The Christmas House


Barry KuKes Season 2 Episode 8

      Thirty days had passed since the Hill family celebrated their first Thanksgiving at the Festive Lane home. Unfortunately, Lindsay’s mother, Doris, had also died during this brief period. She was placed in a hospice center on December 2nd and passed away in her sleep on December 5th.  Lindsay was at her side when her mother drew her last breath. Victor had asked Harry and Susan if Lindsay could stay with them instead of moving to Omaha to her Aunt Maria’s, but Harry and Susan agreed that they should honor the wishes and arrangements that Doris had made for her daughter. Lindsay did stay with the Hills on Festive Lane after the funeral. Her Aunt returned to Omaha to make arrangements for relocating Lindsay but felt it would be better to move her after the first of the year. Aunt Maria asked the Hills if they would mind letting Lindsay stay with them for a month while attending to the details. The Hills agreed and moved Lindsay into the guest room temporarily. Harry made it clear to Victor that he was to stay in his own room to sleep each night, or a padlock would be placed on his door and windows. Victor agreed.

      Caitlin loved having Lindsay stay at the house. Lindsay was a significant influence on Victor and was beginning to have the same effect on Caitlin as well. Lindsay was just one of those great girls that would do anything to help out a fellow human being. She was not quite as accommodating when it came to dogs. She had been bitten by a dog when she was 6-years old and ever since had been scared of all dogs regardless of size or demeanor. Lindsay shunned even Max, a very sweet dog, out of fear. A week after moving into the house, Lindsay didn’t close her bedroom door all the way, and Max pushed it open and jumped up on her bed as she laid there.