The Christmas House

Chapter Two- Welcome to 148 Festive Lane

Barry KuKes Season 2 Episode 2

As Harry, Susan, and the children entered the home at 148 Festive Lane, Michael offered them hot chocolate and some freshly baked cookies.

      “Oh no, thank you, Mr. Carter; we won’t be here that long. We just wanted to take a quick look around,” said Susan.

      “Don’t be silly. Come on, have some hot chocolate. Please let me take your coats. Come in and sit down. There are several trays of cookies just out of the oven waiting for a hungry kid. Any hungry kids around here?” he said as he shaped his hands like binoculars and scanned the hallway.

      “I’m starving!” shouted Rose.

      “You are? And who might you be, little one?” Michael asked.

      “My name is Rose. My daddy calls me his little Rosebud. It’s cute, but I think I’m getting too old for silly names,” she said.

      “You are never too old for silly names Rose. My little girl is named Nicole Miracle, but I only use her middle name when I am upset with her,” said Michael as he winked at Harry, thinking he was Roses’ father.

      “Is she here? How old is she?” Rose asked.