor its own lessons growth and opportunities that have led to other


opportunities so i just feel really blessed and excited for what's to come next very very important and it must be


exciting to play different roles right so you get to bring out different aspects of your abilities as an actor


and also jump into those roles i assume that must be really interesting it's really interesting and um i think as you


grow as well you know this as a woman um the opportunity to


play these roles in in different ways and um for example i started with


in Hollywood I started with a role that was just a younger girl um


the uh the daughter of a drug dealer


that was like my first role that was for a gang related for fox and um she was young and she was um


tough and then as I started growing it's interesting you start getting cast for different roles that are much more


mature and the latest one was a detective so that one was I think um


where I was like the most mature and ready to take on a role like that interesting I love that I love the fact


that you showed like you can explain how the maturity and the growth but as a woman and as an actress


you know it grows with time and you learn yeah it must be really interesting to also be on the other side of the camera i assume also absolutely i think


I mean I’ve though I just assisted assistant directed for a sitcom


um and it was really cool comedy is something that I love I


I have a lot of respect for it you know it takes a lot of work um you I think it takes a very brilliant


actor to do so I have a lot of respect for it but being behind the scenes and able to see everything happening and how


it came together right before you it's kind of like a modern family for Latinos yeah in English like a Chicano family so


it was really cool to do and being behind the camera was amazing because I


got to implement everything that I’ve learned and bring it to the actor in a simple


way right so just because and I was thinking about this this morning just because I i had


to learn all of this and it took me so long to figure it out and learn that doesn’t


mean that I’m not going to give it to an actor that's starting out in front of me in a simple way I think that helped him


that helps that helped a lot for me to direct that way sounds like that would have been helpful for you when you first started


right if someone would have explained it in that manner yes but for some reason


and I had those kind I had that kind of heap I had a director that did that for me and she really shifted


my way of thinking and my way of performing um but I feel like a lot of people have


that thing like if I went through it you have to go through it like I paid the dues you got to pay the dues and that's


not I don't see it though especially with women I think that we can support each other I had a lot of women in this


experience as directing as assistant directing and I just wanted to give them if I could just give you a shortcut I


would and I tried and i think we accomplished a lot of what we needed for the show and that's important it's a


win-win when for the on the director's side because you're adding value and then one for the actors that they grew up they grow into their role and they do


a better job and it's a better sitcom overall sounds amazing I love that adding value yeah absolutely absolutely


I think it's so important to add value in anything that you do monitoring your career and your personal life so it's


I’m really glad to hear you say that it's awesome I love that absolutely exciting


so um I wanted to also ask you I think we already talked about basically what's your favorite aspect of directing you


know yeah that and when you were just saying that um Denzel Washington says that we're in the business of service


um actors directors producers writers and lawyers and you know when we


have we know we recognize we have a gift and we use it to serve others I think it changes our whole perspective and every


day is like wait I’m not doing this for me I’m not doing this to feed my ego I’m doing this


to serve others and it changes everything so every time I would walk


into set first of all it felt so good to not have to have makeup on you know like


I was just like relaxed and this is just really me there's there's nothing else like yes all I have to offer right now


it's me it's my talent it's the knowledge and it's what I’ve learned in my experience it was really interesting


because I wasn't in front of the camera playing a character with the hair with the makeup with the clothes it was just


raw me yeah no makeup casual and saying okay this is what I have to offer you


and I want to serve you and if I have to pick up a bottle and if I have to help you guys


clean up so that we move faster whatever it is it's for the good of the project and it has


absolutely nothing to do with me but it's like a teamwork and I want to serve you and I want you to look good and I


want you to look good and I want to help here so it was really really cool to do


as an actor you're in front of the camera you're doing your work and you're staying in your lane as a character too


that's who that's a very good point because when you have to stay in character there's not a lot of socializing you can do because you're


like okay you're worried about having to cry in the next scene and you have like all these things going on in your


mind but when you're directing you're so involved with everyone you're seeing the


big picture yes yes that's exactly that's exactly it sounds like fun yeah I don't know if I’d be good at it but it sounds like fun


I think you do a little bit of that too yeah you work well you do actually in the courtroom there is some I actually


had someone say that to me one time and I I was kind of like someone said to me uh they asked me to


do like a little skit for them they were directing a small thing and they were an amateur sort of film uh film director


and they needed a lawyer and I said well you know I’ll be more than glad to help you but I’ve never never done acting and


she smiled at me she goes yes you have you're a lawyer and I was like yes so yes you know later we'll speak


about it maybe she had a bad experience with it with a lawyer but I was like well you know


I believe we all do a little bit of acting every day in our lives because


that's the thing when we start a scene when I look at a scene I’m like okay what is the objective of the scene and


what do I want and what do I have to do to get it we do that in our daily lives absolutely you do that in the courtroom


and when you close your closing statements and all that every time I see in a movie or a show like this is the


closing statement this is going to be the best part of the scene and the lawyer is like


my client yeah and it's like it's not acting as in like you're pretending but you're really


I’m advocating and I’m and I am and I am I am saying I’m telling you a story this


is this story of this case this is the story of what my client has done what they haven't done they're not being


accused of this let me remind you of the evidence let me remind you of what we've heard today it's my last chance to reach


a jury or a judge in most cases for a trial or final hearing so let me hit home on this


so you're right in that respect we are because we are directing like an opening a direct across a closing and it's all


about preparation of how you're going to present this evidence you know and advocating for a client I always try to


bring out my clients personalities if I can so that people can connect with them this is a human being you know this is


what they've been through they're a business owner uh you know they struggle every night they don't sleep at night trying to work hard this is what's going


on this is why maybe this mistake might have been made but this was not intentional and I bring out the humidity


if I can so yeah there is something and that's amazing that you do that because that connects you to the person in a


whole different level because we've all made mistakes we are all flawed in in our own ways and you trying


to say like this is we're talking about a human being here that maybe deserves a second chance or maybe didn't actually


do this or deserves an opportunity to have this and that's amazing yes yes and


a lot of times it helps people connect to really what happened let's assume not automatically acrimonious and everyone's


evil and they did this bad you'd be surprised how many times uh juries


judges opposing council opposing party they misunderstood cues and motives or discussions they


presume so many things so when you bring out the personality in somebody or what's going on that person the way they


thought or and just show them the humanity they have a lot of times that actually helps resolve cases because they'll say oh


maybe she didn't do it maybe she wasn't no tan mala she's not that bad she didn't do it like that she's evil you know what


I mean yeah so uh it helps it does help and it's yeah and it's you know it's uh


yeah you're absolutely right I guess I am directing in some ways yes you are and I admire what you do so much you're


constantly advocating and serving people and that's amazing it is and it


can be hard because some people I say uh I don't always try to I’m not always trying to just protect you from the


other side I’m actually sometimes protecting you from yourself and some people don't like don't you don't want to be told


no that wasn't right you know but it is it is it's uh I enjoy it I’ve always been passionate about being a


lawyer it's not easy but it's you know nothing nothing that's worth it is easy I was about to say that


because a lot of people are like why didn't you pick that career it's so difficult and I’m like well


first of all I did not pick it I feel like it picked me and second of all I


don't think I want to live my life just comfortable all the time there's got to be a challenge and


if it comes too easy I I question it yes usually I question the things that are too easy and it tastes so much


better when you know you've worked hard for it and you know it cost you something it was sacrificed


um I was I was listening to my friend yesterday talking about how


if you go to um if you see a lot of food on the table um and we name things like joy happiness


luxury this but then you have a plate of sacrifice a banquet and you have


a plate of sacrifice no one's going to pick that's going to pick it no one's going to pick the plate of sacrifice


but in reality someone you should pick first yes because that brings so much growth it


really humbles you it really what you do is to um connect with the person to see their


humanity if you have never been through sacrifice if you have never been through challenges in life how can you see


that in a person how can you have the compassion to connect to the humanity of that person and helping others see it as


well to determine their destiny because what you're doing in court is you're determining the person's destiny that


can change their lives forever you know I really can really can yeah so I love


this I love this conversation I’m so excited about all this I hope everyone's enjoying this so you know


speaking of sacrifice and and difficulty it seems like you also


uh you're colombiana right yes okay my parents are Colombian I was born in Miami then we started going back and


forth and uh yeah no now we're I’m in a light actually but my parents are my


mom's here in Miami and my dad's in Colombia still okay okay nice i love that


because we were talking about sacrifice and giving back and it's my understanding you have a Colombian line


of jewelry with called you know with love by Cindy yes and tell me a little bit about it that


recently started because um it happened because of the pandemic and


I wanted to create something that I could help women around the world


that could bring them business and also as well to help end human trafficking


I met two women that have really changed my perspective and actually life um


one of my pastors Sharon Nye she has an organization called justice speaks and I met Rosie Orozco she was a congresswoman


in Mexico and she has an organization as well and she rescues children from sex


trafficking and puts them in a shelter but it's actually not just a shelter but it's also


restoration so they'll have them until they're 18. um and it's amazing the work that


they're doing and I it brought so much awareness because I didn't know this was actually happening yeah um I


I heard it and I heard it and I heard about sex trafficking uh child trafficking human trafficking but I


wasn't aware until they started showing me the numbers those they started telling me the stories


and this is it became really real it was like this is actually the largest form of


slavery in our history period and it's happening right now in front of our eyes and very few people are talking about it


so um I was like well jewelry when you get a piece of jewelry someone


gives you a piece of jewelry it's actually like adding value and virtue to the person and you wear it with either


pride or you wear it with like confidence enjoyment or it's a part of your style exactly


exactly yeah defines you a little bit it's like what you enjoy mm-hmm yeah and so it's something happened so I was like


okay I want pieces that are different I want something that is brought and made


with love and something that is accessible and something that will give back and so 10 of everything that we


sell with that brand it's going back to organizations so these two women that I know that I know their work that I trust


um I’ve met the children through zoom so all of these things so I’ve trusted and was like okay ten percent of


everything here is going to go back to them and also we're also helping young designers I have a young designer in


Colombia that makes the pieces and another factory so it's pretty cool


it's like a it's a gift that keeps on giving it's moving it's moving forward slowly


because I have so much going on as well so I’m like okay let's figure out


balance here but yeah the intention is there and the love is there and I know that god is going to take that to


another level and do what he has to do with it I just felt like I needed to get it started again and then


let him do what he needs to do I agree and that's and that's how it starts uh something tells you inside this is it


directs you help somebody in this manner or maybe start this and you'll and you're kind of being


you know you're part of god's sort of plan to help and unfortunately human trafficking is


very prevalent I you know i honestly did not even understand to the extent until now I have a 16 year old daughter


that I am frightened because she'll sit on a corner texting not looking at her surroundings understanding there are


actually girls in various neighborhoods all over the united states you know that are just


picked up off corners and bands often and you know tricked a drugged you know whatever it might be it's actually very


very sad so I’m so glad that you're taking an interest in human trafficking I sometimes follow some of the other


organizations that do it I know Tim Tebow also has yes and his wife she went through an experience that


was close to maybe wow I didn't know yeah she had she had an experience that really changed her life and I think


that's why she's so passionate about it yes it's very sad and very uh very disrupting and very difficult so it's


important that our that organization also understanding family law and what goes on with children and sometimes domestic


violence situations a little bit different but in general the psychological effect on children of abuse sexual or physical is so


significant especially in the years of development that's important that we're not only obviously rescuing is the most


important thing but also helping to put the pieces back together again I love that I love that so you'll have


to give us the name of the organization I think it is yeah um and it's uh


versus well she has she has a book called blank page and I think it's versus stratus


she has like a couple so um we could maybe link it to your if you can't Instagram and yeah of course those two


and the other one is justice speaks justice space yes they're more focused than Thailand in the red district


yes of course yes yeah goodness yeah the red light district red light district yes okay


so wonderful love to hear that that's giving back that's where we're talking about that humanity yeah well we feel


like we um for me it's all giving back and also like um I just feel like we I have a


responsibility yeah as a woman and once I’m aware I feel like I have to do


something about it you know I think we all do we have to I mean I I you know it's a community that raises our


children and we help each other out and I think once we have any kind of ability even if it's just spreading the word if we can't do anything we may not be able


to physically save somebody but if we can spread the word or make other children aware or their parents aware of


these things try to stop it I know there's hand signs and stuff like that for children to learn that they've been


taken or they're being abused that they can do you know so that you can let another third party a police officer


someone know it takes all of us it takes all of us you know yeah and now you said that they


designed the signs and all that that's something I wouldn't be able to do so I get to do my part right you get to do


your part everyone gets to do their part in their own way with the gifts that were given to them yes and I think it's


so beautiful thank you so much we're going to get the name and make sure we put it up thank you yes yes


yes yes and hopefully we can help like we'll do our best as always yes um


so you're an extremely accomplished woman clearly very passionate very uh you know


understanding of humanity you like you've indicated you still remain a sense of humility and understanding


you know your role in life and also just you know you're blessed by everything you've been


given but the same time you want to give back so I want to ask you who is the person that's most influenced you in


your life um there are so many people that have


influenced my life um and in different seasons yeah I’ve had different seasons in life that


have really changed me and transformed me and


certain people have been put in those seasons to influence me in a very positive way


I think my family my friends and to be general right but


the and I don't want to get religious but once I started reading about the actual


person of Jesus Christ how he walked on earth how he


talked to people um it's so different to the kind of religion that that we're seeing


nowadays where it's very like I’ll I’ll slap you with the bible oh yeah and like hit you with the bible in the head very


strict levels is what you mean like just very it has to be this way yes but you can't put god in a box and you can't put


god in a religious box but um the person of Jesus Christ was always


willing was always when I when I read it like a script right because as an actor I


analyzed the script and I analyzed the character so I started analyzing the character of Jesus Christ and how he


walked on earth and I was like this is going to be the most important the most important role I’ll play in my life when


I’m off when I’m not playing any other role maybe I should play the role of Jesus Christ even though I’m so not like


him but I can only strive I can only try to be like him so like his


teachings this person of Jesus Christ has brought everyone else in my life


I think because of that I’ve attracted the kind of people that I’ve attracted in my life um and I know some religious people will


say that new age the attraction but it is like but it's not Eugene but


it's uh it's if I’m focused on Jesus Christ then everything else that


is added onto me will be around that the same values the same


core values the same um the same heart the same passion all of that so yeah


he he's just amazing I encourage people to actually


leaving the whole religious thing aside and going to the word and really like do


your own research of who Jesus was and why are we still talking about him 2000 and something years later why are we


some before Christ and then after Christ why is that there has to be a reason right so for me that really really


transformed me and I get more passionate about that topic than anything else because


when I hear you say you're a very accomplished woman honestly I don't feel like that I feel like I haven't even


arrived I haven't I haven't I’m not even halfway there yet and the reason why


it's because he did he showed that he didn't that he did this to serve people I don't think


if you sit in an interview with him I don't think he'll say I’m accomplished is I did this for love and it was


sacrifice and it was love and he was always willing to heal people he was always willing to uh help people and all


of that so without any expectation or anything in return he did it out of his own heart


yeah yes and so what church do you go to or what what's your I mean uh


I guess yeah I go to different churches but I don't like focus so much on one place it


depends on where I am and I always go to like just be in one accord what we say in one


accord and worship and prayer and all that but then I do feel like we are the church yeah we're the church


we walk it out right so um what I do is I have mentors I have like a couple of mentors my pastors uh um have that so


here in Miami I usually go to Vue okay food church um in la I have a church


that I go to that is radiant but I also receive from different people online I received from elevation from steven


Furtick I received from mosaic Erwin McNamar who is amazing he does he's a little bit


more for the intellect so people that are a little bit more like intellect he's amazing td jake's is uh also bishop


td jake's online so there's so many resources out there there's so much out there that


and yours should help and your suggestion is that people experience it for themselves oh well they


100 because there's so much noise right now there's so much stuff happen so many


opinions so many things that we should go to god straight and say hey can you reveal yourself to me who you really are


because I am a little bit confused about the people that are talking about you the people who are against you like can


you reveal who you really are to me please because I want to get to know you I want to walk with you and I want to


get to know who Jesus is like that very interesting okay I love that I absolutely love that I was


waiting to see where that was going to be because it is different depending on its


career personal different aspects of your life so I was waiting to hear that so were you expecting that


you were like me personally yes partially yes I I just say this


in the background yes so I want to also ask you so as an actress assistant director producer


entrepreneur and um what has been your experience with lawyers during your career


I’ve had um not so much experience to be honest I my match so it's usually my manager


will I if I get an offer so let's say I get an offer for a project and I audition


for it the next step is the production or the studio or the network will make the offer


and it'll go to my agents and it'll go to my manager and my manager has a lawyer that she works with and


entertains a lawyer and so they'll talk about it and they'll look at the contract and say okay do we


need to change something in this contract according to what Cindy wants yeah she likes all of that and so we


usually have her entertainment lawyer he's the one that will look at the contract and make sure everything's in line and then if we


don't necessarily love the offer yeah he will he's the one that will start negotiating the numbers okay alongside


with my manager okay yeah but you have at least the experience that you have a lawyer that sounds like they're trying


to understand what you're looking for as well it's not just sort of a relationship that you removed from the process and it's whatever someone thinks


they're not no they're talking to you specifically about your needs your limitations your conditions potentially


you're having some guideline or outlines I assume yes and actually you know some people I know that Al Pacino


um he doesn't even have an agent or a manager I and I could be wrong


someone can whatever but the last thing I heard was he works with his entertainment lawyer he's the one that


everything's done through him so that could also be an option you know that that's how important entertainment and


entertainment lawyers are in our industry that if Al Pacino would just go straight to him


but then again it is Al Pacino so I need an agent and I need a manager Al Pacino like i have a patina


I’m a brand in of itself yes yes but yeah he um he does that and when you were


saying i was like oh yes Al Pacino he goes straight to his lawyer yeah interesting interesting but you know


that just goes to show you in general just you know it's different different things different people in different things depending on what their needs are


what their interests are what they're also their comfort level with you know the law might be or anything


else or with contracts or with acting which Al Pacino should be very familiar with yeah and you know this if it's not written


it's not going to happen correct so right before we get to set the entertainment lawyer we'll make sure


that everything is written from your trailer to like that is these are things that


people don't know um like I am alright I already know that once I


arrived on set um I already know what kind of trailer I’m going to have because it's already been


established written by the lord negotiated it's been negotiated it's already there and if


it's not there we show the contract and we're like hey guys here's a contract it is written you need to have this here


you have it and don't have it in a heartbeat okay um so these stories I hear that you have that so-and-so and I


don't want to say who because I don't know if the story is true or not so but let's say so some singer has to have


a certain type of Evian water at room temperature it can't be more than this oh wow okay sure that happens yeah


and with the music industry it's like that too yeah they'll have their


standard they're standard contracts they're already like high up there um


some not everyone some people are super simple yeah some people are like well it's just whatever water and


something uh and something to eat I don't care okay no but then there's some people that are like white flowers and


this and that that's not my case at all um I usually I haven't had those


problems actually for my last negotiation the entertainment lawyer was like I don't even think I need to


negotiate this it's a great offer um everything's great um we don't so


usually um the studios and the networks they're very fair they know they're like


here's what we have and usually what they have is great that's great that's good it sounds like they're also listening to the interest of and


they're watching out for every detail which is really important for a lawyer I think you know sometimes lawyers get into starting well


we want this and it's an ego thing I want to change this and I want this sentence to say this and yeah and unfortunately yeah they just can kind of


get in the way under the circumstances that's true and maybe we get interpreted the wrong way so yeah yes but no


luckily my manager and her lawyer they're very they're not into that


they're just into just getting the right things watching out for me just as uh for my future and that's pretty


much it if you got a great team they are yeah I've been with them for 10 years good fantastic they love it and


I’m glad to hear you having at least it sounds like a good experience I mean to the extent that they know what you need and what's best for you and it


seems to be the case because it's been 10 years and you've been able to trust them and they're doing what they need to do it's important yeah you got to let


people do what they do yeah I can't control everything because I’m like well that's your lane I


don't know about that so I’m going to trust you and then you know we just mentioned god so you know he has the


ultimate control of it all so that's true that's very true wow it's been such an awesome conversation I got to see


where I’m supposed to be here on this next cue call


you're so great by the way thank you thank you I’m so nervous as long as I look down I think I’m okay no I think


you're amazing thank you awesome Oprah Oprah Oprah Winfrey kind of uh interviewer


lawyer thank you thank you so much I’m glad because I get so nervous but you think you've been so helpful because it's very natural you're just talking to


me so I just kind of we talk and I like it I love it and I learn so many new things I love learning things about


learning things about people and i've known you for a while as well but I I’m learning new things I love it


yeah I’m learning new things about you too and admiring more because thank you we don't really get to know each other that


until we have these conversations like oh wow you're an actual badass on the court but yeah but


did that sound like on the court like basketball court no no no it sounded like you know the bad


rear end of the accord I feel bad on the basketball court though no


soccer most water sports um yeah like it's funny because people you you're when I first met you I’m


like she's the sweetest woman on earth and then I hear that you're just a badass on the court like


in the courtroom right okay now I’m understanding okay I’m going to go


back to sleep because I haven't no no no no no it's honestly i haven't slept in two weeks and a half oh goodness well


like I have you don't look like you look fantastic so thank you I haven't slept well okay in the past


like two weeks and so because I was working I was in a way then it came back and your times time changed too much time change but also like 12 hours


on set and then not sleeping in your place you know like that that just changes that throws you off yeah so


yeah so you look fantastic for the few things i've said that maybe yeah


no no you're fine you're fine are there compliments I love them don't we just love compliments


yes yes is that your love language uh do you know you know do you know the five like the five love languages no no oh so


there's a book there's a great book um I’m sorry I don't have the author's name here but you can look it up


um the five love languages to know that and so we express our love in


different ways and that's why sometimes we feel like we're not loved because maybe we're with a partner that their


way of expressing love is through words of affirmation and the way of you receiving love is through acts of


services so they're like I love you look so beautiful oh my gosh you're amazing and then and then you're like


well why aren't you cleaning my car why aren't you cooking for me why aren't you cleaning the house so there's that


miscommunication of love even in in language so learning that and us women


we just love uh words of affirmation don't we yes we do yeah generally I know


there's some women that are like oh don't tell me that just go clean my car


well I’d like it to be followed up a little bit action yes with actually


speaking and acting yes you know so uh so yes no but I agree with you we definitely love words of affirmation but


I do think actions do speak a lot of the remarks but I do think people sometimes misinterpret like you're saying


someone shows love differently and they may be doing their best and they're speaking from the top of the mountain


that I love you but you are not used to receiving love that we're understanding it that way so you don't think that they


love you but they


and then the person feels like resented and not taken care of or not appreciated yes so it's so important to go down to


different levels of drill down with so many levels so humanity humans are so complex we are so complex and but you


know what with everything that's happened last year and everything that's happening this year and all that we've learned I think it comes down to this


one thing and it's in the word of god love and I think our greatest


mission in life is to figure it out and I think that for our generations to come


we should figure out what this word love really means and how we get to really walk it out and I think it's not


so much about because nowadays we're like oh I love pizza oh my gosh I love this oh my god I love you oh my god I


love you and it's like no what is real love and how do we get to walk it out you know correct and we show a lot of


times and uh you know it can be words can be actions but we sometimes


also it's omissions it's actually sometimes by not saying something that I may mean


and understanding when someone might need just a helping hand at the time versus the pat on the back or something


different but that takes involvement that takes depth like you said love it's depth it's not just something oh that's


pretty I love this I love that it takes you have to go beyond that I agree with you I think that's the word value in


life is yeah it's not about I have this car this house I mean these things are nice I’m not saying anything about them


at all i've been an entrepreneur myself in my life right but it's at the end of the day I think


they would be hollow or meaningless unless you have something that you're loving or you're shooting for that you're doing like my kids I adore my


kids yeah you know I am told and I have to remember as a mother and as a woman to learn to love myself as well


because to love them I have to love myself but you know we're giving we're nurturing so I think it's important and I you


know I’m learning you know you learn every day of your life yeah well what I what I learned


what i've learned and I keep learning is I can't give something that I don't have that's true so if I don't have that kind


of love for myself I can't give it away so in trying to serve others and do for others I can't really do it I’m not


really doing it because I don't have it within me I’m not offering it to myself and like what god says but Jesus said


love god with all your heart all your mind and all your understanding and love yourself as you love your neighbors who love your neighbors as you love yourself


so there's those that there's that you can't love outside of that you know


that circle of love yeah no it is a triangle I guess it is and ultimately we're not alone in this


world and there's a reason for that we're not on we're not on the planet alone yeah we're together with other people and other humans and they all


have interests and loves and needs that's important to respect everybody and each other yes


yeah it's amazing so this is an amazing conversation I love it now I thank you everyone for joining our


conversation enjoying it uh so it's been a pleasure spending time


with you and hopefully one day I’m going to be so proud I’m going to look on that stage when you're on the Oscars and I’m


going to say oh amen and I I know that actress or actor I was told to call I told I was told that actress is


okay if you're on the stage you don't mind me calling you actress or actor


as long as I get something yes right but I’ll be so proud to say I know her


no and Cindy deserves it no listen to me it's like I mean that's great but


to me the people who are out there actually putting in the work


like he's advocating for others advocating for our rights doing what you do I mean for me those


are the true celebrities the true superheroes like our everyday


working people that are defending that are defending my rights did I just say that yeah um


but yeah that's the truth I’m just like I’m looking at you and hopefully I get to play a role


like you someday where I get to feel what it's like to be in the courtroom in the courtroom yeah


um doing what you do thank you thank you I’ll have to when we start going back into court more because a lot of things


are still zoomed I got to I gotta call you to come in oh my gosh yes now just don't look at me like in shock when


you know no no no i don't think actually i don't think very few things shock me now okay


okay because I’m very sweet I like very fair I know but I love it I love it I love it


it's amazing I have a side of me that's not don't you that's great yes yeah that's a that's what we call a uh


well-rounded character with an arc so like if we create like a just one tone


character which could happen it's very it's flat it falls out flat so what I


like to do with characters is create layers to them and then all of a sudden it's like whoa


what where did that come from she was like sweet here and this here that surprised us with this and that's what


is entertaining right yes so yes yeah I love it I’d love to see that thank you


I’ll let you know once we go hopefully I have a trial coming up so we'll see but you know sometimes they get settled it's usually good in the best interest of


clients to settle things too but if it doesn't get settled then hopefully they have it in person because they keep going back and forth


zoom not zoom and uh but I’ll have to invite you yes I’d like to be here yes well thank


you so much for coming today yes I’m so excited and thrilled you came and I appreciate it very much thank


you I appreciate you yeah thank you so I wanted to let the audience know uh


we'll see you on the next episode next month we're going to have immigration attorney here uh trailblazer philanthropist Deidre Nero hopefully you


all can join us and hopefully this has been a great episode and um you've


got a lot of information about uh about Mrs. Luna Cindy Luna and a lot of different things about life that we hope


was helpful yes see you next time and don't forget to follow us on all social


media accounts and also subscribe to YouTube our YouTube channel and our podcast channels thank you again so much


everybody take care