The Christmas House


Barry KuKes Season 2 Episode 18

Once outside, Caitlin and Rose stood in silence and disbelief. The warm winter night was now hot. Over 100 degrees and the sky was bright with what looked like fire. The sound surrounding them was that of a tornado of fire, filling their ears with a loud streaming freight train-like sound effect. They placed their hands over their ears to block out the sound.

      They watched as Jack held Rick three feet off the ground by his neck. Suddenly out of the sky, blended in with the firestorm, came a black chariot. Four black horses with large black wings pulled the chariot through the sky and then landed in front of the house. The chariot was driverless, but the horses knew what to do. They were larger than Clydesdales and snorted dark gray smoke, and made a horrific noise as they stomped their large hoofs onto the street. 

      In horror, the girls watched as Jack threw their father into the black chariot, and then Jack walked back to the girls.

      “I’m sorry, girls, but your father murdered Lindsay. There is no tolerance for a child of God to commit such an act, especially one that has been given many chances to follow God or follow Satan. He will now spend eternity with the one he has chosen to follow. He is on his way to hell,” said Jack.

      Caitlin was crying uncontrollably but managed to shout out, “Daddy, we love you! We will miss you! We know you didn’t mean it. Ask God to forgive you!”

      Rick replied, “You be good, my little bitches. Mind your mother, the queen bitch. And I did mean it. I just missed your mom and hit Victor’s little whore.”