The Christmas House

Chapter Three- The Carters are Out, and The Hills are In

January 24, 2023 Barry KuKes Season 2 Episode 3

Michael followed a moving truck to a new yet smaller home in Algonquin, IL, at the end of March. Algonquin was a lovely middle-class suburb just 60 miles west of Lake Forest. Michael sold the house on Festive Lane to Harry and Susan Hill, who believed the home would be a fresh beginning for the three children they had taken into their family due to the tragic deaths of their parents, Carin and Rick McCann. 

      Carin was Susan’s sister, although you would never know it. Susan, a tall and thin natural blonde, could easily have been a model in her younger years, whereas Carin was short and stocky with dark, almost black hair. Rick and Carin owned a bar and grill located on the Northside of Chicago called McNasty’s. 

      When Susan and Carin’s father died from complications from a gallbladder operation, the hospital was found guilty of negligence and the doctors of malpractice. After attorney fees were paid, each sister received around $2,500,000.00. Carin and Rick bought a bar and grill on Lawrence Ave. and renovated it from top to bottom. It had been a dream of Rick’s always to own a restaurant and bar. Rick is the source of the bright red hair that his girls inherited.